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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. That's pretty clever, and must have taken an age to put together.
  2. DennisD

    Bump Keys

    Apparently, these things have been around for a long time, although this is the first I've heard of the technique. This is one bump you definitely don't want to hear during the night. Article.
  3. You're not alone there.
  4. Hazel, you're still a star. I'm a regular Divx user, and already have the bundle, but with only a trial on the Pro aspect of the Codec. That expired ages ago. Great find. Thanks
  5. Went to see that just a couple of days ago. Didn't stay until after the credits either, although I'm not that fussed. I watch these movies for one thing only, Jack Sparrow, especially when he's running. I might even buy this: Maybe this one for Lulu: And not to leave Rridgely out: And while we're still just slightly off topic, Orlando Bloom in Kingdom of Heaven. Pretty good.
  6. Humpty, that's an absolute prize winner.
  7. Hi Talldog9, welcome to the forum. Nice idea, here's mine minus update stuff. Ad-Aware SE Personal Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Reader 7.0 Adobe Shockwave Player ArcSoft VideoImpression 2 Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 ATI Control Panel ATI Display Driver AusLogics Disk Defrag AutoUpdate avast! Antivirus AVG Anti-Rootkit Free CCleaner (remove only) Compaq Multimedia Keyboard Software DivX Codec DivX Content Uploader DivX Player DivX User Guide DivX Web Player DivxToDVD 0.5.2b DVD Decrypter (Remove Only) DVD Flick DVD Shrink 3.2 DVDFab Decrypter DVDFab HD Decrypter easy Internet sign-up FastStone Capture 5.2 FastStone Image Viewer 3.0 FLV Player 1.3.3 Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer HD Tune 2.53 High Definition Audio Driver Package - KB888111 HijackThis 2.0.0 HP Software Update HpSdpAppCoreApp IconTweaker 1.11 IE7Pro Image Resizer Powertoy for Windows XP ImgBurn (Remove Only) Internet Services InterVideo WinDVD Player Java SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1 LightScribe LiveUpdate 2.6 (Symantec Corporation) McAfee SiteAdvisor MediaMax XL Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Hotfix (KB886903) Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP Microsoft Time Zone Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework Feature Pack 1.0 Microsoft Works Mozilla Firefox ( MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB927977) Norton Security Center Paragon Hard Disk Manager 8 Special Edition PC-Doctor 5 for Windows PhotoFiltre Picasa 2 PowerShadow PS2 Python 2.2 pywin32 extensions (build 203) Python 2.2.3 QuickTime Alternative 1.78 RealPlayer Realtek High Definition Audio Driver Registry Mechanic 6.0 Sandboxie version 2.86 Skype 3.0 Skype Plugin Manager Sonic Express Labeler Sonic MyDVD Plus Sonic RecordNow Audio Sonic RecordNow Copy Sonic RecordNow Data Sonic Update Manager SpeedFan (remove only) SpeedTouch USB Software Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.4 SpywareBlaster v3.5.1 Streamripper Plugin 1.62-beta-4 (Remove only) SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition System Requirements Lab TalkTalk Assist & Go Total Uninstall 2.35 Unlocker 1.8.5 USB2.0 PC Camera (SN9C201&202) Veoh Player WebFldrs XP Winamp (remove only) Windows Communication Foundation Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB905474) Windows Imaging Component Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Windows Internet Explorer 7 Windows Live Messenger Windows Live Sign-in Assistant Windows Media Format 11 runtime Windows Media Player 11 Windows Presentation Foundation Windows Workflow Foundation ZipGenius 6 ( ZSoft Uninstaller 2.3.4 You know, there's a couple of things here, I've no idea what they are. Windows Presentation Foundation ? Windows Workflow Foundation ? Time I found out. Edit: So much stuff ! Gonna have to trim some of this.
  8. My first thought when I looked at that pic was a flying frog. Nice pic in closeup.
  9. Thought there might be JD, although I've never been. Thought I might just gently wind up the Firefox knockers for a change.
  10. That's twice I've had to hang on to my chair.
  11. Not really my cup of tea either, but I love these useless bits of information that sit there in the dark recesses of your mind just waiting for someone to press the trigger. Or, as rridgely would say. Maybe that's just me. I'm really a fan of Giger type art, and I've found some really "imaginative" stuff over the last few months, although nothing distasteful I hasten to add. Edit: Yep, cool pic. Edit 2: Hope you didn't mind me paraphrasing you rr. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
  12. Going back to a recent topic, Bob Segers "Against the Wind" was one of the albums I raked out, dusted off and started spinning again. Great album, great performer. Another one of my favourites. However, the point of the topic is an artist I came across recently, who paints some pretty good morphing horsey pics. And what should be sitting on the page? This is yet another gem of useless information I've found for you guys that one day you can slip casually into a conversation. "Mmmm yes, "Against The Wind". Jim Warren painted that. Jim Warren:
  13. Thats the closest I've come to falling off my chair. I just got this mental image of mammy and daddy grasshopper looking down at their rainbow coloured kid and thinking "What on earth is that?" Poor kid, he'd be like a neon sign to every bird in sight.
