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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Thanks for the info Andy, and for the links. I haven't been to those sites. As well as the good info, I've found some pretty useful utilities.
  2. Looks nice. Nice to have just an occasional change .
  3. This is a pretty obvious question, but how risky is it (and I realize this is a difficult thing to quantify), to buy stuff online these days. It's something I've only ever done once, but my daughter gets stuff quite often. And do all your financial details remain somewhere on your pc, or are they removed after you complete the transaction? Thanks.
  4. This little trick does something else as well. The only thing I prefer in IE7 over Firefox, is the quality of the font or text, whatever. I've tried changing to different fonts, sizes, etc etc, to no avail. Selecting clear type, as above, makes Firefox text display identical to IE7. Magic.
  5. Thanks for that. Will give it a try. The thing I've been trying for a while now, is to get both Pink Floyds "The Wall" discs onto one cd for the car, and to just stick my 'phones on and listen to the whole thing without changing disc. I did manage it with Sonic, as you can overburn with it, but I couldn't get it to not put gaps between each track. If I follow up on your previous info, (bin lossless), I'll have a greater choice of software to try, and hopefully crack this.
  6. Now I wouldn't have realized that, and no disrespect to JKDefrag, but I use windows defrag mostly now anyways, and if thats the case, and as it's already installed, I might just keep this for the GUI, which I quite like.
  7. Hazel, I hope you will accept these on behalf of all the women on the forum. (Grovel grovel). I've never tried hospital food, and I'm not keen on changing that.
  8. There you go, I've learned something else. I've always used Sonic for burning cd's, or an app I tried recently, Express Burn, and I've had no problems. Always ripped cd's in this format for the apparent good quality, but if I can use another, more widely accepted format, then that's what I'll do. While we're on this subject, do you know of a burning app that will also overburn a cd?
  9. The sofa's only temporary, might just keep my head down for a couple of days. Had to read that twice before it clicked.
  10. I knew I'd find a use for this guy.
  11. Hi slowday, I like trying new stuff, but not too sure about new defrag applications. Doing this sort of operation under Returnil or Powershadow is definitely not a good idea. I was hoping someone with test pcs might have given this a whirl, (selfish I know guys, but I've only one pc and one drive), but I've downloaded it anyway, as it has the Geek Tested green tick. Hope that's as good a recommendation as I hope it is. Have you tried it?
  12. Yep, also uninstalled. Simply wanted to burn a cd from files ripped by Windows Media Player. (wma lossless). Wouldn't have it, but there's plenty of software that will.
  13. We're on the same page again.
  14. Hi guys, I feel a bit embarrassed after all the efforts you've gone to, but I've sorted the problem myself, really quite easily in the end. I originally installed the software according to the printer manual, and that is to let the cd autorun. The obvious trouble with this recommended method is that you bypass the Wizard. Now, on my pc, the "Found New Hardware Wizard" is female. The fact that you've installed something behind her back, really pisses her off. The secret, is to let her think she's installing the software, when you are really controlling everything yourself. So while she wasn't looking, I uninstalled the already installed software, and then rebooted. Right on cue, up she pops, predictable as ever. "I've found new hardware" she says. "Oh have you dear", I reply. "Would you like me to connect to the Internet?" she says, "or do you have a disk or something you would like me to look through"? "Well, if it's no trouble, I do have a cd here that you may find useful", I reply. So, off she goes, rummaging through my possessions, to eventually pop up again saying, "I've found something I might be able to install for you dear". "Oh, have you dear", I say again. "Actually", she says, "there's a number of options here, and if you like, I'll let you choose which one I will install". "Very kind", I say, and point out the one I already picked earlier. So off she trots, merrily installing the same driver I installed behind her back last night. "Should I finish now dear", she says. "By all means", I reply, "and thank you very much, I don't know how I would manage without you." Job done, printer working great. Women.
  15. That link gave me a headache, but thanks for it anyway, that's now my last resort. First I'm trying your .ini file, and then the sledgehammer. Thanks for your help, I'll ket you know if it worked before I swing the hammer.
  16. I can see it fine. Maybe it's the image format. Mines jpeg. Am I on TV?
  17. Well maybe not, but it's pretty eye catching don't you think.
  18. As long as they're going after the big fat guys, they might give us minnows a break. Wishful thinking.
  19. Hi LUSHER, nice find. I've downloaded that and I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks.
  20. Posted about this in January. And our friend login123 provided concrete evidence in that thread of just how closely the FBI are watching.
  21. Weird!! That's the same site I started at, and I ended up at Softpedia for the download. More spookiness.
  22. Sounds like corrupted Data could be responsible. Just switch him off.
  23. Since installing my printer software again, every time I boot up I get that flaming "found new hardware" window. I installed it with its own CD, all according to the instructions, but the wonderful wizard of hardware takes no notice of the "don't ask me again about this hardware" checked box. Someone tell me how to disable this....please. Thanks.
  24. I've just downloaded an application called "cdrtfe 1.3" to try for myself, and it definitely handles VCDs. Screenshot: Under the (S)VideoCD tag, you can select VCD, and according to the read me files, although it was originally a front end for "cdrtools", it now comes with the necessary software to do its own burning. I've checked my C:/Programme files, and all the required stuff is in the cdrtfe folder. I haven't tried this yet, so I've no idea how good it performs, but it looks quite straightforward, and I'm gonna give it a whirl tonight. Another suggestion, if you haven't already done so, is have a look through "Need a Video Editor" topic a little above this one. Some good suggestions from BrownSugar on video editing stuff. Hope this helps.
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