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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Came across this Flash Memory thing today, and there is a standard version free with no time limit. Have tried this, and it seems pretty good for what it does. Been out since January, latest version 27th March. Download here: Edit: 23.08. Wouldn't recognize my 1gig memory stick. Binned it.
  2. Close. Outer Space would be preferable.
  3. My apologies, I'll try harder next time; although it was news to me, and maybe to some other people who come here and have never tried tweaking Firefox.
  4. Hazel, you're winding me up, aren't you? If I download this and try it, you could possibly be still laughing this time next week, and if I don't.... and you are serious.... you'll probably cross me off your Christmas card list. Tell you what, I'm gonna download it and send you my first picture to use as your desktop.
  5. Just discovered this painting program, and been playing about with it all night. First posted on here by rridgely quite some time ago, and although the free version is cut down some from the commercial one, it's still worth a try for anyone who's not seen it. rridgelys post: A belated nice find squire. Ambient Design site: Download, tutorials and forum.
  6. Fairly recent video on Cnet. 24 April 07. Although some fixes make you think there's a difference, I've tried this, and it does seem to increase the speed of Firefox. Make your own mind up, you can easily reverse the "about:config" changes. CNet video.
  7. Sorry squire, I have no idea, but I think I'll have a play around with it myself, and if I have any joy I'll post back.
  8. Had a look at the Robot Genius site yesterday. The download for Spyberus appears to be a trial download, for which you have to register first. No thanks.
  9. I can't wait to listen to this guy. From what I've learned since coming here, he deserves some recognition.
  10. Not sure if this is quite what you want, but Faststone Screen Capture has a "capture freehand region" function, and the white background square the cropped image is on, can be made invisible in the Faststone Editor. Edit: Faststone Capture.
  11. Antispyware companies spying on each other? Doesn't that just take the biscuit.
  12. That second picture does it alright, although I never doubted you for 1 second.
  13. If you use screensavers, that's a nice small file Hazel. Although I've been using the timed shutdown of my monitor instead of a screensaver for a while now, the best screensaver I've ever had, being a Tolkien fan is the stunning "One Ring" screensaver from 3Planesoft. There are some cracking screensavers on that site, unfortunately most of them are not free. However, the "One Ring" screensaver is, and it's worth a look. (IMHO). Link:
  14. Hi Lulu, are you sure that's a dolphin? I'll bow to your experience, and although it's hard to tell looking through the water, is that not a vertical tail fin? A very scary vertical tail fin.
  15. I thought this was a great picture. Would love to know what happened next. My money would be on the bird.
  16. Thanks, just downloaded.
  17. Methinks that's their not so subtle way of telling you they really want you to get the $39.99 version.
  18. Have I got my maths right here? 1,040gb. How long would it take to do a scan on that? I've got an 80gb HD, and I've been planning to make just a 10gb partition, but I keep putting it off in case I screw things up. Your plan makes mine look like a walk in the park. In fact your plan makes me think I should just invest in an external HD, and partition that. Good luck mate, I hope you get it all up and running.
  19. Thanks Mike. Ran SuperAntiSpyware and it auto updated.
  20. One important thing I forgot to say: Thanks for the link rridgely, like this one a lot.
  21. With that many things going at once you'll need a therapist, a lie down, and a cup of Ovaltine. This things worth a try though. It's just an exe file, not a full install. Gonna run it for a while.
  22. I take it back, this thing is pretty amazing, and super smooth. I've got 4 different desktops open, Faststone Viewer on one, this forum on number 2, Windows Media Player on 3, and Paragon Hard Disk Manager on 4, and Yod'm3D runs at a steady 17mb. And I've already got a practical use for it: My daughter is always popping in and asking me to minimize whatever I've got going as she wants to check her emails, or look up a holiday or something. Now, just spin her a brand new desktop with no clutter. Obviously, I've no idea yet if it runs as smooth as this all the time, but if all OK, definitely keeping it. And of course, it's freeware. Edit: The YouTube video doesn't do it justice.
  23. When I posted a video about this thing a few weeks ago, I thought it was gobsmacking. But once you've seen it you've seen it. I can't see any practical use for having multi desktops spinning around. Although, I may give it a spin under Power Shadow, just out of curiosity you understand.
  24. With modern health awareness and the ever widening bans on smoking in public places, I'm surprised to see a cigarette manufacturer still up there.
  25. Thanks for that guys. I'm usually wondering what time people are on. Adds another dimension to the forum realising the actual distances that separate everybody.
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