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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Anthony A

    Spybot S&D

    Just right click and "save as" the blue highlighted "this very small fix". Save to your Desktop or some where you will be able to find it. It will be saved as a Reg file. Just double click the saved file and run it. You could also right click and select "merge". After you run it I would reboot, that's what I did, than install the newest S&D.
  2. Anthony A

    Spybot S&D

    After uninstalling S&D run this reg fix provided by the makers of S&D. It will remove all reg entries. Than do a clean install. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/howto/uninstall.html
  3. How do you figure it's distasteful? I asked how long it takes CCleaner to do it's thing on your machine. I asked this because if it takes so long that you need a "Estimated Time Left" feature than IMO there is something wrong with CCleaner. Also how is what I asked any different than what ident was saying? I was not distasteful at all. Do you know what an enema is? You need one.
  4. CCleaner does it's thing in seconds for me. Most times less than a second. How long does CCleaner take to clean your system that you need an "Estimated Time Left"?
  5. You can block most if not all the ads in all the web mails with Ad Block Plus. Without an ad blocker Gmail has the least amount of ads of the web mails. More annoying IMO is the stupid ads Yahoo mail attaches to your emails that you send. So who ever gets your message no matter what email service they use they get those stupid ads attached to your message. Sometimes they even look like they are the message. Very annoying.
  6. Can you see the pics in this page OK? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0 My post is the second one and the pic isn't loading. Neither is several others in the first page of that thread.
  7. Well AVG is getting into the act of pop up windows. Just got another one from them. This time it was not a browser window like last time. This time it's a pop up window from AVG.
  8. I don't see any adds in Gmail. Besides the great GUI and pop3 access the thing that made me dump Yahoo and Hotmail was no ads in Gmail. Both Hotmail and Yahoo Mail had obnoxious in your face ads if I wasn't using Adblock Plus. Also the emails you send to people using Yahoo Mail have stupid ads with them so you force that crap on the recipients of your messages. Gmail does not do that.
  9. I have been having problem loading threads with pics. The April Desktop thread for example. The first page of that thread loads very poorly and I can't see some of the pics.
  10. These are the update problems I hear so much about with Antivir.
  11. I can't remember the last time I received a tax refund. What are you guys writing off to get refunds. Than again I don't pay taxes during the year since I don't have "earned income". All my income is investment income and doesn't get taxed until I file my returns. Even when I was a slave to the grind and working I didn't get a refund unless I maxed out my RRSP.
  12. AVG uses almost nothing. The "working set" column is how much RAM is being used. Less than 2 MB.
  13. Is the Notifier ad a pop up or just a banner or what is it? Never used Avira Antvir before.
  14. Spybot S&D is not an Antivirus program. McAfee is a resource hog. You would be better off with AVG AV Free, Avira Antivir Personal Free, or Avast Free.
  15. Are you referring to definition updates? The app received a decent review here http://www.download.com/8301-2007_4-9919454-12.html
  16. If that goes through it will be a disaster. Both companies are in bad shape. One article I read described this merger as two drunks trying to hold each other up.
  17. I like the clean look of the GUI. I also read good things about the detection rates with it. The only negative I read about is definition update problems. If AVG's update, when it comes for the free version, messes up I will be switching to Antvir.
  18. The name of the pic is Door Of The Universe.
  19. Another thing is our health care system is not national. Many Americans think it is. Each province has it's own health care plan. In Ontario we have OHIP I don't know what yours is called where you are from. So there is a differences there. When you live in a fairly large city you are going to really see the shortages and long wait times.
  20. Does it offer anything that Tweak UI doesn't?
  21. Anthony A


    Open Sandboxie Control by double clicking the tray icon.Than go to the menu entry Sandbox -> default box -> sandbox settings. When the settings dialog opens go to Delete -> Invocation. There will be an option to "Automatically delete contents of sandbox". Check that. Now when you close the last program running in Sandboxie it will automatically delete the contents. If you have anything in a recoverable folder the "Quick Recovery" Dialog will open to allow you to recover anything in there.
  22. If you look at 1984's signature he lists the specs of his machines. I think the desktop is what he purchased.
  23. Well I would imagine if a cop brings a person in they will clear you out of there faster than me. You can't compare what you experience on the job as a police officer to the normal patient going into the hospital. Yes the location of the hospital is a big thing. All the hospitals here are inner city since I live in the city Our health system isn't terrible. There are worse obviously. I just think it's poor value. It also isn't what it's hyped up to be. I talk to Americans all the time because I am over the border at least once a month and they have this impression that we have this awesome health care system but it has some serious problems. Sure I walk into any hospital and just flash my health card and I am covered for most things but we pay believe me. Just look at your paycheck when they are finished with it. Also how would Americans like to pay 15% on every purchase they make? I do. Federal and provincial tax. How would Americans like to buy a house and not be able to wright off there mortgage interest? I could go on.
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