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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Did you run the Flash Uninstaller from their site to uninstall the previous Flash before you installed the new version?
  2. It's not an inline spell check but it's not IE Spell either. It's built into Maxthon.
  3. Which is exactly why I have it on my USB thumb drive along with Portable Firefox, Thunderbird, Maxthon 1, Sumatra PDf, 7 Zip, Miranda and Fastone Screen Capture. Maxthon2 is an awesome browser and it gets better with every release.
  4. Yeah the timing is not good. I'm not defending that. Maybe the guy figures it will be easier now. From what I read Evil avoided paying this guy and was offering to settle for far less that what was asked for.
  5. As cool as I think Evil is he was out of line on this one. He went after this guy with a baseball bat while some of Evil's buddies held the guy. Evil beat the crap out of him while both his arms where still in casts from one of his crashes He almost killed the guy. Did six months if I remember correctly for what was basically an attempted murder.
  6. That guy had the biggest pair ever. I can't even begin to imagine attempting the things he tried. His son has a pair to but it's different. He seen his dad do the stunts and he has all the technology going for him. Evil really didn't have any body before him and he just jumped on a big heavy Harley and held on for dear life. He was a very cool guy.
  7. Tip of the ice berg I was referring to. Judge thinks he is above the law because he is treated like a god by some loser cops. That crap happens often. Don't get into an accident with an off duty cop. His bed buddies will make sure you are at fault. Unless you have a video of the accident happening they will screw you for their buddy. I have friends that similar things have happened to. If people knew the true depth of corruption that really exists the system would collapse.
  8. I with you on that. My problem is with judges and law enforcement that think they are above the law and are gods. They are worse than criminals because they behave the same way but hide behind their titles and positions. Ever notice when they get caught they get a slap on the wrist when in fact they should get twice the punishment of a regular person. They should be punished for the crime and than extra for abusing their position and making a mockery of the system. They think they are above the law because the system treats them as if they are.
  9. If that's all you can see that happened than you are missing the point. He didn't just jail 46 wife beaters. He put on a redicolous display of I think I am God syndrome. Clearly thinks he is above and beyond everyone else. Thinks he is the law. These people are worse than the criminals they put away. I have known several people in law enforcement with this attitude. A couple were jail guards, some were police officers ( I use that term lightly), some were inspectors for various agencies like the Ministry of Labour. The Jail guards bragging and laughing about the people they beat the crap out of simply because they did not like the guys attitude or the way he looked. The cops being some off the worst drinking and driving offenders I have known. I could go on. The point is when you have human garbade in positions of authority you get incidents like that judge and that is only what you see them doing. Behind closed doors they take scumbag to a new level. Does that judge molest kids? Obviously I don't know. I can guarantee you from his ridiculous behaviour in the court room he is capable of and has done some nasty things.
  10. Not anymore over the top than that judge's behaviour. That guy is a disgrace to the entire legal system. He is worse than the people he puts away. I would bet anything his behavior in the court room that day is the tip of the ice berg. I was actually holding back how strongly I feel about the type of crap.
  11. What a joke. These judges think they are gods. That one needs a bullet to the brain as soon as possible. After is little tantrum he probably went and did some crack with the young boys he probably molests daily.
  12. The 3 main free antivirus programs most people use are AVG, Avast, and Antivir. You really can't go wrong with any of them. Personally I use AVG and am perfectly happy with it.
  13. You can't save the cookies from being cleaned like you can with IE and Firefox. With Opera it's all or nothing. If you check the cookies option in CCleaner for Opera it will delete them all.
  14. How does Snagit compare to Fastone Screen Capture and MW Snap which are the two I use now.
  15. 22 processes isn't too bad at all. I have 18 - 20 depending on the machine. Your much better off than the 60 processes I see running on many machines. Why is your cleanmgr.exe using 98% of your CPU? Are you running the disk clean up while taking that snap shot?
  16. Same thing happens with me when I select a specific browser under the "custom" section of "program access and defaults". It resets itself with the option to "use my current web browser". My "computer manufacturer" section looks like yours. If I select it IE becomes default because it is the only option in that section. This is just one of those things where the computer gods are giving it to me in the a$$.
  17. In your screen shot you have "use my current web browser" as your default and Fireofx unchecked but you say Firefox is working as your default anyways because you set it as default from within Firefox. It should work the same for me than but it doesn't. I don't think reinstalling my browsers and installing Firefox will make it show up in the program access and defaults because Firefox is always the first Browser I install anyways and it's not showing up in there now. I would think selecting "use my current web browser" should be all that is needed. Than you should be able to select the default browser from within the browser's own options. I'm at a loss with this. It only happens with Avant and it happens on several machines.
  18. Not that I know of. What about your system wide settings in Program Access and Defaults. I have 6 browsers installed but only 2 show up in the list to check so I just check use my current browser.
  19. Hmm. Don't know why I get this problem. In this pic do you have the last option checked?
  20. It's even more annoying for me because I can reproduce this problem on 3 different machines so it's not some flukey thing with one machine. In the mean time I just unchecked the option in Firefox to check if it is the default so I don't get the warning message every time I launch it after running Avant.
  21. Well that pisses me off. I still have the issue and I like Avant other than that. Maybe we are doing things different. Try this. Open Firefox and set it as default. Also select the setting that asks if you want Firefox to check if it is the default browser every time it starts. Now close Firefox and run Avant for a little while. When you start Fireofx again do you get a message informing you that Firefox is not the default browser and would you like to set it as default? I get this message after I run Avant. No matter what browser I set as default if I run Avant that browser is no longer default. After looking at this further Avant doesn't make itself default. What it does is makes IE default instead of the browser I had set as default. Dennis when you say Avant doesn't take over the default browser setting how are checking for this? How do you know? When I set a browser as default I also select the setting to check on start up if it's default. So if for some reason that browser is no longer set as default I get a message informing me of this that's how I know it's not default anymore.
  22. Never had a crash from AVG on 4 machines here. It is the most trouble free program I have. It is literally set and forget.
  23. Could kill the email scanner and make AVG even lighter.
  24. The best browser will be even better now. Can't wait for the final release.
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