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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Got myself a peaceful weekend as my daughter is meeting up with my son and his mates for a weekend of noise and booze at the V Festival. I'm got everything crossed that the rain holds off for them. Any of you guys festival types? They wouldn't let me go with them. Can't understand why.
  2. I'm lucky, insofar as I've never had to try to recover anything, especially important or prized photos for example. If genesis has actually appeared to have recovered some pics, and although they appear to be jpegs, but will not load into the usual image viewers, is there: A: Any software (free) that will repair a damaged jpeg as far as it's possible to do this? I've found stacks of commercial and shareware apps by googling that purport to be able to do this. Or.. B: Any Image Editing software such as Photofiltre, Photoscape, Photoplus6 etc that may view them when other programs fail? Probably sounds a bit desperate, but I'd clutch at straws if I'd lost some valuable pics. EDIT: I'll provide links for these if anyone thinks it may work.
  3. DennisD


    Red Eye Remover. Simple application that does just as it says, and IMHO it does it very well. Lots of free Photo Organising programs have some sort of red eye removal, but the ones I've come across are not very good, and I include my favourite, Picasa in that. I installed (under Returnil) Adobe Photoshop SE the other day to correct my daughters holiday snaps as she forgot to set her digital for auto redeye. Binned it when I was done, as I don't like it or need it, but it's redeye removal is ok. This little gem is exactly what I needed. One important point, the site is red flagged by McAfee, but you can read the report and the comments here, and make your own mind up. I scanned this before downloading, and I did a full scan on my pc after installing. No problems at all, and on the download page, you can opt out of giving your email address etc.. I think this is a little gem for a free program. 3mb on HD. Comes with a good help file, an uninstaller, and a free Web Album Creator which you can choose not to install. Link:
  4. A program a lot of people on here use is WhatsRunning 2.2. Link: But as I mentioned, I can't really tell you what you can and can't get rid of, as we all have different stuff running, but someone else may be able to advise on that.
  5. Sorry mate, I've just gone through the whole process of physically resizing my partitions again, just to show you the different stages. I can't do any more than that.
  6. Hi speytone, you seem to be doing a good job of optimizing yourself. If you're happy as you say, just run with what you've got. As far as startup goes, you can run something like StartupLite from malwarebytes.org, but maybe first you should take a screen shot of everything in your startup and post it for someone to check out. I'm not too versed in what should and shouldn't be in a startup, but I'm sure one of the guys would help out.
  7. You obviously clicked the green check mark. OK, I,ve resized my partitions again. At this stage press "Restart now" On restarting, you should have this screen: (large pics,had to use a camera) Don't take too much notice of the time, it does change in jerky stages. Next stage is disk checking, which you can skip, but it's pretty quick. Final stage. Paragon loads automatically, and windows asks you to reboot. Job done. I now have a slightly smaller C: drive, took about 25 minutes.
  8. Windows Presentation Foundation, and Workflow Foundation was something I binned some time ago. I think you would only need them if you were a developer. I've happily lived without them for months. I also got rid of .NET framework 3. Something that came with it kept grabbing quite a bit of CPU resource, which disappeared after I binned it, and I haven't yet had any probs viewing web pages or running software. EDIT: I should add, that if you have NET 3 and you don't have problems, then maybe just leave it there, but you do need the other versions to run with it. Don't get rid of NET 1, NET 2 etc.
  9. Thanks tunerz. I got exactly the same message windows, and it puzzled me for a while. Did you do anything else after that, because I think I clicked on the green check mark above the window and then rebooted. I'm gonna do this again if I have to, because it's p*****g me off that I can't remember exactlty the final thing I did. Let me know if you try that or not, but if not, I'll come back to you. Watch this space as they say.
  10. DennisD

    yardım edinnn

    I'm still expecting mr vedo to come back and say "hi guys, that was fun". firery, that's hilarious, I knew that stuff I found was something to do with avatars, but that's a cracking almost translation.
  11. DennisD


    Should I slink away with my tail between my legs? Or maybe log in as invisible for a couple of weeks until this has been forgotten. Nah. Honest mistake, in future I'll try to... But I can't promise. Please accept my most heartfelt apologies.
  12. DennisD


