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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. That's a nice pic. The American Bald Eagle I do believe, and this is gonna sound really boring, but I was watching a tv prog about these guys the other night, and learned that the name apparently comes from the word used to describe the contrasting colours of a particular breed of horse. Piebald. Told you it was boring, but you never know, there may come a time when you can casually drop that bit of useless information into a conversation. And before anyone tells me. Yep, I should get out more.
  2. Some of us could get locked up for what we dream. I don't include myself in that category of course.
  3. This is a nigh on impossible choice. JD's Floyd track "Comfortably Numb" has to be up there. From the stuff I listen to most of the time, my choice has to be "Amused to Death", which is the last track of the album of the same name by Roger Waters.
  4. I've just read your post in "Worst things ever bought". How on earth did you and your wife come through that? That's such a good story it should be made into a movie. It sounds really comical now, but I bet at the time it was far from funny. After surviving that, it could only get better. If there's one thing I hate, it's being cold. One question though. Did you sell it? And if so, do you think the buyer could still be looking for you?
  5. What a bleeding nightmare. Although I now have a super new central heating system, the last couple of weeks have been absolute s***e. I would never have believed that 4 men could create such a mess. Anyway, once the problems were eventually sorted out, I am now set up in a warm and comfy nook in my back bedroom. It's fantastic to now have a warm house without all the knocking and banging my old boiler used to make. (Not referring to the good lady here, although she can occasionally be quite loud). Thanks for the kind words Hazel, but no, I'm definitely not enjoying the decorating, or the relaying of some of the carpets. Believe me, plumbers are crap carpet layers, but I should be thankful the heating works at least.
  6. I'm looking for some sympathy here. Have to dismantle everything this afternoon as we're having a new heating system installed over the next couple of days. My little nook is right in the flight path of the new pipes. And when it's all installed, I can look forward to some decorating. Can't wait. So this is my last visit for a couple of days. Who on earth are you going to educate in my absence?
  7. DennisD


    Hi Anath, ditto.
  8. Anthony, before you download anything have a look at this site. Flash Earth: I got rid of google earth, and I use this instead. I found the best one (IMHO) is Microsoft VE Arial, but you have a choice, including Google. Edit: Zoom in with your mouse wheel.
  9. DennisD


    Well guys, not as gobsmacking as I thought. I'll have to get out more.
  10. DennisD


    Have a look at this video and see what Ubuntu Linux can really do. This is gobsmacking if you haven't seen it, believe me. Video
  11. My daughter uses Google all the time. Will change her desktop shortcut, and watch her face. Edit: Nice find.
  12. If you listen to Amused to Death, listen carefully to the old mans story at the beginning. Once you've heard the entire album, you'll know why. $100 will be nearer the mark. Good luck.
  13. 1: Pink Floyd "The Wall". 2: Roger Waters "Amused To Death". Would have either one. Never grow tired of listening to them.
  14. Well, so far, there are only three people on this forum who have ever made a bad purchase. Do me a favour. Come on people, fess up and give us all a laugh.
  15. Yes, the mistake was buying Sanyo. If I had chosen a decent quality VCR, with a decent playback, I would have been stuck with a VCR with nothing to put in it but blank tapes. Not only was Betamax better with picture quality, but the actual construction of the tape mechanism itself was superior to VHS. Pity they didn't have a better promotions/publicity setup. So you could say it was a stroke of luck picking a VCR with s***e picture quality.
  16. One of the things I like about McAfee, is that in Firefox the icon is down in the bottom right corner. Smaller and less conspicuous than in IE, where I usually have the icon deactivated.
  17. Thanks for all the info Andavari, much appreciated.
  18. DennisD


    I was looking into Linux myself recently, and have a couple of links might interest you. Linux Newbie Guide by Stan, Peter and Marie Klimas Ubuntu Studio - Let your Creativity Fly Ubuntu Forums Boot and run Linux from USB flash + tutorials The Ubunto Studio opens in April, and will be well worth a look.
  19. That deserves a gold star.
  20. I've screwed up my sound settings a couple of times. Mucked around with all the various levels until I couldn't get them back to the way they were originally setup. To avoid that happening again, the last time I did a format/reinstall, I used Firestone Capture to take pics of the 4 different Sound Manager settings screens, before I got my grubby little fingers on them. Now I can screw them up to my hearts content, and then reset them again using the pics.
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