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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Fingers crossed, installed my copy same day and no problems so far.
  2. New to me. A McAfee type extension in development? Looks to need quite a lot of manual configuring, so for me could be something worth looking at further down the line. Interesting find though. Bookmarked.
  3. Very happy since changing to Avast Home Edition. Easy to use, easy to configure, and a very neat touch when the blue "virus definitions updated" window pops up, and a cultured male voice tells you that it`s just been updated. Seriously though, works great with PC Tools Firewall, and the pair are very memory light compared to my previous setup. Time will tell how good they really are. And that, as we all know, is the best test of all.
  4. Who put the blame onto her shoulders, and who the hell was sitting on that jury? Hope she`s got a lot of good support and a good lawyer, and lets hope common sense rears its head in time.
  5. Jim Morrison appears to be in good company.
  6. Thought some of you would like to see my new CD/DVD Rewinder, courtesy of Unusual Software. Works perfectly. Don`t know how I managed without it.
  7. Installed earlier tonight. Excellent. Listening now. Light on memory.
  8. Went through all tests ( repeated 3 times each test). With no settings change to PCT firewall, received 100% pass with: File sharing. Port 139, Netbios. Full stealth Common Ports. No ping reply from 26 ports tested. Full stealth. All Service Ports. 0-1056. Full stealth. Pc Tools Firewall working great for me. No problem with ping replies.
  9. Hope so, although he would probably be in need of a change of trousers.
  10. An extra 6mb is well worth the 100% stealth rating. I`ve just been back to Shields Up just to make sure. Still 100% Stealth
  11. Installed, and now passes leak test and 100% stealth.
  12. Watch the video, and you`ll know what I mean. Video here:
  13. Thanks for giving it a try. Tried the site again. OK this time. Put it down to a Gremlin.
  14. Downloaded that. Will hang fire on installing if your`e gonna have a play around with it. The rules you set the other day on the current version seem to be working fine. Appreciate your time.
  15. Your not giving anything away Hazel. In that case neither am I. Come on guys, step up and take the test.
  16. There had to be a first time. Sent error report to microsoft and this is the reply: Unfortunately, I have the latest Firefox. Strange thing is, it hung while I was visiting here: http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Autoruns/1092024321/1 And it hung again when I went back. Can someone with FF give that a try. It might be the site.
  17. If it did, it wouldn`t be a secret anymore.
  18. Didn`t know they were making one JD, but a remake of the first game, hopefully with decent graphics, sounds good to me. Will watch out for that.
  19. I`m replying to myself here, which you must admit is unusual. But more unusual than that, is I found the forum proper, and am now a member of Unusual Software. So if I hear anything unusual I`ll pop back here and let you know in the usual way. I think I`ll ask what`s in that Installer Package.
  20. But whats in the Installer Package???????? Remember the outcry in the States over supposedly satanic messages in vinyl if you played them backwards? It even went through the courts. Wanna here "Stairway To Heaven" played backwards? Go here:- 666
  21. Whoever started that has a great sense of humour. I like the CD/DVD Rewinder. In fact I liked it so much I downloaded it. Couldn`t resist finding out what is actually in the zip file. Zipped file came up clean with virus check, so I unzipped it. Got as far as this:- and then bottled out. Felt like I could be opening Pandora`s Box or something. Anyone curious enough to find out? Edit: Had a look at the forum. There aren`t any posts in it.
  22. Thanks for that Anthony. A good find. I already use it, but there are functions in the drop down menu`s that I haven`t used.
  23. Almost there. Only failed with port 139-Net Bios. No hurry with this. Will play around with it for a while. Thanks.
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