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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. Had a minor problem recently uninstalling Sunbelt Kerio Firewall, but although I cleared out all traces from program files and registry, Norton Security Centre persists in giving me this info:- As far as I'm aware, I'm running Windows Firewall and Sunbelt has long gone. Not the end of the world, but it's starting to annoy the hell out of me. Anyone know how it's doing that?
  2. I've just caught up to this thread. And although the closing date was 11th April, I gave it a shot just now and I still successfully got the registration key a day late. Thanks for the link sputnik.
  3. Thanks for that, a good explanation on that link as to how it works as well. Just out of interest, if you acquired both Power Shadow and Sandboxie at the same time (humour me here), which one would you install and run first, before you checked the other one? Chicken and the egg isn't it.
  4. Nice link Hazel, I like mucking about with stuff like this. Wonder who's got the Widest Band on here.
  5. DennisD

    USB Drive

    I've been on this site before when I tried the Firefox portable, but I never saw the Clamwin Portable Antivirus. Nice link again, thanks. Edit: Any experience of the full Clamwin Antivirus? Another free product.
  6. DennisD


    Learned something from your speed comparison link today Glenn. I've got 7 USB 2.0 sockets on my pc. 4 at the back and 3 at the front. After reading that link, and checking with the Device Manager, I am now aware that one of them is a PCI Class USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller, which is apparently a high speed USB 2 comparable with Firewire. By the way, these are not my words, just what I've read. Now, how do I tell which is the enhanced USB, as all the sockets are labelled with the identical USB icon? (apart from plugging in each one and seeing if there's any difference.) After that ones been answered, could anyone tell me exactly what my 1394 socket is for, and what uses does my firewire socket have besides connecting to something like an MP3 player. I could go to Wiki or google search for the answers, and I'm not being lazy here, but you guys can usually explain things in a more straightforward way.
  7. Sandboxie? Did a google search and found free trial versions only. Unless you know different.
  8. I've tried changing every setting I can find in Opera. I don't use a proxy server, and every other browser I've tried has ran from my default internet settings. Opera did a few months ago, but not now, and the only filtering software I use is a Firefox add on, Flashblock. This couldn't effect Opera surely? Although nothing would surprise me in the wonderfully unpredictable world of computer software.
  9. Exactly. Not interested in this bullet proof idea. I use security software for security. The best way to use this, is to be selective, and use it when you feel the need. And my need is for trying out new stuff, and know that I won't have to manually finish off an uninstall by going into the registry etc. If there is other software available (and free), it would have to be better than Power Shadow to even think of changing, and I can't see how this can be bettered. Anyway, you know what they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and this works for me.
  10. You can get a lot of info from this thread started by Humpty some time ago. The free version mentioned, 2.82 is still available from the link mentioned. I've just downloaded the zip file, virus checked it and explored it, and it is the English version with a read me file. Haven't taken it any further because I already have it installed, but read that entire thread, as I made some cockups when I first tried it. Hope this helps.
  11. I still can not get any version of Opera to run on my PC (XP SP2). Ran it once when I first came to the forum last year. Whatever I try now, I can not get it to connect to the Internet, although I have a direct connection. Any ideas anyone? I use and will probably continue using Firefox. But this is a puzzle that is doing my head in.
  12. I've been using Power Shadow since I obtained the free version posted by Humpty ages ago, and I find it absolutely fantastic for trying new software. I download the Installation Package before activating Power Shadow, then obviously activate PS and install the new software. If I don't like the new whatever, I just reboot, and every trace of the new program is gone. With Total Uninstall or Zsoft Uninstaller, I can always find stuff left, either in program files or the registry, or both. In fact yesterday I downloaded and installed Sunbelt Kerio firewall, tracking the install with Zsoft. I should have followed my usual method, (Power Shadow), but as I got the link from a thread, I took the chance and used Zsoft. I mistakenly downloaded the latest version of Kerio, which is 30 day trial. Uninstalled with Zsoft, after which I found the Icon still in the system tray, and the Kerio Firewall still in place. Had to reboot to get rid, but still found Sunbelt folder in program files, and entries in the registry. Now that is aggravation. When using Power Shadow, I have never been able to find a trace of anything, either in Program Files, Windows, the Registry or the annoying icons usually left in the system tray. Rebooting is far quicker and easier than having to manually get rid of stuff left by installation trackers, and I'm still puzzled by the fact that Symantec Security Centre is telling me that Sunbelt Kerio Firewall is active, when in fact I only have Windows Firewall running. Do I need Symantec Security Centre? Power Shadow is possibly the only program I would happily pay for if I didn't have this free registered version. If you want to surf the web in Shadow mode, you can save stuff to a 2nd hard drive, or a mem stick. I always have a 1gb mem stick in place for that reason. How exactly does it work? When I boot my computer, the screen that appears momentarily says:- Windows XP Home Edition Windows Recovery Console Under this I have extra lines:- Windows XP Home Edition Single Shadow Mode Windows XP Home Edition Full Shadow Mode So Power Shadow is simply installing on to a virtual drive, a partition seperate from your Operating System. It needs something like 256mb to operate. When you reboot, everything is gone because it was never written to the Shadow protected part of your hard drive in the first place. (I hope that makes sense, I'm trying here). If the newly installed software is something I want to keep, then it is no hassle at all to reboot and install as normal with the Installation Package I downloaded before entering Shadow Mode. Single Shadow Mode is protective cover of your O.S. Full Shadow Mode is protective cover for all available drives and partitions. I'm posting this with a wee bit of trepidation, because I have very limited technical knowledge, and I might not be explaining this very well, so just be a tad polite with any criticism. The main thing is that this program does its thing every time without exception. Wouldn't be without it.
  13. I had exactly the same problem a few nights ago when my sound went off completely, and I got the same message. Traced the problem to recent windows update, and solved it by deleting the update. I see from the above thread that it can be remedied by a patch or by updating my Realtech sound card. Is there any risk or benefits to be gained from the latter method? Would hate to screw up my soundcard.
  14. DennisD


