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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Your portable Firefox will have all it's files in one folder and have it's own profile. It will be a totally separate install from your normal Firefox. You can't run them at the same time though.
  2. Anybody else besides me using this site? http://www.only2clicks.com/home.php I have never seen it mentioned here except once by me a while ago. This is a online version of speed dial. I use it as my home page and I like it better than Opera's built in speed dial feature and the Firefox addon. It does not have a limit on the number of thumb nails you can use like Opera does. You can even use tabs so you can have several pages of thumb nails and switch between them. You can drag and drop the thumb nails to arrange them and add search bars from a bunch of different providers if you want.
  3. Just complaining about the default interface but you can rearrange it if you want. Program runs fine and if there are any bugs it's a beta so it's to be expected. Just use the portable version and you really have no risk using it. Your normal install of Firefox is not touched.
  4. This is where I get many of my portable apps and the official Portable Firefox from. http://portableapps.com/
  5. Looks good. Now get some new icons and get them to reflect in the dock.
  6. LA's finest on the job. You have to wake up pretty early to fool theses clowns I am still pissing myself. No way that this can be real.
  7. Shouldn't have to. It's a stupid place to put it and very unintuitive. I hated it when Microstupid moved it around in IE7 but expected that kind of stupidity from them. I expect better from Mozilla.
  8. That one from heat is the best and most relaisitc. If I remember correctly they used the actual footage in some scenes of that shoot out that happened in the early nineties between the LA Police and a couple bank robbers. The robbers were dressed head to toe in body armor and the cop's bullets were bouncing off them. The robbers shot up the place really bad it looked like a war zone. They were as calm as could be during the whole thing. The whole shoot out was filmed and on the news. I have seen it many times. Edit. I don' think that robbery was in the film but the robbery and the shoot out scene was was really cool. I read some where though that there was actual footage of a shoot out in that film.
  9. After the final is released I usually wait for a couple updates before I switch over. By that time all my extensions and themes will be updated to work with it and most of the bugs will be worked out. Thats what I did with 1 and 1.5 and 2.
  10. Maybe Mozilla caught head up ass disease from Microsoft.
  11. Pretty stupid putting the home button on the Bookmarks Tool Bar. I don't use that tool bar at all. They assume everybody uses that bar? This is something I would expect from Microsoft not Mozilla.
  12. You need to install a background that is made that way. Start with this one. Unzip it to your Rocket Dock skins folder. http://matonga.deviantart.com/art/Leopard-...t-Dock-72995236 There are hundreds of them on Diviant Art. Rocket Dock can use the skins from all the different docks.
  13. Yeah I am using Rocket Dock and the Stack Docklet. http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=46859
  14. If your referring to my dock icons I spent several days searching through Deviant Art and Wincustomize looking for them. There are thousands of icons on those two sites. I also downloaded a little program that will give a reflection to any icon. So I customized some of them. http://sirsmiley.deviantart.com/art/iReflector-61284589 Here is the wall paper. http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?ski...981&libid=8
  15. Anthony A


    I tried that about a month ago. Wasn't happy with a PDF app that used 150 MB of RAM. It was a major resource hog. Nice features though.
  16. Lavasoft sure made a mess of Ad-Aware. What a fall from that app has taken.
  17. Burn Aware has a free version and it's quite nice. Tom AZ is also saying that the free version has got some new features including burning an Audio CD DAO which would mean gap less. I will have to try it out and see if it actually does gap less. The previous version although very nice did not burn gap less Audio CD's.
  18. Than when you get it the way you like it back up the profile and this will be a non issue going forward. If I had to set up Firefox from scratch it would be a big PITA. I know what extensions I use and where to get them no problem but 15 extensions is a lot to reconfigure. Tabmix Plus and the All In One Side Bar probabaly have about 100 options to set up between the two of them. It would probably take me over an hour to get Firefox to where it is now maybe longer.
  19. Yeah I know that that's why I told him in my first post if he hadn't already backed up his profile he will have to make a new one.
  20. This is how I use Mozbackup. I back up my Firefox profile with it when everything is as I want it in Firefox. At this point my profile that I just backed up is good and working properly. I store that backed up profile on a Thumb drive or a folder on my machine. When if/when Firefox gets a corrupt profile for what ever reason I simply use the backed up profile and Firefox is back to where it was. Mozbackup does all the work for you. It's great for new installs of Firefox to. Just install Firefox and don't touch any settings. Launch Mozbackup and use the backed up profile and your new install of Firefox will be exactly the same as the the version you backed up from. Very simple way install Firefox on several machines. Mozilla recommends using it for a reason. It works
  21. I have never used it. This little program is stupid easy and has never failed me. You can even run it from a USB thumb drive like I do. http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com/
  22. The simplest way is to make regular back ups of your profile so you can easily replace it if it gets messed up. If you don't have a back up you will have to make a new profile and transfer the settings over. This is assuming your problem is a messed up profile. It may just be a bad extension.
  23. I have been hearing too many reports of Ad-Aware 2007 causing serious problems and I won't touch it with a 50 foot pole. I recently started using Sandboxie and these type of apps are going to be the way to go IMO. I will use Ad-Aware SE free for the occasional scan because I already have it installed until they stop providing the manual updates.
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