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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. That is a manual download of the defs. From reading the Lavasoft forums I get the impression that the manual download will be discontinued as well eventually.
  2. If those things were going after human arms I would imagine they would have no problems taking down a small child. I am surprised you don't hear about that happening. I didn't know catfish fed on humans. Those guys are about as red as a red neck can get
  3. It's not getting updates because Lavasoft has discontinued the program. I guess it's time to remove it but from reading the forums that has been a problem for many to do. I won't be installing the new version.
  4. I'm not using Ad-Aware 2007. I am still using 1.06r1 Personal.
  5. I have not had a definitions update for Ad-Aware SE in over 3 weeks. SE1R210 27.12.2007 is the last update I received. Has anybody been able to update since than?
  6. I tried the first version a few weeks ago and it's pretty good. If I wasn't using Ashampoo I would probably use that one. If I remember correctly you can't burn gapless audio Cd's with it but I use Burrrn for that anyways. It's small and light and very well layed out. If you read the forums the developer is going to release a payed for version so how long this remains free I don't know and if it does remain free who knows how many features it will have.
  7. I don't have any kind of problems with so called "newbies". At no time did I say anything against "newbies". I do have a problem with people that don't look before they leap than complain when they end up in a hole. This stupid behavior is not something "newbies" have a monopoly on.
  8. Thats because IE ships with every copy of Windows. Most people just know the little blue e will get them to their porn sites and don't really care to learn that their are other browsers. Most don't even know IE is a browser. If Firefox was shipped with every copy of Windows like IE is there would be no contest. IE would be left far behind.
  9. You can set Firefox to clean itself on close from it's options.
  10. I said you are stupid if you just start pushing buttons NOT if you asked questions. I was clear that I think you should get all the info you can before you start using the app that includes asking questions. I am a firm believer there is no such thing a s a dumb question, just look at some of the questions I have asked and you will see I mean that
  11. CCleaner does do Opera. Not as well as Firefox and IE though. Do you have Opera installed in the default location? If not CCleaner won't detect it is installed. Edit: seems me and CTskifreak posted at the same time .
  12. It is possible to create a HP folder and it did and I figured out why. There is a setting in Burrrn where you can set the temp folder location. It sets it's self on install which I did on a HP machine. I than copied Burrrn to my Dells but when this is done the temp folder location setting does not set it's self to the new machine. It was still set as a HP folder and created that folder every time I burned with Burrrn. I changed that setting and the problem is gone. Here is a screen shot and it's still set at the HP folder which is the exact folder that was being created on my Dells.
  13. Well the culprit is definitely Burrrn. I deleted the mystery folder and it's files. Launched Audio Grabber and ripped a CD. Checked and the folder did not return. Launched Burrrn and checked and the folder did not return. Burned a CD with Burrrn and the folder returned. Dennis you said you use Burrrn and do not get this? Maybe it's something the portable version does. http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-SOFT...le-Burrrn.shtml
  14. No. Full path is C:\Documents and Settings\HP_ADM~1\LOCALS~1\Temp
  15. I seen that when I Googled this before. I do not see anything to do with Roxio on either machine though. This happened on two Dell Laptops on the same day December 30, 2007. Burrrn and Audio Grabber were both put on my machines that day. I seem to always get these obscure make no sense things happen to me At least I know it's nothing serious it's just it will bug me until I find out what is going on
  16. When I open the full path it leads to a temp folder. I'm thinking this must have something to do with using the portable versions of both Audio Grabber and Burrrn. Both of those apps were put on a USB thumb drive while I was on a HP machine. Than I copied the them over to my Dells. I have never had an issue with portable apps doing this before. That's why I use the portable versions of programs if they have one because no install is needed and moving them from machine to machine is easy instead of having to install for each machine. I set the app up the way I want than just copy it to my other machines. I have done this many many times with no issue.
  17. I did that search and all the files created on the date the HP ADM file was created are from Burrrn and Audio Grabber.
  18. I have not installed Roxio. I now have this on two lap tops and both are Dells. So I have done something to both machines recently that creates that folder but I don't know what. Both Dell's came with Sonic Record not Roxio. Both machines are running very well and no malware was found on scans with multiple malware scanners used. I Googled it but all I get are hundreds of Hijackthis logs.
  19. I was looking in my Documents And Settings folder and I noticed a HP folder with my regular folders I am assuming HP means Hewlett Packard. It say HP ADM. I am using a Dell What is this about? I installed Ashampoo 6.5 but I don't think this has anything to do with it. I created a restore point before I did it and rolled back but the folder is still there. To be honest I don't know if it was there before I installed Ashampoo or not. It wasn't there the last time I looked though which wasn't to long ago.
  20. Looks like the first video isn't there any more. That was the one from inside the Supra. It was the best one.
  21. No the site was messed up like you said. I am playing around with this free one http://www.thyante.com/index.php?cdcovercreator and this shareware one. http://www.easycoverdesign.com/ I need something to list tracks as well as print lables.
  22. Well the shareware programs that give you a limited number of covers before you have to pay work well under Returnil. Everytime you install them and use them under Returnil you start fresh.
  23. Yeah but a Supra is not "regular folks cars". They are serious pieces of machinery. There is talk Toyota will bring them back.
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