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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. maury, welcome. Please download Andavari's CCleaner Auto Shutdown bat file: http://www.mediafire.com/?fgcyk1tli4x See: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15155 I cant find the Auto Shutdown bat so create a file with Notepad then copy-n-paste the following code into it @echo off"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTOshutdown -s -t 10 -c "Windows will shutdown shortly"echo.echo To abort the Windows shutdown press any keyecho on the keyboard before the shutdown timer expires,echo otherwise don't press any keyboard buttons.echo.pauseshutdown -aclsexit Name it AutoShutdown.bat then run it.
  2. Its called Layered Defence I use Windows Defender and WinPatrol I also use avast! Home Free anti virus. They all work well together.
  3. I'm with the others because I like the old interface better as there are less clicks required to accomplish tasks.
  4. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/ms08-jun.mspx Updates should be available by 5:00pm EST
  5. Secunia has updated the Secunia Online Software Inspector with new rules for detecting insecure software. Run the Secunia Online Software Inspector to make sure that your system is up-to-date: http://secunia.com/software_inspector What is New: * Updated detection rules for Apple Quicktime Note: Apple Quicktime not supported on Win 2000 Needs Java Runtime Environment installed
  6. I'm a new user of avast! Home Free version and quite happy with it. I was a user of AVG Free until they insisted on my upgrade to 8.0 I tried to be a contributor to its forum but the moderators over there are a bit dictatorial. I find that the avast! forum is quite helpful but with the range of nasties out on the Internet now it is becoming very hard to not keep a system free from infection. I have left all of the settings in avast! at their default as I believe they know their application and what the latest threats are. Yes.
  7. tcoffeep, we have all been in that predicament starting from DOS 1.1 With the plethora of hardware available that has driven healthy competition between the manufacturers to provide affordable PC systems for us bewildered users that are presented with more flavors of things than ice cream. Stick around here as there are people here with lots of experience that will offer their opinions.
  8. Has a RadarSync toolbar and and Carbonite free pre-selected during install I ran it and it claimed my Intel drivers were down level but the More Info panel showed that the installed driver was more up to date I would not download any drivers unless they are from the manufacturer's site and I don't let Windows Update install drivers either. This is blatent spam
  9. I don't dual boot. Your first link does not work but the one in your signature does. I tried Ubuntu and created the the ISO CD and tried to install it on my old 500MHZ P4 256MB RAM system but I could not get it to install to the hard drive and running Ubuntu from the CD was a painful experience.
  10. Its best to ask the MBAM developers over at their forum: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=41 Way back in 2000 my laptop system was infected with all kinds of pop ups, pop downs and things that would just appear even before I connected to the Internet with my 33.6kbs dial-up modem. During reading of Steve Gibson's newsgroup I learned about Ad-Aware which I promptly downloaded and ran and was amazed to find that it removed all kinds of stuff namely Gain adware. The pop ups stopped Now in 2008 there is so much malware on the Internet that it resembles a minefield full of nasties that are designed to infect systems with all kinds of stuff from phishing sites to pay_per_click advertising campaigns. Unfortunatly Ad-Aware ( Lavasoft ) sat back on their laurels not keeping up with the rampant proliferation of malware so new tools became available like SpywareBlaster, Spybot S&D, Windows Defender and WinPatrol and now MBAM. I have un-installed Ad-Aware but I have kept Spybot S&D but only run it when new definition files become available and it only finds some cookies and MRU items that I let it delete.
  11. Welcome Anne. I have two XP systems and only I use them with one being XP Home and the other XP Pro. Humpty's tip is good but what I found was to completely disable Fast User Switching as it does take a bit of RAM to have it installed and therefore a waste of system resources. The key to disabling it is to un-check Use the Welcome screen check box referenced in: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;279765
  12. It looks good. Make sure you get all of the original holographic CDs with the Windows 25 digit key as you may have problems with Microsoft verifying XP Pro's validity. I had a laptop for several years and took it to Costa Rica when I worked there for 7 months in Nov. '99 through June '00. I could only get 33.3kbs dial-up but at least it worked until I forgot to unplug it at the first indication of a thunder storm but thankfully that was at the end of May. I have it still but it is incredibly slow as it only has a 200MHZ MMX processor and 196MB RAM running winME.
  13. YoKenny

