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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. I just read an interesting discussion in a Windows IE newsgroup about a problem I was having with IE7 hanging my system when trying to start it up after the system was idle for a while. I would like to use Kaspersky and hopefully by the time I have to renew the license I will have enough money to pay for the update.
  2. I'll just call a Big Cat:http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/bigcat.htm
  3. SOULJA-kol sent me a PM saying that he investigates ways to get keys for software so that he does not have to pay for them. I refuse to lower myself to that of a common street criminal no matter what my fate hands me
  4. If I wanted perfect I would become a Tibetan monk and move to Costa Rica and open up a retreat where birds, butterflies and people could migrate to and news would come by paper once per month.
  5. But that involves installing some flavor of Linux and the huge learning time expenditure to figure out how to run it. Not to mention the precautions that have to be taken when installing a Torrent client that could open up an avenue for all manner of nasties to either be passed through the system or heaven forbid infect your system.
  6. I would gladly use Kaspersky but as I'm on a limited pension and its $59.95US cost would buy me quite a bit of food and I don't own a credit card so it makes it a bit hard to pay for it.
  7. rridgely, there are 10 other HijackThis ( HJT ) log approved helpers but they are conspicuous by their absence I volunteered to help but somehow I was declined and a threat to have my account suspended if I did post there and there are 4 unanswered requests for help there. When people post HJT logs they are desperate for help as soon as possible and not have to wait 8 days for an answer.
  8. Looks like you will have to modify winapp2.ini to look for OOo 2.4 as it is configured to look for OOo 2.3
  9. YoKenny

    keeping Cookies

    I'm running SP3 and that cookie behavior is the same as it was in SP2. When I look at my cookies in WinPatrol I often see multiple cookies for sites I want to keep. They don't take up much space so I don't worry about them. About once a month I clean out all my cookies then log back in to wherever I want then insure I save those cookies.
  10. Its more comfortable than Open the pod bay doors, HAL http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062622/quotes
  11. YoKenny

    Fathers Day

    http://billpstudios.blogspot.com Compare versions: http://www.winpatrol.com/whyplus.html
  12. I don't believe in If it ain't broke don't fix it. I do believe in reading then trying things out to see what happens. It prevents me from getting bored out of my mind up here on the 10th floor watching seagulls fly by and looking for something good to watch on TV. I did happen to find Black Adder this morning which I thoroughly enjoyed. By the way, Rowan Atkinson is Mr. Bean.
  13. If I remember correctly I started the latest Defragler then I clicked on Defrag and it took ages to complete on my XP Pro system so while I was waiting I started up the defrag on my XP Home system then I rebooted both when it finished and noticed the slowdown right away. I used both systems for about 1/2 day until I could no longer stand the un-responsiveness of the systems so I decided to undo the defrag that Defraggler did with the Windows defrag application waiting for the hour for them to complete then I rebooted them to find they were back to their usual responsiveness.
  14. I don't have a problem with WMP11 on my XP systems. It looks like I'll have to win a lottery sweepstakes to afford a Vista capable system as things like rent and food keep getting in the way. Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!http://www.laurelandhardy.danielphotographics.com
  15. Defraggler slowed down my XP Home and Pro systems so much that I have un-installed it on both systems and used the built in Windows defrag to restore their performance to normal. I'll stick to Windows defrag and the occasional JkDefrag once in a while.
  16. No! Please read: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16200
  17. CleanMem is gone from my XP Pro system! I did not notice any system performance improvement as it appeared to slow down in fact.
  18. I do not use a software based firewall as my ISP supplied DSL modem has a built in hardware firewall and a software based firewall slowed down my browser too much. I'm starting to like Avant browser a lot: http://www.avantbrowser.com Also read Dynamic Security Protection: Reviewing IE7 Security Enhancements: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/community...gmt/sm0306.mspx IE7 with IE7Pro has more features than bare bones Firefox that requires security vulnerable and memory hungry add-ins and extensions to equal IE7Pro.
  19. My Volume control is still in my system tray on my XP Pro system.
  20. If the winapp2.ini file is present in CCleaner's Folder and the application to be detected is present then an * will be before that application. e.g. *Avast Antivirus
  21. http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2008/06/spyware.shtm
  22. What I use avast! Home Free anti virus hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files IE7 with IE7Pro MBAM Windows Defender Windows firewall WinPatrol
  23. SpywareBlaster Latest Definitions: 6/12/2008 10466 Total Protections 33 New in Restricted Site To access Check for Updates, simply click on the "Updates" tab on the left side of the SpywareBlaster interface, and then press the "Check for Updates" button. Be sure to enable the protections offered to get the full benefit of the protection this fine program offers.
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