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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Security update. Thanks for that.
  2. The best resizing tool I've seen, (if you don't already know about it), and use all the time, is Image Resizer, an ms powertoy. Integrates with windows explorer, and I've found it really useful. Link:
  3. I think you may need another shot of Ovaltine.
  4. Yep, got the same. Thanks for the input. Found that same quote last night Hazel, and stopped the process with task manager. Definitely the printer. Haven't used it again since yesterday, and the task manager entry hasn't returned, and the printer is the only thing that's changed in my startup, which I keep a regular check on. Have you seen this site:- TaskList.org. Over 18,000 processes! It's not surprising that out of that many some of them are falsely flagged as suspicious. Thanks for your help.
  5. Been following through those links you provided. Some pretty amazing free stuff there, if only I could understand what half the features did, I could get right into that. Nice links.
  6. Very similar Hazel. Scans came up with nothing. However, in sys32 there are 5 different wow** files, to do with 16 bit applications and windows 3.1 fax drvs. Launched Task Manager and unchecked "show 16 bit tasks", and it vanished. Checked the same menu item, and it obviously reappeared, so it appears that I must have launched a 16 bit application recently, in line with your link. (Thanks) Stopped process in task manager with no problems, and I'm just realising that I've installed my oldish Epson printer this afternoon, the software for which is Win 95/98/NT4.0/2000. Could this be the 16 bit application? We originally used this printer with an old win95 machine. Although googling gave many entries on wowexec.exe trojan, I don't think thats the case here. What do you think?
  7. Off to do a couple of scans, as this unusual item has appeared in task manager. wowexec.exe The unusual thing is the space before it, and the zero mem usage. Googling comes up with various different views about this, so although it's probably harmless, it's probably not doing any good either. Mind, the old Firefox looks a bit plump there.
  8. Nice one Anthony, also bookmarked.
  9. Would you believe that while I'm writing this, the sky has gone dark, the rain is chucking down, and thunder is crashing outside my window. Honestly. Have you ever had a spooky experience? Here's mine. A few years ago, my mate and I were having a game of snooker in this old building above an empty garage. As it was a small private club we all had keys, and you could play any time day or night. On this occasion it was about 1.00am, and we were the only two left in the place. So imagine, the entire building is in darkness, and the only light was the one over the table. I was down ready to take a shot at the yellow ball along the bottom cushion, with only the other colours left on the table, on their respective spots. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the blue ball roll slowly off its spot, across the table, to eventually drop straight into the middle pocket. My mate and I just froze, looking at each other. I said to him, "you were nowhere near that were you?" To which he replied, "I'm as far away from the f*****g thing as you are". To which I replied, "should we make a move then?" We very quietly put the balls away, put the cover over the table, and left. But believe me, while we were doing this all the other dark. empty rooms in that building took on an entirely different perspective. Did anyone believe our story? Nope, got the piss taken out of us for ages after that, but we never stayed late again in that weird place. This is absolutely true, and we've never been able to fathom how that blue ball rolled across a perfectly level table with no outside assistance whatsoever....
  10. Thanks Hazel, although it may be a while before we have any more spookiness.
  11. Hi runawayhorses, and welcome to the forum. Topical post for me, as I've just got rid of .net framework 3.0, which I only installed last week. I seem to have removed it OK with Add/Remove programmes, but the tool may have been a more efficient option.
  12. Been using MS Photostory 3 for quite some time. My daughter also uses it for sending holiday photos etc to her mates by email. If I can make one observation, we discovered that if you save your photostory in the "send your story in an email" format, you end up with a small file with a small image that's not very impressive. We've been using the "play back on your pc" save option as it gives a much more impressive result, and can still be attached to an email. The last one I sent my son was 800X600 and weighed in at 5mb. Of course if you made a HUGE photostory, you might have to use the email option. Hope this helps.
  13. Now there's a good idea for the "Unusual Software" guys. If only.
  14. Methinks you've done this editing before Thanks for the good info, No worries squire, but BrownSugar seems to have summed it up pretty well, in that they all appear to have limitations in which types of file they handle. Hope you find something suitable.
  15. Well, I don't think I have any use for this one Hazel, but I've downloaded it because I know a couple of people who might. Nice find.
  16. Not sure if this site is old news, although I couldn't find it with a forum search, but there's an awful lot of stuff here. I've downloaded and scanned a couple of apps, which seemed OK, but input would be appreciated. Ask the eConsultant Technical Lists: Open Source. Ask the eConsultant Technical Lists: Freeware. I've provided both links, although each section is available from the other. There's also an eConsultant Index.
  17. Hey guys, you did realize that was a plagiarized wind up....Of course you did. If I could spout like that I'd either be on the lecture circuit, or sectioned somewhere.
  18. Where did you find this little guy behind the couch? He definitely rocks.
  19. Hi User000, first of all call me Dennis, I prefer it. Secondly, apologies for you having such a hassle with Jahshaka. The fact that it had been recommended on here a couple of times previously without any negative feedback, and the fact that back on June 16th you said you were using it from the 3 or 4 suggestions given, I thought that it must be an OK programme. If you had came back then, and informed me of your bad experience, that information could have been helpful to others. We all try to help each other on here, and I did try each programme myself before posting last month, and although Jahshaka did seem to have its limitations, I was lucky not to have the same bad experiences you did. So my apologies again, but if you do have problems with any software suggested here, please come back and post your findings. For the benefit of this thread, did you find a suitable alternative?
  20. Nope, but since I went googling and came back, it's gone. Bit of late night spookiness.
  21. Spooky appearance of part of last posting appearing where it shouldn't. Weird.
  22. Nice article Humpty. Although I haven't given this a great deal of thought, a careful analysis of the process of observation in atomic physics has shown that the subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement. What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. Particles are just appearances. All things come out of the One and the One out of all things. ... I see nothing but Becoming. Be not deceived! It is the fault of your limited outlook and not the fault of the essence of things if you believe that you see firm land anywhere in the ocean of Becoming and Passing. You need names for things, just as if they had a rigid permanence, but the very river in which you bathe a second time is no longer the same one which you entered before. Do any of you guys disagree with this?
  23. Completely forgot about an Open Source programme I found for someone else on here recently. (Although a search shows that Hazel and Eldmannen first posted this last year). Anyway, it looks pretty comprehensive, and there is good support and extensive tutorials. Jahshaka:
  24. There's a programme called Avitricks Classic might do what you want. Available here: Before you download it, there's a Tutorial Video here:
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