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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Adobe 7 came installed on my PC, and I've been using it and nothing else to view PDF files. I've always liked the look of it, and I've never considered it slow. Takes up 61mb on the hard drive, and with a 90 page tutorial runs at a comfortable 28mb. I've got an 80gb HD, and 512mb memory, so it's just a drop in the ocean compared to what's available. I've tried Foxit, and don't think it comes close to the look and functionality of Adobe 7. (MHO). Read somewhere, possibly on here, that if you have memory or disk space that you never use, what's the point of having it? And if you want to talk about bloated programs, give me your honest comments on the following. I'm sure I'm not the only person here with ridiculous, useless programmes installed. Arcsoft Video Impression 2. (came with webcam.) 137mb. Never used it. Java 6. 134mb. Use Java Script. Java disabled. Had to enable it once recently. This is the prizewinner:- Microsoft Works. 278mb. Never used it. Sonic MyDVD Plus etc. 185mb. Burn the occasional CD. Use it because it can overburn and enabled me to get Pink Floyds "The Wall" on one CD. Crazy or what. But I've still got 60gb of my HD free. My point at the end of all this meandering, is that the comments I read about memory and disk space do make some sense. I think you can get caught up in looking for smaller and smaller programmes when you don't really need to, and you could bin some pretty good stuff in the process. That's my two penneth anyway, and of course only MHO.
  2. Well, it goes without saying that I'm no expert in these things, but I've been running with Cyberhawk all afternoon, and it doesn't seem to be conflicting with Avast Antivirus or anything else for that matter. And it registered OK. Has two processes running at approx 4mb and 3.5mb, with no noticeable difference in speed. All good so far.....Just been stopped in mid sentence by this: It's certainly doing it's job as that's a first. I assume that's what browsers do when you're typing? I repeat, all good so far.
  3. Using it at the moment. Toolbars have a very cluttered look, but as this thing seems to be infinitely configureable, should be able to improve on that, and it seems pretty quick. Nothing here that would make me change from Firefox, but there are a lot of features here that may appeal to some.
  4. No harm in giving it a try. Thanks for the link.
  5. Downloading now. Thanks JD.
  6. Nice one Humpty, I've got Registry Mechanic. Downloading now.
  7. Nice find Hazel. I like the American one. I've been a biker for years, and although jerseys have pouches (pockets), the only pouch you'll find in Spandex cycling shorts is not somewhere I would put my chocolate bar.
  8. My current desktop. A picture I took last week of the Gateshead/Newcastle quayside, showing the Tyne Bridge and The Sage.
  9. No wise cracks here, in case any of you guys have a photo of your shed on this site. But, ( ) if you look down the page to: Three of those links just jumped out at me: Knickers - Shed Wear - Watch Videos in your Shed. No thanks. Here's another interesting group: The UK Roundabout Appreciation Society. Link:
  10. Without giving too much away, I was impressed at the first part of the trick. The second part was..... magic.
  11. Have burned one movie with Ashampoo. No problems and plays fine on standalone DVD player. In this instance, the source was an ISO image file. One thing I did find with Ashampoo, is that if you use its "erase disk" feature with a DVD, plan to do something else while you wait. Don't know if it's doing a super efficient job, or just taking an inordinately long time, but it takes a long time.
  12. DennisD

    Firefox 3

    Thanks for the link Hazel.
  13. Thanks for that JD. I was wondering why the status bar icons of FF's Quick Java plug-in still seemed to work OK.
  14. That's interesting, I thought DVD Fab HD was only for ripping HD DVDs. When I say above that I've never had a failure with Shrink and Decrypter, I should have been more specific and said I've never had a burn failure. With Decrypter I have had a decryption failure, which I at first thought was an error on my original disk, but DVD Fab went through that same disk with no problem, and I once again did the burn with the original Decrypter. I've noted your points on DVD Fab HD. Thanks for that and I'll let you know about Ashampoo.
  15. Hey KS, you do realise this place is like the "Hotel California". You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Looking forward to your posts.
  16. Not yet, but I am gonna give it a try just out of curiosity. I'm still sticking with Shrink + Decrypter as a one operation re-author/encode and burn. Never had a failure yet.
  17. Thanks for the link JD. Will definitely be worth a try when it arrives, although I've been using Spybot more than anything else recently, but a faster scan sounds good.
  18. Yep, just as fireryone says above. I'm saying nothing.
  19. Love it. Between a rock and a hard place. If you came across that, you would have a pretty strong need for that toilet paper.
  20. That's an amazing site Humpty, from above and below. Makes you wonder what the ancients would have thought of that. It looks pretty scary even when you know it's a natural phenomenon. I knew that. Thought you would appreciate it, and the answer to you and JDs observation, yes, I think you would notice that cloud formation. That undulating shape is pretty unusual. Just think of some of the cool stuff we would miss if not for time lapse photography. And can I tell you something that really makes me chuckle? I think we now have an international band of cloud watchers. Before you know it, you'll catch yourself looking to the heavens, (with everyone around you wondering what the hell you're looking at), and quietly cursing me under your breath. Looking forward to your pictures.
  21. That was so impressive, I didn't notice the car until the end. Well, gotta put my taxi driver head on now and pick the kids (big kids) up from Newcastle.
  22. Nope, mad is when you reply to yourself. Welcome to the club. Used to have Norton, but sorry, can't remember how to set up the firewall.
  23. Just auto updated to the latest version to find it's not compatible with Java 6. Thankfully, Java is something I don't use very often, (as opposed to Java Script), and I keep it disabled unless I really need to use it. Definitely disabled now.
  24. Strange it definitely is. Here's a sequence showing the build up. What I would give to see that stuff for real. And if you think that's strange, what do you reckon to this phenomenon which took place in Iowa a couple of weeks ago.
  25. Next to my fascination with the world of creepy crawlies, is a fascination with extreme weather. Something we don't experience too much of in the UK, but some of you guys from other parts of the world must have some amazing, or downright scary stories to tell. Some pretty cool pics of what I'm talking about here.
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