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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Anthony A


    It would update in Sandboxie and you would lose it when you closed the sandbox. Thats also a way to test an extension to see how it works without messing with your Firefox.
  2. I am quickly learning I don't have those image editing skills. Trying to learn how to use GIMP and it's kicking my rear all over the place I am usually pretty quick at picking things up but GIMP is tough. Only recently became interested in image editing when I started using Rocket Dock and wanted to modify some dock icons.
  3. I have bunch of addons so it took time. Even without them the default Miranda has a deep options panel.
  4. I know he was supposed to be scary but he was funny. I almost wet my pants laughing at the scene where he goes in the store after filling up with gas and starts messing with the clerk. The scene went on for about 2 minutes and I was dying The guy is bonkers thats for sure.
  5. Anthony A


    I find Sandboxie easy to use and the UI is intuitive. The first time I tried it it wasn't. Many settings had to be set in the ini file. The developer has made some nice improvements and the help files on the site are better now to. I only needed to go to the forum a couple times when I was learning Sandboxie and they fixed my problems for me quickly.
  6. Anybody seen this movie? I hadn't planned to but the other day I watched it. The movie is not a comedy but I laughed my rear off through the whole movie. There is this psycho path that goes around killing everything in his path. The actor won an Oscar for the role this year. I found him to be hilarious. He is beyond messed up in a Hannibal Lecter kind of way. I see why the guy won an Oscar he was very good in the role. I am not big on movies since I find most of them very stupid but this one pleasantly surprised me even though it was a strange movie.
  7. Anthony A


    My knowledge of Sandboxie is not up there with those guys in that thread. I have never touched the ini file. I only change the settings in the UI.
  8. Miranda is the lightest of all the IM apps I have tried but also the most difficult to set up.
  9. Anthony A


    I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. It can't hurt anything. I guess if you wanted to securely delete the contents of the sandbox and used the secure delete options in CCleaner to do it that makes sense.
  10. is what I'm using. The AVG pop up window has been reported here with other versions of Firefox. As for it not happening to you give it time. It didn't happen to me until long after others reported it happening. It's not a daily occurrence or even monthly. It happened twice now for me.
  11. Anthony A


    Two ways. 1) Right click the tray icon and a menu opens. Select what Sandbox you want to add a folder for if you have more than one otherwise select "default box". Another menu will pop up select "quick recovery" from this menu. A quick recovery dialog will appear and you will see an option to "add folder". Select that option and navigate to the folder you want to add to quick recovery. 2) This way is longer but still works. Double click the tray icon and open Sandboxie Control. From the menu select "Sandbox". From the sub-menu select "Defaultbox" or another sandbox if you have one. Another sub-menu opens and you need to select "Sandbox Settings. This opens the settings panel. Go to "Recovery" than "Quick Recovery" and select "add folder".
  12. Anthony A


    I'm not Humpty but Sandboxie sets the Desktop and My Documents as recoverable folders. So if you down load something to those areas they will be in the Sandbox but can be recovered by using the "The Quick Recovery" feature. You can recover to where ever you want. You can also set up other folders to be recoverable as well.
  13. I use Miranda. It's a PITA to set up but once it is it is very good. The addon site and Wiki have been down for months though so maybe I will check out Digsby. I have been reading great things about it.
  14. Anthony A


    I just set Sandboxie to delete it's contents automatically when the last sand boxed program is closed. If there is anything in the recoverable folders when this happens then "quick recovery" appears and I can recover or delete. I don't think I am getting why you would need CCleaner.
  15. Anthony A


    It's come a long way since then. The UI is pretty straight forward and you can make all your changes in there now. Used to be you had to go and edit ini files if I remember correctly.
  16. I started a thread there before I posted here. http://forum.grisoft.cz/freeforum/read.php...,backpage=2,sv= I also replied to a thread about the same subject and my post to that thread was removed The program is hijacking the browser simple as that. My browser was closed and AVG launched it with their site in it. Very disappointed to see this. They should be slammed for this behavior. Put all the ads you want in the program UI I don't care it's a small annoyance to put up with for using a great app for free but this browser hijacking is BS.
  17. Anthony A


    Yeah I am on the Sandboxie and Returnil band wagon to. Can't believe they are free. Explain what you mean that added a custom link through CCleaner.
  18. What it did to the browser was very strange. The Import Wizard of Firefox opened at the same time the AVG update window did. Firefox opened in default form. The advertisement is not a big deal to me but the other things are.
  19. Did you update to 2.2 yet? Any issues? I usually wait a week or two after the updates to see if anybody is having issues before I update. I see you over on their forums often
  20. Anthony A

    Avast! 4.8

    I may have spoken too soon. I experienced some strange behaviour today from AVG. I hope it was fluke. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15101
  21. You had a AVG ad open a window before? That was annoying enough but what it did to Firefox my default browser was really strange.
  22. AVG AV auto updated the virus definitions today just as it does every day. Today it did something very strange. After the update it launched Firefox with AVG's home page in the window. Not only that it wasn't my regular Firefox that launched it was what looked like a default version of the browser. None of my extensions or skins. Not only that the import wizard for Firefox that you use to import bookmarks and cookies etc on a knew install was launched I cancelled the import wizard and closed the Firefox window than launched my Firefox normally and it looks and works fine. I am not impressed Once before I had AVG open a window to it's home page during an update but only once before and it didn't do what it did today. If it happens again it is gone.
  23. Anthony A

    Avast! 4.8

    Yeah I know it's just a number and I have plenty of RAM. The least I have is 1 gig on one of the machines. I have 1.5 and 2 gigs on the others. I will stay with AVG for now. It has worked perfectly since I installed it on all the machines. Than I will check their update out and hopefully it goes well like Avast has. If not at least I know I have a good alternative in Avast.
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