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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Unlike CCleaner the help guide sucks IMO. I like a complete guide that explains all features and settings so I don't have to go hunting for them. I use the forum for problems with the app not basic how to questions that should be covered in a help guide. I find Sandboxie's guide very incomplete. I am done with programs that expect you to go on a treasure hunt to find info about how to use them. I don't have the time or Patience and they get kicked to the curb.
  2. Interesting that so many have issues with coming out of standby/sleep mode. It has never caused me any problems and I use it every day. Much easier on my hard drive than shutting it down all the time. It's also much faster. I am ready to go a couple seconds after the lid is opened.
  3. In Control Panel -> Power Options -> Advanced there are options there for what the computer should do when you close the lid or press the power button or sleep button etc. It can be set there. My laptops came with the option to put the machine in Standby when the lid is closed and I like it that way so I left it there. I would assume most everybody with a laptop has it set this way. It makes no sense to close the lid and leave the machine running unless I'm overlooking a good reason to do that.
  4. I have two laptops that I use 98% of the time I use a computer. Both machines are set up to go into standby/sleep mode when ever the lid is closed. I do this probably twenty times a day. They get rebooted about once a week the rest of the time they are in standby with the lid shut. I have never had one single problem caused by coming out of standby in 3 years with the one machine and a year now with the other. I simply open the lid and in about 3 seconds it's ready to go.
  5. I don't use the immunize feature of S&D, or Spyware Balster,or a hosts file. I never get malware. I do use Adblock plus with Firefox and all my browsers have some form of add blocking. I can't remember the last time my AV resident shield has alerted me to anything or the many on demand scanners I have detected anything other than tracking cookies . It hasn't since I have been using AVG. I think the last time was when I was using Norton a few years ago. People keep saying that the immunize features of S&D and Spyware Blaster don't use resources but they slow down browsing on any machine I have used that has them installed.
  6. I keep hearing good things about sandboxie so I tried it out last week. The help guide is not very good for starters. I tried it any way and got some errors every time I launched it. Since I don't get malware and none of the 9 security apps I have installed ever find anything I uninstalled Sanboxie. I wasn't in the mood to try and figure out what was wrong considering there wasn't much info on how to use available.
  7. I have never had a problem with the All In One Side Bar extension. It sounds like the extensions didn't fully uninstall. When ever that has happened to me I just delete them from the extension folder located in the your Firefox profile.
  8. Those are not the version numbers for GMail Manager. Gmail Notifier is something else.
  9. You can uninstall Talk Back like any other extension.
  10. Have you tried going onto the Firefox profile folder and than into the extensions sub folder? Check and see if the uninstalled extensions are still in there at all. If they are delete them. Make sure Firefox is closed when you do it. Are you using All In One Side Bar? That's the only way I can figure that you are seeing these extensions in the side bar. It lets you open the Extensions Manager in the side bar.
  11. I have it installed on 3 machines and it's working fine for me. Maybe Google's servers are acting up. Some one on here mentioned not too long ago they were having trouble connecting to Google. The Web Mail extension mentioned is a good alternative to Gmail Manager. Works very similar and you can use it for Yahoo and Hotmail as well.
  12. Couldn't tell if you were serious or joking.
  13. I use both and like both. They both have advantages/features that the other doesn't. No need to choose between them. Install both.
  14. Every browser I have (6 of them) has a crash recovery feature like Firefox has. Maybe I am missing the point your trying to make but how do you expect a browser to give you an option to return to the pages you were viewing when it crashed if it doesn't remember the pages you were looking at? It's a feature not a flaw IMO.
  15. Well than lucky you. Some will be some won't be. Even when it's officially released some extensions and themes will not be compatible right away. Some extension writers are faster about this than others. Eventually they get caught up.
  16. Another reason to wait after FF3 is released is that many extensions and themes will not be updated and compatible with FF3 right away. It takes time for them to all catch up and work with new releases.
  17. I have the portable version and there are many language DLL in the folder I unzipped it to.
  18. I second that. Would have come in handy today. You can still filter by file extension by typing the extension in the find box.
  19. I don't have any problems with the Firefox updates. Only time I do clean installs is for major version changes like going from 1.5 to 2.
  20. I'm not a beta tester and that's what I feel like when programs have major updates and than have to release a bunch of fixes in a short period of time. When it settles down I will install it. Since 3.16 works great for me I'm in no hurry. Haven't installed CCleaner 2 yet and won't for a while. I am reading too many problems about it and the version I am using is working flawlessly.
  21. I don't mind if they tweak programs once in a while and make some needed improvements but I don't like constant updates and this guy clearly screwed this one up. Hasn't been right since 3.16 and the change log looks like a joke. Should have left well enough alone. I will stay with 3.16 for now.
  22. Still using 3.16. It works great for me. Don't like all the updates since 3.17. Doesn't seem to stable to me.
  23. Thank You. Are you using the onclose option in AVG if so that will explain why you get some alerts on download. In one of your previous posts you said AVG alerted you when you downloaded the eicar executable file but not the zip files. That's what is happening with me now with the on close option selected.
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