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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Tom, if you went to your tools/addons menu, although the uninstall button is greyed out, you can right click in the site advisor area, and the uninstall button is in the menu that appears. I'm puzzled about uninstalling it because of pop ups. I've got the free version, and I don't get any pop ups. This subject came up some time ago on here about Site Advisor showing a nag screen before taking you to it's site to check out an address, but apparently it only happened about once a month or something, although it dosen't happen at all now. I've tried a forum search, but can't find those posts. Maybe JDPower, rridgely or Andavari may remember, because it was p*****g every one off until JD pointed out that it wasn't permanent. Sorry I can't give any more details than that, but I'm definitely puzzled about the pop ups, as this is a pretty valuable guide to a sites integrity, albeit just a guide.
  2. The true ones are the best ones LuLu. I've seen some cracking serving suggestions over the years.
  3. I notice you don't mention a Rootkit scanner, and I'm not sure if any of the programs you mention include one. One of the other guys might want to help here who have used those applications. Personally, I'm using Spybot Search & Destroy, Antivir with Rootkit Scanner, and AVG free Rootkit Scanner. The only things I ever find are tracking cookies, and CCleaner usually gets rid of those.
  4. Hey CeeCee, that last desktop (sunset), had me worried. "Evil Dead". That's the CeeCee we all know and love.
  5. I've just stuck a pin in myself to see if I'm dreaming. OUCH!!! I'm awake. This conversation is actually taking place.
  6. Did you have to uninstall those Certs when you got the upgrades? Kiddin'. Whatever you post in future, I agree.
  7. I must be leading too sheltered a life at the moment, didn't know there was a new batman movie. But I'm a fan of Heath Ledger, (The Patriot, Ned Kelly) and I would never have recognized him from that picture. Hope it's a dark movie. Quite liked Batman begins.
  8. DennisD

    Home pages

    Some good suggestions there guys, thanks. My new home page: Neat touch is the sky darkening in line with UK time. If there's any more input, I'll still be looking.
  9. DennisD

    Home pages

    You're absolutely right, which makes this more strange. I've logged off, closed down Firefox, renamed hosts file back to hosts again, and now I'm back I can still see his pictures. Seeing them with hosts disabled was just a weird coincidence. Why I couldn't see them in the first place is back to being a mystery. Edit: No idea Tyler, I can see them all the time now as you can read above. Weird.
  10. Just for you: Don't ask what this picture is, but site works great.
  11. DennisD

    Home pages

    Problem solved. It's the hosts file blocking it. Just been away and renamed hosts file, and I can now see Tylers pictures.
  12. DennisD

    Home pages

    Thank you kindly lotse.
  13. DennisD

    Home pages

    You're kidding me. Can you see something in that post JD? Edit: You might have something there lotse, don't use the home page that much really.
  14. DennisD

    Home pages

    I can't see anything.
  15. DennisD

    Home pages

    I like that idea firery, thanks. You guys on the other side of the pond must be on something, and it's definitely not Ovaltine.
  16. DennisD

    Home pages

    Just curious as to whether any of you guys have any interesting "home pages", as opposed to the usual MSN, Google, Yahoo etc.. I've always liked the Yahoo home page, but recently it seems to be constantly trying to load something. Maybe it's trying to find a way around my hosts file. Anyway, I'm sure some of you guys must have stunning home pages, or boring ones like me.
  17. Just for stuff on your pc Tyler, but worth having.
  18. If you want to change your horses, have a look here:
  19. Hi David, that red shield and popping noise can also be your Automatic Updates. Press Start > Control Panel > Security Centre > Automatic Updates, and see what your settings are. If they're set to off, you will get that red shield appearing in your system tray, and the accompanying popping noise.
  20. Thanks, I've bookmarked that.
  21. Hey, that site's good, because that pic opened really quickly and the web page is clean and nice to look at. Glad to help, and "xs.to" can shove their google ad where the sun don't shine.
  22. Never heard of it, but gonna have a look. Thanks for the link.
  23. fireryone, my upside down friend. That's a cracking reply, but not quite what I was expecting.
  24. I've just checked in My Pictures folders Hazel, and I was really hard pushed to find a photo/pic bigger than 1.5mb. I managed to, and it took a couple of seconds to resize a 2.29mb image to 97kb (still 1024X768) using ms image resizer powertoy. I even resized it in the explorer window just before uploading it, and being only 97kb it went up really fast. This is the best resizer I've seen, as it's integrated into your right click menu. And it makes a resized copy, doesn't touch the original. So that's a quick and easy solution to anything too big, and I've registered on that sight which gives access to everything you upload. I actually quite liked xs.to, but I've posted two topics recently about an intrusive google ad I've encountered on that sight, which is why I'm changing. Oh yes, the other benefit of registering on freeshare.us is multiple uploads, which could be useful. I hate Image Shack. When viewing members pics, I find it painfully slow compared to anything else, and on top of that, after downloading from that site I invariably have some popup ad such as poker.com or whatever, sitting behind my open windows. And I have MVPS hosts file, Adblocker plus, and popups blocked in Firefox. I find that really intrusive. Hope this helps.
  25. Thanks for the link lotse, I'm gonna change to this site. Has a nice look to it.
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