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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Only got some of them Hazel. Deleted them. This thread gives me the opportunity to raise a point about .net framework. I've got net framework 1.1, 1.1 hotfix, net framework 2, and net framework 3, and I've wondered for some time if all versions are required. Been googling around for a while tonight, (nothing on the tv worth watching), and the nearest thing to an answer was this article. Link: The answer appears to be yes, we need 'em all.
  2. I've mentioned a number of times in other threads that I use Windows Firewall, and I wouldn't change it. Yes, it's only for inbound stuff, but when new programmes I've installed dial out, Windows Firewall has always blocked them from downloading.
  3. Hazel, I owe you an apology. I never looked closely at this because I thought it was a link to some info on safe mode, which I'd already tried. Don't ask what made me come back to this post, but I'm pleased I did, as there's a lot of info on that site.
  4. Congrats to both you and TwistedMetal. Nice one.
  5. Hi MSOFTSUX, and welcome to the forum. Thanks for the tip.
  6. Seems to be a server error with that link, although it is the right one. Hope it comes back on.
  7. PhotoPlus 6: Free Serif Software This prog sounds familiar, although a forum search came up with nothing. It's completely free if you register, and seems to have a lot of features and effects, including layers. I've installed this, and I quite like it. If it's been on here before, sorry guys, but lost all my bookmarks recently.
  8. Think yourself lucky. Pretty much the same here plus a lot of rain, and it's midway through summer.
  9. Lost all my bookmarks recently, but found it. Madagascar:
  10. Awsome mate. (One of your own creations. Only fitting.)
  11. Sorry for the delay in replying Lulu, been away for a few days. Tell you the truth, I can't remember, but I'm gonna have a look. I'll come back to you.
  12. That's an imaginative creation. You have to admire someone who can conjour up a completely new way to look at something ordinary. Nice find Hazel.
  13. "It's behind you !!" Magic. That's the cry usually heard at pantomimes.
  14. I've never directly deleted any registry stuff, but I think my accidentally trying to uninstall Norton while Returnil was active may answer your question as a lot of reg entries were deleted. I was watching them disappear as the Symantec removal tool did its thing. When I rebooted, everything which appeared to have been removed was still there, and I had to remove Norton again. That's as much as I can say JD, but I've no doubt Mike will be having a look back here again, and will probably confirm that Returnil System Protection "clones" the entire OS which I would think includes the registry.
  15. I was wondering why you needed magnifier when you have Ctrl > mouse wheel. Then I realized the obvious: Doesn't work off line.
  16. Edit: Have you ever posted something, logged off and gone for your tea, and then realized that you had missed the obvious? Just done that. 'nuf said.
  17. CeeCee, that's definitely different. Wouldn't go near your pc. Mine:
  18. Thanks Humpty, that reminded me I haven't reinstalled AVG AntiRootkit.
  19. Hi Mike, nice to see you back again. Just to answer your points, I did defrag the hard drive before I installed Returnil, and subsequently mounted the Virtual Partition, and I still got the effects I explained. I have wondered since, (and bear with me here), if the VP isn't recognized by the Operating System in the same way as normal drive space would be, because when I removed the VP, and analyzed the drive again, it wasn't fragmented at all. The visual info the defrag window gave me was a huge single block of red to the right of the usual blue/green display. This was obviously the VP, which the defrag tool thought was severe fragmentation, and the drive, from the sound of it, was treating it as such. I'm probably talking out of my backside again, but I can only tell you the impression the VP gave me, and I take your point that it is an optional tool as opposed to the main function of Returnil. The System Protection feature is absolutely superb, and I accidentally gave it a pretty good test last week after having to do a OS reinstall. Returnil was one of the first applications I installed again, followed by the removal of the pre-installed Norton Security Suite. I removed that with the Symantec removal tool, and I forgot that Returnil was active at the time, only realizing when the Removal Tool had already started, and you can't stop it. When it was done, and it removed an awful lot, I re-booted, to find Norton still there, as if nothing had happened. So it works perfectly in both directions, and for the folk who know even less than me:- if you delete stuff, it's still there when you reboot, just the same as if you install stuff, it's gone when you reboot. Thanks for a great application Mike, I use it all the time and IMHO is a fantastic tool. Dennis
  20. Looking forward to it even more now.
  21. Cracking find JD, I love useless stuff. Humpty....fireryone? Isn't that the right way up for you guys?
  22. Nice. I'll get a pic of my baby, an Earthfire electro acoustic with a beautiful Tiger Stripe front. Not very expensive, but really lovely to look at, and to play finger style. Have never used a plectrum, ever.
  23. You've mentioned this guitar before Jago. I know a little bit about guitars, tell me more.
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