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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Couldn't find the Home Edition on that site. Appears they no longer do it, or support it. Found the free 2.2 version at MajorGeeks and Softpedia. Sorry if I've missed it on your link, but thanks for the info, and hope this helps.
  2. Windows Firewall. Antivir Free. (which includes rootkit scanner). Returnil. (brilliant for trying new software as well). Powershadow. (not used so much since getting Returnil). AVG Antirootkit. SpywareBlaster. Spybot S&D. MVPS.org Hosts File. McAfee Site Advisor. Common Sense. Free. Edit: Java disabled.
  3. I don't know, yet. I've only noticed that file and downloaded it since I checked the link in that post, and had another look over the site. Off the top of my head, I would say maybe examples of interesting end games, but the term "bitbases" is new to me as well. I'm gonna have a look at it later. One thing I'll mention about Slow Chess, is that while "thinking", it just about maxes out CPU resources. At the moment I've 512mb. I wonder if that's the same with all Chess programs? Edit: Sorry lotse, forgot to mention, no, you don't need the "bitbases" to play.
  4. Thanks Hazel. If I don't do something straight away, you can guarantee I'll forget about it, and that includes looking through links.
  5. DennisD

    Weird Animal

    Interesting page that Humpty. Was just watching something the other day about stuff that lives way down in the deep. Angler Fish: Scary.
  6. Enough already, the scaffolding tower had me choking on my sandwich.
  7. I made that up and you've found one!!!
  8. DennisD

    Fair dinkum!

    How to speak English in Australia. Edited by poster for our younger members. Values Australia:
  9. Magic. Could start a new section in the Guiness Book of Records with that. Could get quite a few if they balanced it right, and left their brains at home.
  10. I've started playing Chess again just recently, (very rusty), and the only chess program I have is "Slow Chess Blitz", which I found a couple of months ago. Don't know how it compares to others, but seems pretty good, and is a complete program in itself, and free. I hope that makes sense, as I'm only just discovering the seperate GUI's and Engines world of Chess. Link: If you guys could guide me to anything else, I'd appreciate it.
  11. Nice one Hazel. Thanks for the link. Whoa, I can feel your excitement rippling across the pond. And I'm only saying that because I'm a long way from Iowa. I'm looking forward to trying this.
  12. Didn't quite work out the way they expected. Called it an Octopus or something.
  13. Hi firery, I downloaded this the other day, and omitted to thank you for the link. Although I haven't actually gotten round to trying it yet.
  14. Yes Tom, me. That picture above shows it installed under Returnil, as I wasn't sure what it was going to be like. But since then, I've reinstalled it for permanent use, as I like the look of it, the configureability of it, and in edit > prefs > rendering, you can set the resolution for laptops/LCD screens (clear type?), which really makes a difference. I was gonna have a run with PDF Exchange Viewer, but it was using slightly more ram than Adobe, with the same 140 page document loaded, and with the page display setup the same. If I hadn't gone for Adobe because of its superior render, and virtually equal ram usage, I would have gone for PDF Exchange, as IMHO it is also a very good program. But bear in mind, my choice is based on what I require of a PDF Reader, which may be different from others. But, Adobe Reader 8.1 Lite is everything I want. Hope this is useful.
  15. Fascinating stuff LuLu, what will they come up with next? I remember a while ago, scientists using similar genes created a cat with 8 legs. You being a cat person, I thought you may have heard about it.
  16. It's not a case that it matters. Like a lot of people on here, I like to try new stuff, and I like to change apps just for the pleasure of using something different. Why do you change your wallpaper? On your desktop and at home. Why change anything? It's nice just to do, or use, something different occasionally. And sometimes, as Andavari says, you might want something better.
  17. Not many people put info in their portals, and that is of course a matter of personal choice. Truth be told, I imagine most of you guys to look like your avatars, but it would be nice to at least know where everybody comes from. Don't want your address, as I don't plan on dropping in for tea, and a photograph might scare the younger members. I've got a small app called Microsoft Time Zone (there are other similar apps), and it's interesting to know the time differential when there's a few guys on together, and don't forget, I think it's easy to take for granted how far this band of misfits is spread across the globe. In fact, reading some of the posts, it could be further afield even than that. Y'all don't have to reply here, just stick it under your avatar if want to oblige, and the more specific you are, the more interesting it is. Please note, this is just a friendly request, and no worries if anyone disagrees, or likes things the way they are.
  18. Just came across something else following through some of the links on that page. An Adobe Reader 8.1 Lite. I don't think you'd get this from Adobe, and you can save the file and install it from the desktop. Details: Running a 140 page document. I haven't tried the full version from Adobe. If anyone has, maybe they can say how it compares. Link: DivShare File - ar81lite_eng.7z
  19. Came across this site while looking around for alternative PDF viewers to Adobe 7, and the popular Foxit PDF Reader. The guy who put these comparisons together put a bit of effort into it, and I think it's pretty useful. DonationCoder.com:
  20. I'm not really sure what's causing your problem, but I get a similar thing happening on Skype talking to my son. Instead of a mike with speakers, I use a mike with headphones (cuts off the speakers). Doesn't really cure the problem, but it's a possible workaround. Slightly off topic, but are you any relation to rridgely?
  21. DennisD


    BLOODY HELL!!! The virtual haircut nearly gave me heart failure. When it started, I was sure someone was in my bedroom, just behind my right shoulder. My heart is just beginning to slow down. Wow! Edit: These are better effects than above. (sorry), but the matchbox actually goes round the front of you as well as the back and sides.
  22. Hi Robbie, I'm pleased I'm not a football fan, although Roy Keane is doing a good job, but unfortunately the Premiership is another planet, and they don't have Premiership quality in the side, yet. The Boro. I hate that area of the country, and sadly anything that goes with it. With your new manager and recent signings, there may be some silverware in the cabinet at the end of the season, for a change. Edit: For my sons sake I hope so.
  23. Here we go again. I can't see a picture. Anyway, I like most motor sports, but head and shoulders above everything are Motogp and Superbikes. The speed, the close racing, the gut wrenching 180mph spills, it has everything. I still watch F1, but not as big a fan as I used to be. Too much of a procession. Main excitement is in qualifying, and I wish it was different. It could be so much better. Love WRC, but very limited coverage in the UK. 30 min highlights is the best we get. Almost forgot: The Isle Of Man TT Race: Scariest racing on the planet. If you haven't seen this before, watch the 26mb (best quality) video at the bottom of the page. Mind blowing.
  24. CeeCee, can you not do the same thing with Photostory 3? I've got WMM, but I never use it.
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