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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. How did you guess There is no fooling you is there.
  2. There are definitely worse places to live than Canada or Ontario. The thing is I don't look at my situation and say hey there is always somebody worse off so just be happy. If we all said that all forward progress would stop because there always is somebody or place worse off. I look at my situation and ask my self how can it be better and the fact is there is much room for improvement here even though there are much worse places to be. It's definitely not Iraq here though
  3. I live in Ontario. There is no such drug coverage unless you are on welfare which I am not. I live in a fairly large city by Canadian standards and 5 hour waits are the norm in the ER here. Life threatening illnesses get you into a specialist quicker obviously but for the average Joe it's a long waite. Months is not out of the ordinary. I am glad your experience with the health system has been positive you seem like a good person but it's hit and miss really . I have sat in ER for 5 to 6 hours waiting to get stitched up and the damn waiting room was was not jammed with people so there is really no excuse. My smart a$$ comments about dough nuts should not be taken literally. I was expressing general dissatisfaction with the police. In this city and general area, Southern Ontario, it's hard to tell the Police from the criminals. Our police force is in the papers far too often for bad cops being caught and exposed. Call the police and you could be waiting a long time before they show up. They don't even respond to accidents anymore unless there is injury or major property damage. As for gun control. Our laws are so restrictive there really is no legal way to defend your self from a criminal. Your ammo must be stored separate from the gun. I believe the gun must be in a lock box in a separate room. You have to transport the gun and ammo the same way separate. The gun must be locked in the trunk separate from the ammo. You must go directly to the shooting range and back home. Now if a person invades your home or threatens your family and you follow the gun laws how do you possibly defend your self legally? As a police officer you know that the criminals don't follow gun laws and don't use legally acquired guns and are not licensed. So all the restrictions do not stop them. The restrictions just disarm law abiding citizens. I may be a little off on some of the details of the restrictions but they are pretty close if not dead on. I am in the camp that believes we should be able to carry and conceal legally.
  4. Hey are you Whiteshark1 from the Maxthon forum?
  5. If you come to Canada be prepared to bend over and take it up the A$$ financially. Our Government would tax your bowel movements if they could. Don't believe what you here about our health system either. It sucks. Be prepared to wate 5 or 6 hours in the ER to get looked at. I have many times. It might be "free'' but you get what you pay for. I know many that cross the border to the U.S. and gladly pay for superior medical care and short wate times. It takse months to get into a specialist here.The whole time your suffering with what ever condition you may have. Oh, and don't even consider arming your self to protect your self against scum. You don't have that right here. You only have the right to be a victim. If you need the police you better get a couple boxes of doughnuts and leave them in the street because thats the only thing that attracts those retards. I consider moving often.
  6. Well I hate it when crap happens to me and other people can't reproduce the problem. I know I am not the only one though having the problem. As for being a keeper it's not as good as my other browsers. It's no contest between Avant and Firefox. Maxthon 2 is my second favorite no contest there either.
  7. One minute isn't long enough. I used it for a while but it did it everytime. The second one is the Flock skin I like them both. No accounting for taste. Tiny Spell checks as you type on any program. I have it and it works well.
  8. Did you use for a little bit each time? Thats when it changes. You can skin Avant and Maxthon 2. Here is a couple shots of my Maxthon 2
  9. Would anybody be willing to install it and see if they get the problem. It's a portable version so no install really.
  10. Re read my second post Tried it and no go.
  11. You would think their forum would be all over this. I have tried Avant 5 times now and every time this has happened so it isn't some new issue from a recent update. You should just have to go into Avant options and select not to make Avant the default and do not check on start up. I use 6 browsers and have tried a ton of others and none of them ever jacked the default browser setting except Avant 11. Hacking the registry or something like that would not be an acceptable fix for me to use Avant.
  12. Are you feeling thankful today on our Canadian Thanks Giving holiday
  13. Thats a different problem than I'm having. Those people are having problems setting the home page. I am having problems with Avant making itself the default browser when I do not want it to be. Every time I launch Avant it becomes the default browser on my machine. If I try to launch Firefox I get a message informing me that Firefox is not the default browser and do I want to set it to be. I do and when I launch Avant again it steals the default browser setting again and again. This is malware to me. I have tried everything in the Windows Set Programs Access And Defaults as well as the Avant options and it does not work. There appears to be no solution on their forum either.
  14. I decided to give Avant another try yesterday. I used the portable version that you just unzip to a folder and it's ready to go. Just like the other times I have used this browser it hi jacks the default browser setting. No matter how you set the options this thing makes itself the default. This makes it malware in my books. I searched their forum and it has been reported before but there doesn't seem to be much interest in fixing the problem so I am going to assume the developer likes the browser being malware and the regular users don't care because they like it being the default browser. Anybody here using Avant or tried it recently? Is it jacking your default browser settings? Here is the link to it. The USB version is just a zip that can be unzipped to your hard drive not requiring an install. http://www.avantbrowser.com/download.html
  15. I have mine set to notify and fortunately have not had an issue with it. I would not dream of letting Microsoft download and install what ever they want. Their repeated attempts at installing Windows Genuine Advantage Notification Tool as a critical update put a stop to me setting updates to automatic.
  16. Well use what works IMO. I use Windows Updates. I have no reason to change.
  17. I was thinking the same thing.
  18. How is Live Mail compared to Thunder Bird?
  19. I asked about this app several months ago. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...evo+uninstaller
  20. Stoner's Invisible Glass is powerful stuff. I would not use that on anything plastic. There seems to be conflicting recommendations on the web about this. Most recommend computer screen cleaner solutions you can buy they are nothing more than water and rubbing alcohol mixes. Many say not to use alcohol on plastic because it drys it out and yellows/clouds it.
  21. You just know there is. When I did a search on cleaning screens I came across this short how to and the person had previously used steel wool. http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/clean...-cleaning-mar02
  22. This one screen is impossible to get lint free. The microfiber I use doesn't leave lint on anything else but this screen.
  23. What are people using to clean their screens? What cleaning solution and what kind of cloth/towel? I clean the screens on four machines. I use a product called Plexus http://www.plexusplasticcleaner.com/frames.html. I have been using this for years on all plastics. I use high quality microfiber towels to wipe with. The results are excellent except on the one Dell lap top. This screen gets lint like crazy no matter what I do. It can't be the towel because I use the same towels on the other machines and they are totally lint free when I am done. There is something about this screen that makes it impossible to get lint free.
  24. You should probably look around some before posting something like this. Recuva has a portable version that does not have an installer. Here you go. http://www.recuva.com/download/builds
  25. You can change the search in Maxthon 2 to Google or anything you want. The add blocker has filters you can download and you can create your own rules or exceptions. Maxthon 1 still works as well as ever to. Both Maxthon 1 and 2 have hundreds of addons and skins. IE7 with IE7 Pro is not bad though.
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