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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Looks like what I have so I don't know why your having problems with it. Did you try some of the others linked in my other post and did they work?
  2. Where did you get that wall paper?
  3. Just watch the video there isn't really anything you can say to describe how stupid this guy is. Natural de-selection at work http://www.break.com/index/how-not-to-remove-a-tree.html
  4. Your link for the pic isn't working.
  5. How do other skins work for you? Is jus thtat one skin? It sounds like you want a Leopard skin there a bunch of them on Deviant Art. Here a few from the Rocket dock skin page see if they work. The links are good the site just loads so slow it's very annoying. http://rocketdock.com/index.php?option=com...info&id=307 http://rocketdock.com/index.php?option=com...info&id=561
  6. Hmm I thought that was pretty much a done deal. Most new lap tops come with N now and the electronic stores are loaded with N routers and blowing out there G routers at discount prices. Dell has the internal wireless cards in stock for all my machines and almost all their new laptops come with N. There would be quite the problem if the "final standard" was different than what is out now and there was no way for people to upgrade. I need a new router regardless and I don't want to get another G router because we know N is going to be the standard.
  7. I am going to be replacing my 3 year old D Link router because it has been giving me some problems lately. I am going to upgrade to the new wireless N standard. Just wondering what brand people are using here and recommend.
  8. I have a folder called "Ghostwalker Leopard Port" in my Rocket Dock skin folder. If you open that folder it contains all the pieces of the dock skin. That folder unzipped directly from the download. I don't see another level. There is the downloaded zip which contains "Ghostwalker Leopard Port" and thats what should be in the skins folder.
  9. I'll buy that but the whole hard drive in 1 second I don't believe and if it did happen it certanly wasn't Opera's fault.
  10. Look in the Rocket Dock folder and see if the skin is in there in it's own folder.
  11. This might be obvious but are you actually unzipping the skin? What about the skins that come with Rocket Dock do they appear OK? Have you tried downloading any others from Deviant Art and do they work OK?
  12. In the options dialog of Rocket Doc where you select the theme/skin you want to use what is the opacity setting at?
  13. I'm usually the one that these mysteries happen to. We all get them though. You with your Opera mystery
  14. Dennis he is talking about the separators. You can see them in my screen shot in the post above yours. For some reason that is all that is showing up for him when he installs the skin. It sounds like the background or the actual dock is missing.
  15. Another of my machines.
  16. This has happened to me twice before and a reboot fixed it. I don't know why it happened and it's only been twice that I have ever seen it happen.
  17. If you look on the page I linked under "New And Excititng Features" it shows pics of it and the new features. It looks like IE7 with some new features. IE8 doesn't appear to be a major up date at least in terms of appearance. It has a redone favorites bar and crash recovery and a few other things but nothing earth shattering or better than the other browsers out there. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...NewFeatures.htm
  18. How do you edit the title of a thread? Can't seem to correct my spelling mistake.
  19. Well IE8 is now available for download in beta. Any takers? http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...ess/Install.htm
  20. I don't know what to tell you. I downloaded the skin from the link I gave you and opend it up to see if everyhting was in it and it is. You should just have to unzip it to the Rocket Dock skin folder than select it in the options and it should appear for you.
  21. Somethings wrong there. You either downloaded the wrong thing or put it in the wrong folder. What ever skin you use just unzip into the Rocket Dock skin folder. I looked at the link you posted for the skin you want to use and it says the file doesn't exist so I don't know what you downloaded. If it's a Leopard skin you want here is the proper link to one. http://matonga.deviantart.com/art/Leopard-...t-Dock-72995236
  22. Go into your Rocket Dock settings and select that skin. Right click the dock and select "dock settings" than select the "style tab". In that tab you will see the skins. Looks like this.
  23. OK thanks I missed that. Must have been a big bug because the number of files scanned now is a lot less than it used to be going from what I was reading on the forum.
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