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Everything posted by DennisD

  1. I'm using a theme called macfoxII. Has a nice "easy on the eye" appearance. Not that anyone asked of course.
  2. Slightly off topic, but are you getting the google ad in place of the thumbnail when you upload?
  3. Here's another little freeware Mpeg Joiner, which is only a 270kb exe file. It looks really simple, but sometimes good things come in small packages. Available from The Cutting Room Floor:
  4. Quite a few years ago when my daughter first started university, I picked up a cheap PC from a mate (some mate), that had Win 95 installed. As she only wanted something for word processing, thought this would be OK. It had something like a "slow.slower mhtz" processor. The ink would dry in the printer cartridge before the print preferences loaded.
  5. Lost a video of a Mountain Bike ride through about 40 miles of fantastic scenery. It was something to look back on and remember when I can't climb on my bike anymore. (cue the violins) Did a reinstall, and thought I had everything backed up. Wrong. Will do it again one day, as I still do this particular route, but riding off road with one hand on the bars and the other holding a camera is a bitch. When you get older, falling off really hurts.
  6. Can hear it clearly. If I don't have my headphones on, and that is hardly ever, I can hear a similar noise coming from the small speakers on my TFT LCD monitor. I've just plugged my headphones into the jack on the monitor, and with the volume up a bit, I can clearly hear an intermittent beep at approximately 1 second intervals. Always use the headphone socket on the PC tower itself to avoid this. Hope this helps.
  7. Not sure if these are any good to you Lulu, but they are both freeware. Not sure of the site (although McAfee says it's OK), so I downloaded and scanned and installed them under Power Shadow. No alarm bells. They appear to be OK. This one looks pretty good, been playing some Divx files in it. Haven't tried this one as I have no suitable files for it. Anyway, they're not new, so if they're no good, or if you've seen them before, no worries, bin them. Gonna have a play around with them myself. Available here: Edit: Sorry Lulu, was an Avi file I was playing, not a Divx.
  8. Nothing surprises me at the things people can do behind the wheel of a car. Scary that they have a driving license at all. Almost forgot. How much faith do you put in your spell checker? 2-0 I do believe.
  9. Could not watch that to the end. Disturbing.
  10. Fixed. Not sure exactly how I've fixed it, but I found 3 consecutive Windows Management errors. .net framework 1.1, .net framework 2.0 & .net framework 3.0. Also multiple errors with Windows Media Player, errors with Firefox, errors with windows explorer. Also a yellow exclamation mark beside Microsoft Loopback Adapter. Reinstalled all the .net framework programs. Rolled back Media Player and reinstalled V 11 again. Uninstalled and reinstalled Loopback Adapter. Also ran another vbs.file from kellys corner: "enable/disable desktop". The other one I ran was "enable/disable active desktop". So I have no idea which one did the trick, if any, but when I switched on just now, I was able to get all the shortcuts back onto the desktop. This isn't a big enough smile to show how elated I am, but thanks for your input, also thanks Humpty, I now have Power Shadow images in corner of screen again.
  11. Thanks Humpty, but over 6000 items in the event viewer, and although there are quite a few red items, I don't have enough knowhow to relate any of them to what I've posted above. It's really pissing me off now, because I've a stack of stuff to back up and reinstall, but that option is looking more likely by the hour.
  12. Mike, are you right clicking on the toolbar and selecting "customize"? Once you do that, ignore the customize window, and drag your buttons up to the bar above. Hope this helps. Edit: JD, you beat me by a millisecond.
  13. Dunno about a wallet Humpty, but it would definitely put a hole in your pocket.
  14. Didn't notice any coverage here in the UK CeeCee, but if you're a fan you must be pretty unhappy. Is Ice Hockey still a free for all punchup?