    Hi Linda, welcome to the forum. That was easy wasn't it. Hi airport101, I think your radar must be a bit off, I thought this was the Recuva section.
  13. DennisD


    Reminded me of this one Humpty, which some may have seen before, except this "helmsman" didn't get off so lightly. The music fits perfectly.
  14. DennisD


    Mediajoin. A nice little application for joining various audio and video files together, and if you like, output them in a different format. It's fast and seamless. I did mention this in a previous post about joining wav files together to get both "The Wall" discs on one cd, but as there were no replies, I assume you miserable gits must have missed it. And for our Australian viewers, "git" is not a swearword. Fair dinkum? Mediajoin:
  15. DennisD

    yardım edinnn

    I could be way off here, but those smilies make me think Mr vedo could be having a laugh.
  16. Hi speytone, I've never used this program, so can't comment on it, but we can probably give you some advice if you let us no what sort of stuff you already run on your pc. Do you use CCleaner "cleaning" and "issues" features for example, do you run an AntiSpyware program, do you have any other registry cleaners? Do you carry out an occassional defrag. Is your pc running noticeably slower? You can do a lot of optimizing yourself, with a little advice. But I'd be wary of programs that find a lot of stuff, especially in the Registry, if you don't know too much about what they are actually finding. Hope this helps.
  17. This guy wasn't blind drunk, but....... see for yourself. Article:
  18. DennisD


    And for my next trick.
  19. I have no idea if you can use it in safe mode, but I'd like to find out why it's not working for you if you don't mind indulging me, and letting me know if Paragons doing the same thing for you as it did for me. Step 1: (I know, it's pretty obvious) Step 2: Select the partition you would like to enlarge. Step 3: Select the partition to take space from. Step 4: A visual review of the change you're gonna make. Step5:Finish. If this is the same procedure you did step by step, can you give me a screenshot of the Paragon interface after the wizard window has closed down. I seem to remember that the next step wasn't too obvious, and I didn't want to go too far with those screenshots in case I couldn't stop the process after pressing finish. I think there's another button to press, and then you reboot and the Paragon Engine takes over as your pc reboots, but I want to be 100% sure.
  20. Simple in my case, I still have the installer package, and I never had a problem with it.
  21. Starting this new thread as a continuation of the "Vista gets a Public Challenge" one. Lot of good stuff there on chess programs, but I'm way off topic if I post there again. Some good looking stuff here, about a third of the way down the page, which I found from one of firery's links. Thanks mate. lotse and I were puzzled about "bitbases", which are on the "Slow Chess Blitz" web page. I downloaded a zip file of these, and unzipped them to the Slow Chess Blitz folder. If I double click these files, they each open the Slow Chess GUI in a new game, but what exactly they do from that point, I've no idea although they obviously have something to do with endgames or endgame strategy. I've seen other, different filetypes, which probably do the same in different engines, but once again this is new to me. Up until finding Slow Chess, which I think is a pretty good program, I played against the PS2, so the internet world of separate chess engines and separate GUI's is something I haven't encountered before. Any enlightenment would be appreciated. Thanks.
  22. DennisD

    yardım edinnn

    OK vedo, I give in.
  23. DennisD

    yardım edinnn

    Hi vedo, and welcome to the forum. arkadaşlar hazır avatar y?kleyebilirmiyim yada kendimmi hazırlamam gerekiyo eğer hazırlamam gerekiyosa ne olarak kaydedicem, photoshopta yapabilirmiyim ,siteye nasıl alıcam yardım l?tfen. (I have no idea what I've just said, but I've no doubt I'll find out).
  24. You'll have to forgive me for reviving this, but I've a new favourite. And I'm not interested in what it means or doesn't mean politically. It's simply an album of cracking songs and soaring guitars. I've also got the DVD of the 2005 Milton Keynes concert. Brilliant. Watched and listened to nothing else for the past week. My sons a big fan, and I've only just started listening to this album properly, but who cares. Better late than never.
  25. Hi Tunerz, I carried out this operation successfully a few months ago. I'm not sure what you've tried exactly, so I'll start from scratch. Select "Advanced Partitioning Tasks" from the left menus. Select "Redistribute free Space". You will then have the "Wizard" to guide you through the process, and it's pretty straightforward if you take your time. But, if you are unsure about anything, please come back. Hope this helps.
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