  14. Hey Hazel, I noticed Tux Paint down near the bottom of that list. Wouldn't say no to "someone" doing me a new desktop.
  15. I'm one of the people who can't get Opera to connect to the Internet at all, although I have a direct connection, and I've configured Firewall etc. etc. Anyway, I've no intention of changing from Firefox. Just curious about Opera. I joined the Opera forum to see if they could suss out why this was happening, but with no joy. Although there were others with similar problem to mine. What I did notice was the number of people who were having problems with Opera, especially with the recent versions. All sorts of problems. Anyway, as Firefox is running super smooth, and my pc's still clean, I thought I'd put my two penneth in for it. Everythings definitely not rosy in the Opera garden, although to be fair, I've never been to the Firefox forum. Is there one? Maybe there's no need.
  16. Interesting find that Hazel. It was more interesting when I realised you can drag that square around. Once you start playing with the drop down menus there's a wealth of information on that site. Thanks for the link.
  17. Camera zoom eh. Why didn't you creep up closer because the colours on that thing look really good. Maybe the snakes put you off. I'm gonna drag my grasshopper pics out now which you may have missed. I can hear the groans already..."Not again" Anyway, this guy jumped across the kitchen bench right under my nose when I was dog sitting for my son last year. I kid you not, I nearly had a fit. Took 10 years off my life. When my heart stopped thumping I managed to catch it under a pint glass, and took a few pics. I've never seen a guy like this before, or since, although it's just your ordinary grasshopper. Pretty attractive when you click on the close up though. And I did take him to the bottom of the garden, gave him his freedom with a strong warning not to come back.
  18. I think we're batting on the same team here. Can't put my finger on it exactly, but things don't seem as smooth as they were before, and to be truthful, I was fine security wise before I installed it, free or not. Anyway, it was an interesting exercise, although I hope it's working fine for those who keep it.
  19. Hi AndyMack and welcome to the forum. Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 supports the burning of .cue, and it's a full commercial product available free until the 21st June. In case you missed the thread, credit goes to Hazelnut. Download details from here: Dunno how small an application you want, but this one is 27mb on your HD and an absolute snip.
  20. The old format actually works better than the beta now. Much smoother, and no Yahoo Chat.
  21. I'm pleased that some of the good guys are finding these flaws. This is probably a perverse thought, but if everything in lalaland was completely and permanently 100% safe, it would be too easy. You guys who work your magic on infected PC's must get some real satisfaction out of helping people get clean, and keep clean, and I know I can't be the only one who gets satisfaction out of finding and using good malware protection to beat the bad guys. Would taking all the bad guys away be a good thing? Of course it would, but it would be a shame to lose that feeling of satisfaction you get when you beat the b******s. Have I taken a wobbler here? Nope, just the enlightenment of half a dozen single malts.
  22. I think the majority of regular internet users should have some knowledge by now about not opening anything they're not 100% sure of, but they are gonna hit a lot of new users. If it doesn't already exist, there should be an in-depth tutorial on this subject whenever someone boots up a new PC for the first time. I bought my PC last year, and there was no real advice about this type of thing when I first booted it up. I was lucky I came across a place like this before I fell foul of the malware maggots.
  23. Are any of you guys using Yahoo mail beta experiencing the new tie-in with Yahoo Msgr and Chatrooms? Every time I log in, it tries to load Yahoo Chat (although I don't even have Msgr) which I have to cancel each time. So fed up with this I've switched back to normal mail. I clicked a link which was supposed to un-tie me from Chat, but hasn't worked. Change Mail? It would be a real pain having to do that, but it's looking likely.
  24. An observation for anyone planning to convert Divx to DVD using either DVD Flick or VSO DivxtoDVD. Done a few conversions now, with the following results. No conversion or burn failures. Everything has played fine on standalone DVD player. Sound is absolutely perfect in every conversion. Sharpness and colour are as good as the original Divx. The only minus point I can give the process is in horizontal movement. I guess this is related to the quality of the original DVD to Divx conversion, and the amount of compression involved. The effect is a very very slight jerkiness of lateral movement across the screen. If you're not a perfectionist, you probably wouldn't notice it. (Until now ) VSO DivxtoDVD makes a smaller file than DVD Flick. If I knew how to set up a menu with IFO Edit or suchlike, I could get 2 movies on 1 disk. (Looking into that at the moment). Using Shrink 3.2 I've gotten two movies down a few meg to about 2.3gb each with no discernible difference in picture quality. Anyway, as it takes some time to do a conversion, 2 hours with a 90min movie with DVD Flick, I thought it might be helpful to pass on my experiences. Open to any constructive comments if anyone wants to pass them on.
  25. I've no idea, but I've just noticed the "threat control protection log" says the threat was triggered by Firefox.exe. It didn't trigger when I booted Firefox, only when I began typing a post on here, and although I didn't check the "remember this answer" box, it hasn't reappeared. Probably just flexing its muscles.
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