  15. Thanks Hazel, but I've found the local settings directory. Another "hidden folder", but no sign of a desktop.ini. The only .ini in that folder was this one, which looks pretty odd. And things appear to get worse. Thought I'd shut the computer down earlier, but when I came back upstairs I had this message waiting for me although I never saw what happened. Which led me to this: What this has to do with not been able to put anything onto my desktop, I have no idea. I'm hoping one of you guys can suss this out for me, otherwise it's a complete format and reinstall, which I'd rather avoid. Edit: I now find I have a KernelFaultCheck in my startup that I didn't have before.
  16. After googling around again, I found a few people with the same problem, but the only solution I've found was this: Local Settings Directory? Sure I had one, but can't find it.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion Humpty, but hasn't worked. Also double checked "remind me" settings, and I have the "display hints around the desktop" feature checked. My whole desktop is a bit weird at the moment. A few weeks ago I decided to clean up it up totally. Get rid of the ever increasing shortcuts and just use the "desktop" shortcut menu activated from the taskbar. I'm more than happy with this, but out of curiosity I tried to get the normal desktop back again, but didn't happen. Tried everything I can think of, and nothing. Somethings not quite right here, (probably me). I've got all the shortcut icons in the side menu, but can't get them back on the desktop.
  18. I eventually realised Mike, that there's no easy fix with stacks of bookmarks. I devoted however long it was going to take, to just sit down and get all my bookmarks organised, and once I'd done that, (took about 25 minutes, not long really) finding the site I wanted was a piece of cake.
  19. An important day to remember guys if you live in the US of A Bunch of chocolates, box of flowers, whatever. Don't forget. Edit: And Australia apparently, everywhere but the UK, which was in March.
  20. Just had a problem with my Active Desktop, which appears to have been conflicting with Power Shadow. After doing a fair bit of googling, it seems that XP's Active Desktop can conflict with other software, but the point I want to make is that the usual method of disabling the Active Desktop, (which I have no use for), doesn't seem to work. ie Right click desktop > properties > desktop > customize desktop > web > uncheck any web pages. What does work, is a vbs file fix from Kellys Corner. No. 16 to be precise. After running this, the web option in the above path is no longer there, and my problems with Power Shadow, fingers crossed, are no longer there. Thought this worth a mention in case anyone experiences something similar. I must give credit though, to Joywin, at the Power Shadow forum, for the initial active desktop suggestion.
  21. I've never tried putting graphics in, but select "My Controls > Edit Signature", and then in my case I simply entered a link to a particular site. Hope this helps.
  22. I think this is a great freeware program, and it runs at less than 2mb in the sys tray. Only thing I need some guidance on, is that I have 3 active temperature readings, and two active fan speeds. Apart from the HD temp, which is obvious, how can you tell which is cpu temp, and which is case temp, and how can you tell which fan is cooling what? Apart from that, has anyone read the License Agreement?
  23. Hi mike. I could be wrong here, but FireFox's Bookmark Manager may possibly be better than you think. The extension you mention uses FF's Bookmark Manager, and only gives you an extra box at the bottom of the page, the identical same box you can open with one click on the properties button on the Bookmark Managers toolbar. If I'm telling you something you already know, then apologies, but it hardly seems worth adding an extension to save one mouse click. As Humpty was saying, you can change the name of any bookmark to anything you want without changing the URL, and then you can select a batch of bookmarks by Alt Gr, and drag and drop them all across to a folder of your choice, a feature you were looking for. You can arrange your bookmarks by Name, Location, Keyword, Description, Added, Last Modified, Last Visited, just about most things you would need, including, as Humpty mentioned, assign keywords to them. Once I'd played around a little bit with FF's Organise Bookmarks, I found it did everything I needed to get organised. I've tried a couple of FF extensions, including Flat Bookmark Editing, but nothing IMHO that really improves on what's already there. Anyway, whatever works for you, and if you do already know all this stuff, just disregard this (finger aching) post.
  24. This stuff is pretty fascinating, and it makes you feel kinda insignificant when you get a visual comparison to see how big these "big" stars really are.
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