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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Backing up Firefox is easy if you follow the instructions hazelnut linked. If that is too much work you can use this little app. It backs up Firefox for you as well as Thunderbird and other Mozilla programs. Mozilla recommends using it. http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com/
  2. Thanks for that link. It seems the only real way to stop it is use a different folder. Maybe the reason it doesn't happen to you is because you have not used the "browse" button yet. I don't remember having this issue before I started doing that. It started after using the "browse" button.
  3. Thats what I do to. Anything though in the My pictures folder shows up.
  4. Well than I guess thats the way it is than. Stupid IMO. I don't need every pic/icon in My Picture folder and subfolders in there.
  5. The My Pictures folder is showing up as well as the default. The strange thing is that my sub folders in My Pictures is showing up. I have a folder called "icons" that I keep icons in and they are in png format and those are in the list to. So it's normal for the My Pictures folder's contents to automatically be listed in the wall paper selector dialog? I didn't know that.
  6. I just noticed that everything I put into MY Pictures folder shows up in the Wall Paper selection Dialog. If you don't know what I mean here is a shot of the selection dialog. Even the contents of sub folders in the MY Pictures folder show up in there Why is it doing that? Normally when I select a wall paper I use the browse button and navigate to my Pictures Folder and select a pic for my wall paper. I don't know if this some how has linked My Picture folder to the dialog or what. There are pics in that dialog from my folder that I have never used as a wall paper.
  7. I was bored of mine and started playing around with Rocket Dock.
  8. I think your desktop has too many icons on it. You need to cut back on some of them
  9. I think when they discuss the update option they mean to use the clean uninstall instructions than just install the new version after you uninstall.
  10. Anthony A

    The Kiss.

    Many people I have had the miserable experience of knowing would be lucky if they were half as smart as a dog.
  11. If you wanted to do a clean uninstall of S&D here is their tutorial on how to do it. They also mention upgrading in the tutorial. It also includes a reg fix to clean those entries out. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/howto/uninstall.html
  12. It's hard to believe people would actually fall for that but they do
  13. I don't give a crap if any of them live or die to be brutally honest about it. I find their nose dives amusing. Watching Paris (I'm an absolute retard) Hilton crying like a baby when she was busted was hilarious. Britney ( soon to be joining Heath) is another entertaining piece of genetic crap I like watching do a face plant. Let's not forget about Amy Winehouse she is always good for a laugh. I save my sympathies for people that really matter not these clowns.
  14. Just playing with words. Whether you abuse and OD on illegal narcotics or legally prescribed medication is a minor detail. You are still a druggie and the results are the same.
  15. Suicide or OD it's still natural deselection. Retards removing themselves from the gene pool. I am not moved in the slightest.
  16. Britney Spears is next. That is a train wreck waiting to happen.
  17. I tell it like it is and I don't loose a seconds sleep over it. Installing a program and than start pushing buttons with no clue what will happen is STUPID period. Newbie or expert it is foolish behavior. Oh Waite a minute. I should try to be more positive and just ignore reality. What I meant to say is if you install a program and start pushing buttons with no clue as to what will happen it is really a VERY INTELLIGENT thing to do. I highly recommend this behavior because it it obviously the correct thing to do. Don't worry about your trashed computer it's not your fault it's the programs fault. The program should have just worked on it's own with no effort on your part. Honest you have no responsibility what so ever to learn how it works before you use it
  18. Do they have teeth of some kind? Doesn't it hurt if you get bit or what? Did you ever get bit by a snapping turtle What if it bites your male "fishing pole" Explain that to the woman. I was noodling and lost my noodle
  19. I see now. Noodling means they have noodles for brains.
  20. What is noodling and what is meant by "the cement pond"? I don't speak red neck well I would assume that noodling is something to do with how they were fishing but what specifically does it mean?
  21. They are highly regarded especially SAS. I don't get malware so they don't really get put to the test with me . They are easy to use and have caused me no problems with scanning or updating. A-Squared went through a period in the summer where it was updating the program (not the definitions) all most like 3 times a week and I didn't like that. That was because they upgraded to version 3 and they were working the bugs out. I felt they should have worked those bugs out before they released it but that has been worked out and it's fine now.
  22. I already have Superantispyware, AVG AS, Spybot S&D, and a-squared so I won't be replacing it with anything. I guess I will keep it until they stop providing manual downloads of the updates.
  23. Nothing. They are just Catfish. That was probably a couple weeks dinner for those guys. I bet those guys names were Billy Bob and Jethro or something similar
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