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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. There's no accounting for taste is there? My son and I both think "Hudson Hawke" (Bruce Willis), which bombed at the cinema, was a cracking movie. There you go.
  2. I'm posting this with Maxon 2 Anthony. But after so long with Firefox, and at last having a decent typeface, (cleartype activated), I'm afraid Maxon's not my cup of tea. But, each to their own eh.
  3. Hi Hazel, I can see it. Have you got your specs on?
  4. I'm sure we're talking about the same thing: If so, have a look at that link. Although I've never used it, I hear that "Stardock Bootskin" is an OK free programme.
  5. Hi rob. Is this the window you have after pressing "fix selected issues"? In the smaller window, is that the "delete registry values" you are reffering to? If so, continue on and press "Fix Issue" or "Fix All Selected Issues".
  6. Hi rob, and welcome to the forum. CCleaner doesn't automatically delete the issues it finds. You do this by selecting "fix issues", and you can select "fix all" or do them one at a time. CCleaner is a safe registry cleaner, but it's still wise to follow the on screen instructions and save a back up before deleting. There's an online help file and tutorial available here. Hope this answers your question.
  7. Not sure if you're talking about the bootskin. If that's what you mean, there's a info in this previous topic. Change Bootskin.
  8. Tried that, sorry you wasted your time. Apart from anything else, it was a s**t programme to look at.
  9. Thanks CeeCee. I've decided I'm gonna buy that place when I win the lottery. Of course I'll take all the stuff I'll need. PC, HiFi, Widescreen LCD TV, PS3.......electricity. Actually, I've just changed the whole desktop after reading the chit chat between you and the others. Managed to get 23 items pinned to the start menu. Set "recently used" to 0. That just left the most used to fit along the bottom. I could have unchecked "show desktop items", but when I do that I occasionally get a problem with live desktop.
  10. Time for a change of scenery.
  11. Nice link. Was quite impressed by the quality of the deception. Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool was particularly clever. I was taken in myself last year when I first launched myself into LaLa land by "You're computer has been infected a virus" type windows appearing all over the screen. It frightened the life out of me, and I was in such a panic that I clicked on what I thought was a genuine AntiVirus programme: WinAntivirusPro2006. Kept the pic as a souvenir as it was the first and last time I was infected. Some other nasty came down with it and I had to format in the end. This was before I found this place. Of course there's now a WinAntiVirusPro2007, so don't be fooled as I was. Apologies for going on a bit, but I'm sure we get new folk here all the time who've never heard of these little buggers.
  12. Thanks for the link CeeCee, although I'm a 100% fail without even trying it, (windows firewall), I'v installed it in the event that I may at sometime change to a 2way firewall. I had a version of this which I forgot about when reinstalling OS recently.
  13. No my good man, your help was definitely not useless. You've actually given me, and probably a few others, a good tip on where to find stuff like that. I was being honest above when I said I wouldn't have a clue where to look for direct tweaks like that, but I've followed your link, and had a good look around the stuff in that area, and I've learned something.
  14. Hey man, sorry to hear that. I've had my fair share of hospitals one way or another this year, and I hope for both of us that it's a long time before we see them again, if ever. I'm not giving you any flowers though.
  15. I bow to your greater knowledge CeeCee, I wouldn't have known where to look in the registry for that type of tweak. After reading runawayhorses post I thought it might be less daunting, as it was for me, to use something like Tweak UI.
  16. Hey, thanks for that. Gonna give em a whirl.
  17. Hi runawayhorses, I'm sure CeeCee won't mind me suggesting another way to get rid of the annoying baloontips without going into the registry. Download an MS Powertoy called Tweak UI, and you can do quite a few things including disabling the balloon tips with just a couple of mouse clicks. After you install it, just browse through the menus until you find what you want. If you have any problems, just come back. It's what I used for that same problem. Available here. The right side column, halfway down the page.
  18. I wish I'd known about this months ago. The appearance of all text, offline or on is vastly improved with Cleartype. But of course, it's all subjective, and it works for me.
  19. Andy, you're a mine of information, thanks again. And I hope you haven't got your feet wet today. We're OK up here in Co. Durham, but you guys in the midlands and a bit further south are being pasted, again.
  20. Nice link CeeCee, bookmarked it.
  21. Yep, in that same window, I've got 4 temps showing, although I think only 3 of them are active. Maybe you don't have the sensors, or it's not accessing your chips. That's as far as I'll go as I'm about to enter the unknown (ie don't know what I'm talking about). I'll install that Motherboard app, and play around with it. Just out of interest, I've got the HD trailer for Halo, although I have never bought or played a pc game ever. (PS2 console) It looks amazing, and I'm tempted, but I think I would like to try some free demo pc downloads first. Can you, or anyone, recommend any good first person shooter demo's? Or any Tombraider type demo's? Thanks
  22. I don't think I'll defrag again straightaway Anthony, but I don't doubt you at all. I've seen the difference JKDefrag makes visually. But I don't get the same performance after using JKD, which is why I went back to using Windows defrag tool. I don't know enough to explain why one looks better, but the other one works better for me, but I think I'll stick with whichever one makes my HD run smoother and quieter, and at the moment that's Windows, or Ultra, which apparently could be the same beast with a different GUI.
  23. I was gonna say the same as JD, Speedfan shows CPU temp for me as well as hard drive. There's another freeware app called Motherboard Monitor, which monitors your CPU, available from Softpedia, but I've haven't tried it yet. There's a list of chips it can access on the download page. Link:
  24. Just tried Ultradefrag on my C: drive. Same sort of result. Before Defrag. After Defrag. Not a lot of difference visually, although the numbers said 780 fragmented down to 151. What is evident, is how lightning fast windows explorer opens folders, and how much more quickly applications load. Exactly the same improvement I get after using windows defrag tool, but not the same visual result. Don't you just love computers.
  25. Thanks for giving that a whirl Humpty. It seems puzzling that the GUI shows hardly any difference although the numbers show different?
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