    Mazda RX8

  14. Coffee break: <== the quality is a bit poor but the message is good David Lynch COFFEE: http://ecomm.davidlynch.com/catalog/coffee.php
  15. I have driven down to Raleigh N.C. with a days stop over in Washington DC. to visit the Air and Space museum during late August and thank &Diety for air conditioning as walking outside induced an immediate sweat just like jumping into a swimming pool. With electric baseboard heaters in my apartment I need it to prevent my nose and mouth from drying up and tasting like a Sahara desert sandstorm. There's always instant in the microwave in a pinch.
  16. We used to go to Mosport track quite a bit which is about an hour north east of Toronto and my favorite place was Moss' Corner that was the hairpin turn down at the bottom of the pic. http://bmwclub.ca/motorsport/tracks/mosport.htm You could catch a glimpse of the bikes or cars heading into the third corner at which point you could start to hear them when they would gear down to about 30MPH to make the hairpin turn then change gears to reach their maximum speed along the straight away then gear down to go along the grandstand straight. It usually was a weekend long event and camping was reasonable and even day pit passes were affordable. Over consumption of wobbly pop was highly frowned on resulting in fines and possible vehicle impounding. There weren't the Superbikes of today but they could still move.
  17. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...isrc=newsletter
  18. It has to do with the way Windows reports file allocation. Files occupy tracks that are composed of 512 byte ( ususally ) sectors: http://www.dewassoc.com/kbase/hard_drives/..._structures.htm If the sectors are contiguous then the file is not fragmented. Not all files are an exact multiple of 512 bytes. Considering that a Windows system could have 40,000 files or more then each one of those files probably has one trailing byte of data to occupy 1 byte of the 512 byte sectors resulting in a discrepancy from reported space used to actual space used.
  19. Welcome Azad. Copy CCleaner.ini in C:\Program Files\CCleaner to a Flash drive or floppy to install on a newly formated system after you have installed CCleaner.
  20. It is usually good to run the Windows defrag after cleaning out the old restore points.
  21. As soon as the pop ups started I un-installed it and downloaded and installed avast! Home free: http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html I am so happy I don't have to go to the AVG forum to see if my situation had already been discussed so that I would not incur the wrath of their forum potentates. The avast! forum is a bit better: http://forum.avast.com
  22. CLR works great but rinse it out thoroughly after its use. It is good for cleaning wick type humidifiers. Don't brush your teeth with it.
  23. Have you set the correct permissions to delete those files? Download and install Microsoft's subinacl.msi: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Use Notepad in Windows Accessories.... Although the instructions were relatively clear, I'll try and explain what to do with SubInAcl. Download the file. Double click on the .exe file to extract it. When done, open up Notepad - start > programs/all programs > accessories. Copy and paste these entries into the Notepad file: subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f Save the file as reset.cmd - go to the file menu in Notepad, and click on save. Leave the file type as .txt for the moment, but name it reset and click the Save button. Make sure to save it in the same directory as the extracted SubInAcl directory. Go into this directory, right click on the reset.txt file, and select rename. Change it from .txt to .cmd. Once done, double click on the reset.cmd file, and it'll do its thing. Hope this helps.
  24. The combination of RegSeeker and NTREGOPT would be hard to beat.
  25. YoKenny

    Mazda RX8

    I watched a news article that got high billing next to the Obama vs Hillary campaign which was about the release of 2600 workers in my town that produce gas guzzling SUVs. Also on the same documentary was an auction where a fellow tried to sell his $20,000 SUV and the highest bid was $2,400 so he left with the SUV and I guess he'll return home to park it in the driveway where he could make a sign for it Rust In Peace
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