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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. DennisD


    That's pretty good. Reminds me of QSound. The original QSound had a different effect when played through Hi Fi speakers. It was originally developed (as far as I'm aware), to enhance Classical Music recordings, but was never taken up by the major labels at that time. It was tried out on a number of mainstream albums, three of which I own:- Madonna, "Immaculate Collection", Pink Floyd, "Pulse" and Roger Waters, "Amused to Death". The last one I'm listening to at the moment. Apparently, albums were recorded with some form of Phase Distortion, the result being that the soundstage seemed, or indeed was, much wider than the distance between your speakers. And it worked. My speakers are about 9 feet apart, with another 3 feet or so to the side walls. The various sound effects in "Amused to Death" extend right to the corners of the room. And you wouldn't get this effect by simply placing your speakers that far apart. All you'd do is ruin the detail in your soundstage. There's an interesting discussion HERE about QSound, and it appears that Floyds "The Final Cut" was recorded using "Holophonics" by Zuccarelli Labs. I wondered why that sounded so good without the QSound icon on the label. Fascinating stuff, and a page full of info on all these methods of sound manipulation HERE:
  2. Brilliant. Funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
  3. Yes I use it, and yes I like it. Java Script I keep enabled all the time, because as mentioned above, most sites including this one use Java Script. Java itself I keep disabled untill I need it. It's actually very simple to enable/disable Java in Firefox > tools > options > content, but I like this extension because it's a visual reminder that I may have enabled Java, and obviously need to disable it again when done. Apparently Java isn't something you want permanently enabled when you are surfing the web, and this article can explain better than me why not. Complete Symantec Article:
  4. Here's one for the lovely women of the forum: Every single one a prizewinner: Read them. There's even one at the bottom half price.
  5. There's a nice little Firefox extension here which makes enabling/disabling nice and easy, and is a visual reminder in the task bar as to which of the two you actually have enabled or disabled at any one time. Link:
  6. Hi eagle, thanks from me also.
  7. Nice one Hazel. Not much will get past that. Captain? No chance. The last time I was sea- , was the last time ever.
  8. A Viking white knuckle ride.
  9. Nice to see the faces behind the music. She's quite nice, but the guy 2nd from right looks a bit scary.
  10. Thanks for the links firery, and that pic for Hazel is really something.
  11. Another dark desktop, but I like it. And I think you're right, the quicker we move onto August the better, methinks.
  12. You're just jealous.
  13. Hi Anthony, I think I did. It's not my usual sort of desktop, but after CeeCee's post I thought it might be an idea to look a bit scary for a while.
  14. You're right, I must have missed D-Day, but that sunset was definitely not a "keep away from my desktop" CeeCee kinda desktop. And that love thing? Did I say that? Must have been a "I love everybody after too many glasses of Scotch" thing.
  15. It's not just that there's so much to chose from, if you're anything like me, you'll have different stuff for whatever mood you happen to be in at the time. Pink Floyd or The Eagles? Definitely depends on what sort of day I've had.
  16. No problems here with Firefox, although I've passed on the latest update.
  17. Didn't realise you could mention more than one. Might as well join in.
  18. Well, I must confess to wearing tights myself, when I'm mountain biking during the winter. Although, I don't wear leather knickers on top of them. Not usually anyway. Edit: Usually called winter leggings. Thought I might mention that.
  19. A big yes from me as well. I've often come across "freeware" sites for example, where the downloads are really suspect because of attached adware, spyware or whatever. And of course, as far as I'm aware, there isn't anything better. It isn't always right, as mentioned by firery, but as they say, "forewarned is forearmed".
  20. Glad you gave that link, quite like her voice although they're a new name to me.
  21. Easy choice for me. Amused To Death:
  22. All I can say is watch it right through. Link:
  23. Very sharp JD, I missed that.
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