    It might not be what you thought it was, but I've downloaded it to compare with Downloadhelper, which is a Firefox add on. Thanks for the link, always like to try new stuff.
  15. DennisD


    rridgely, after the blood sweat and tears you put into this topic that was a deliciously cruel April 1 prank. xpsp2 you should be ashamed of yourself. Wish I'd thought of it.
  16. Appreciate all the input guys, and thanks for those links Andavari. For now I'm sticking with Windows Firewall, and I've just carried out tests at GRC, Hackerwatch, and PC Flank. Windows Firewall came up 100% on every stealth test. Can't be bad. Anyway, as I mentioned above, if I get any problems I'll pass the information on.
  17. DennisD


    Forgive me if I've missed a previous thread saying where your trip was taking you , but I don't recognize the falls in your pics, (nice pics by the way). Where are they? Edit: Just found your post saying you were off to Niagara Falls in 5 days. Are they Niagara Falls? Still don't recognize them. Must be the angle those pics were taken. That's my excuse anyway.
  18. Hi Tradeology, and welcome to the forum. The camera was a Nikon Coolpix 7600. Details here if your interested. With regards to a scan, although it may look quite daunting at first, CCleaner is a safe program to use in the default mode. As long as you stay clear of the advanced settings, you should have no problems cleaning everything ticked. A beginners guide is available here, and is worth reading. If you want more detailed advice concerning the use of CCleaner, even if just for your peace of mind, post a question anytime in CCleaner Discussion and you will get expert advice from there. Hope this helps.
  19. Zipgenius user here. Haven't felt the need to try anything else. I just like the way this program works. Haven't really answered your question, just thought I'd put my two penneth worth in.
  20. I've played acoustic guitar for more years than I care to remember, but I have never seen guitar tapping like this. Enjoy
  21. The world has definitely gone mad.
  22. I've actually been thinking that for a while. I do regular virus and spyware scans, so I'm not really fussed about what comes out, more bothered about what comes down, and I think I'm well protected against that. I'm using Avast, and I have the network shield active, and that's actually stopped stuff that the firewall didn't register, or it stopped it before the firewall got the chance. Which did what don't really matter as long as keeps me clean. And I've just confirmed again that windows firewall is still 100% stealth. Gonna stick with windows and Avast, but I'll post if this combo fails in any way.
  23. Thought some of you might be interested in recent problems with PCTools firewall. First thing was my 100% stealth just suddenly disappeared without changing any settings. Not a real problem in itself, but I started getting programmes having to close for no apparent reason. Had no idea the firewall was causing the problem until it started hanging as well. Uninstalled it, and every problem disappeared. Just using windows firewall for now. Not sure whether to reinstall PCTools, or find another freeware substitute.
  24. Likewise Humpty, and everyone else. Hope you all got an Easter Egg. Still get mine.
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