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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Yep, pretty good, although I've just switched from their mail beta to the old one because of the tie in with Yahoo chat. Every time I accessed my mail I was being instantly connected to their chat rooms. Don't even use Yahoo messenger. There is a link to sever this tie in, but no surprise, doesn't work. Gonna try and move permanently to maybe Gmail, but it's a bitch having to tell everybody. Off topic here, but I've just woken my daughter up (in the real world). More than my life's worth not to sign off. See you later.
  2. Ad Trader is a nationwide sell/buy anything publication here in the UK, although each region has its own edition covering only a certain area to keep it "local". On top of this, is it's web site covering the whole country. And it's free to private advertisers. Why am I telling you this? I've just had a call from a guy in Swansea (200 miles away), who's bought my Norton 2007 internet security suite for ?20. And the guys sending me the cash before I post it to him. I'm not knocking Norton, but I'm so stoked, I've poured myself another glass of whiskey. The families in bed, and I had to tell somebody.
  3. Hi craigathus, wekcome to the forum. I tried Crucial.com with Firefox just out of curiosity, and you can dowload a 112kb scanner to run locally on your pc. I've downloaded that, and I'm gonna give it a try........ Done that, simple exe. file which scanned my system in about 5 seconds, gave me all the relevant info about my hardware, and then went to the home site with a complete list of possible upgrades. Neat.
  4. Thanks squire, but that simple explanation about the difference between an email client and webmail, was all I needed. Installed Thunderbird, and then went to my Gmail and Yahoo accounts and quickly discovered that they have to be enabled to use pop3. In the case of Yahoo, it gives a clear and concise explanation of pop3, and provides the server info that may be needed to configure whichever email client you happen to be using. I've include this info, and the Wiki link, in the event that others may be having the same difficulty in simply understanding how these things work, but are reticent to ask. Mind you, what was reassuring, was you making a pigs ear out of setting up your Gmail. There's hope for us all. Thanks again.
  5. Don't know if this is any help Musical, but for whatever reason, MSN is the only place where I have to log in manually each time. Can't even get FF to remember details. If I'm missing something, one of the guys will no doubt put us both right.
  6. I'm pleased you mentioned that Andavari. Totally forgot that I had downloaded that as well as VSO, as I'm thinking about buying a standalone DVD/Divx player. My local Asda (now owned by Wallmart) sell them for about ?30, and the good thing about Asda is their great no questions asked refund policy if you're not happy. My daughter has a ?20 DVD player in her bedroom from Asda, which has as good a picture and sound as the one her stupid dad payed ?200 for. Divx movies at about 700mb are pretty good, but you do, as far as I've discovered, lose a bit of lateral fluidity in the conversion to DVD, although they're still very watchable. Edit: Referring to Fairuse Wizard.
  7. If I had a smiley with a little light bulb above his head, I'd stick him here. That is the difference that I've never had explained to me, or read anywhere. I have a few email addresses that I use and Thunderbird sounds really handy, although setting up those smtp thingys, I always screw up somehow. Gonna have a look at Thunderbird and maybe this new Live Mail, and if I get stuck I'll take a screen shot of where I'm at and ask again. It's surprising how getting a basic understanding of something can open a wider door. Thanks for your help, and if you ever need a guitar tuning, I'm your man.
  8. The ssl thing is helpful, as I couldn't understand why I could open Outlook Express without needing the password I thought I had already set up. I know you're a busy lad, but if you bear with me here, enlightenment is slowly creeping into my befuddled mind. Is free Hotmail or free Yahoo actually the same type of programme as Outlook or Gmail, but with the restriction of not being able to access any other email accounts, and is this pop3 thingamajig, which you usually have to set up, the bit that enables Gmail or Outlook or Thunderbird to do that? Is that the fundamental difference?
  9. Before I click on your links and have a look, the first image that jumped into my mind from this description was George Bush. Sorry, but you can't control these things. I've seen them now, and that's really scary. You could quite easily end up talking to it. First impression was pretty close though.
  10. These guys are a pretty accurate description of how much I know about what you're talking about. I'm a good speller, can read joined up writing, can even tell you how to tune a guitar using half a dozen different harmonics, but pop3 servers ? email clients? It's undoubtedly so obvious to some of you guys, that if I wasn't a lay back sort of chap I'd be embarrassed. All I know is that I have not a clue about the difference between something like Outlook Express, and the easy ones to set up like yahoo or hotmail. Oh yes, my mistake, it wasn't Thunderbird I tried, it was Gmail. I've signed up, but I can't work the ******* thing to work. So if you can explain to me in the most non technical way possible, the difference between say yahoo and Gmail, then you will have my undying admiration. As long as you don't tell anybody about this.
  11. You're comments are right on the button. I'm one of the folks out there, (I'm definitely out there ). Even with a web tutorial sitting under my nose, I could not get Outlook Express to work and keep on working. After a very short time, I got sick of "can not find pop3 server", or something like that, and shifted to Yahoo. Had a try with Thunderbird, same result. And I've tried Windows Live Mail. Although I'm technically challenged, I'm not that stupid, but this type of email client (is that the right word?) works for a very short while, then the same message pops up again: "can not find pop3 server". It's not worth the grief for me, when there are user friendly alternatives. End of rant.
  12. You'll all have to go some to beat this: 200 Firefox Extensions: This is not my discovery, the story was posted by one of the guys on here a while ago, but I can't remember who. Sticking it up again because it seems relevant to the last few posts, and some may have missed it.
  13. I've got more hair than that. No you haven't.
  14. VSO DivxtoDVD is a piece of cake. Everything is automatic. Click on the folder next to the cross, and browse for your file. I've loaded one as an example. Stipulate in the menu window underneath where you want to save the conversion. The format (Pal or NTSC) is automatic, (same as original file) as is the aspect ratio (widescreen or whatever the original is). Depending upon the size of the converted file, you may be able to burn this straight to CD or DVD, but you don't need CopytoDVD, just leave that unchecked for now. I've done a few of these recently, so pm me if I can help, in case I miss your post. Just bear in mind, whatever you use, it can take about 2 hours for say, a 90 min file. One final word of advice, if you use this, it occasionally asks you if you want to look for a new version. If you agree etc, it will download and install the trialware version. (99% sure of this). As far as I'm aware, this is the last freeware version.
  15. Hey, you must be a die-hard Star Wars fan to have sat that long.
  16. Yep, knew that, but unless I'm mistaken, it isn't free under that name, but trialware. VSO ConvertxtoDVD: The link I provided is, as far as I know, the last freeware version.
  17. Wasn't all bad Lulu, I got a very good price for them on ebay.
  18. You could also try DVD Flick, or VSO DivxtoDVD. Tried them both and they do handle Avi as well as other formats. Dead easy to use as well.
  19. No Dennis, I think Humptys just hit a nerve with rridgely.
  20. Have I wandered back into the wrong thread by mistake?
  21. DennisD

    Shift key

    News to me Humpty, but how can you accidentally hit the same key 5 times? Possibly the old enlightenment juice...
  22. I don't know what you're talking about guys.
  23. If you like to keep up with the news, I don't think you could get very much more current than this. Although I've just came across it, it might be "old news" to some of you guys. Link.
  24. Definitely on the same page. Avast and Windows Firewall seems to be a good combination.
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