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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Anthony A


    Mine is set to delete when the last program running in it is closed. Several times a day at least.
  2. You and me must be living in two different countries than. Our local paper is always running stories of people waiting so long on the waiting list that they go over r the border and pay out of their own pockets. I have personally waited 5 hours in ER rooms more than once to get stitched up.
  3. No need to just choose one or the other. I am getting a Mac but I will keep my Windows machines and will probably always have one or two.
  4. Move to Ontario than tell me about about it. You probably don't pay almost $2000.00 a year in car insurance to drive with a perfect driving record like I do either do you? Also I don' think you live as close to the border as I do so going over the border for medical services is not an option for you like it is here and it's on option that is used often. Our health system is not what the world thinks it is. I have had several friends and relatives get sick or injured in the US on holidays or business trips and they were blown away with the level of care they received compared to here. Sure Americans pay for it but they are not taxed to death like we are. I would gladly pay my own health insurance for superior health care if my taxes were cut accordingly. Whats happening now is you are losing more and more health services and having to pay for them your self but there is no corresponding tax cut so we are getting double hit. If and when public health care is dropped here you will be paying the same level of taxes you do know plus your cost of private health care. This is not the thread for this dicussion though
  5. Anthony A


    Double click the tray icon and open Sandboxie Control. From the menu select "Sandbox". From the sub-menu select "Defaultbox" or another sandbox if you have one. Another sub-menu opens and you need to select "Sandbox Settings. This opens the settings panel. Go to "Recovery" than "Quick Recovery". High light the folder in the list you wan to delete from Quick Recovery and select "Remove Folder".
  6. I am getting a laugh out of this whole fiasco. The Chinese government are a bunch of thugs. How a billion people can allow this government to continue is beyond me. They need to over throw and exterminate their government. The sooner the better.
  7. That is the recommended way to update Flash.
  8. Don't believe what you hear about our freebies. Our health care is sub standard at best. 6 or 7 hour waits in the emergency room are the norm. If you need to see a specialist be prepared to wait months and in some cases years. We use the American health system often because ours is backed right up. I live 35 min from the Niagara Falls NY border and many people are going over there to get the services they can't get here or have to wait months for if they can get them. The funny thing is more and more services are no longer covered and we pay out of our pocket plus the insane tax rates on top of that to fund the public health care and the services that are covered.
  9. I hope they still have the individual apps for download. I really don't want all those rolled into one when I only use 3 or 4.
  10. In our country the tax system is punitive. You are punished for trying to improve your lot in life. Don't think about working overtime so you can bring a little more home to feed your family. If you do you will be pounded on taxes to the point it is not worth working. Than of course the taxes the government steals from you is squandered on absolute garbage by incompetent and corrupt politicians. What blows my mind is how all the sheeple just mindlessly accept this. The people of this country should have a tax revolt and shut down the government instantly. Enough is enough.
  11. Does anybody know how long MS is going to be supporting XP for? Last I heard you will not be able to buy it anymore sometime this summer but what about updates and security patches? I read some where that MS was going to support XP until 2017 but I can't see that happening.
  12. Yeah it's that time of year in Canada to bend over and grab your ankles and prepare for the yearly financial rape.
  13. Yeah that was a mess but these are practically babies.
  14. I find the books are usually much better than the movie but I don't see how a book could properly describe this guy. He is different.
  15. I found the whole scence on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPE106en7pc...feature=related Here is a cool trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9L7Z2eMi28...feature=related
  16. It wasn't just one or two kids either it was 9 of them They brought the knife and handcuffs and a big rock to knock her out. They even brought gloves. Some of them were charged but if that happened in Canada they would be too young for charges.
  17. Title says it all. Unbelievable http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/Pag...0402.wvstab0402
  18. I did that with Faststone Image Viewer. It has some basic image editing tools. It changed the color but it was pretty limited in range. Does IcoFX let you work on PNG icons or does it convert everything to ico?
  19. Anthony A


    Open Sandboxie Control by double clicking the tray icon. Than go to the Sandbox entry in the menu. Than select the sandbox or if you have only one select default Sandbox. Than Sandbox settings. Go to applications and select Web Browser. Check the box that says "Allow direct access to Firefox and Seamonkey Bookmarks."
  20. Interesting thing about the new computers coming with Vista instead of XP. When I was in future shop looking at the Mac I mentioned earlier I asked the sales person what if I wanted to buy a windows machine from them but have XP in it instead of Vista? You know what the guy tells me? He says we will remove Vista for you and install XP but it will cost you a couple hundred dollars more. You have to buy XP separately and than they will put in in for you. So your best bet might be to order form HP or Dell on line directly from them because you can still order machines with XP as on option. The ones in the store are already built so you have no choice. If you alrady have a XP install disk you can put it in your self.
  21. I already have about 120 different dock icons most of them from Deviant Art and Wincustomize. I didn't know about the iconaholic site though. Even though I have found many I like I would still like to change them a little. I have a little app that adds reflections to them and it works great. Just drag and drop and it does the work. I would like to change the colors of some of them though. I thought it would be as simple as using the Fill tool in the image editors but that doesn't work for me. It fills little sections at a time instead of the while area that I want. They need to be PNG format for Rocket dock.
  22. Anthony A


    OK thanks. Sandboxie is pretty easy if you stick with the settings that are accessed in the GUI. I never spent much time trying to figure out the ini files and the different things you can do in there so I thought I might have missed something
  23. Mac desktops are beautiful. They are far easier to learn than Windows thats for sure. I spent about an hour on Apple's site and read some guides and tutorials and I will be able to pick up the Mac OS no problems.
  24. Get a Mac This will be my next purchase as far as computers go. I was in Future Shop yesterday looking at the Macs and I am getting one for sure. http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...=&langid=EN
  25. Anthony A


    So are saying Sandboxie really doesn't protect IE unless those settings are changed? I have run IE Sandboxed and it seems to work fine. Everything gets sandboxed and deletes when I close IE.
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