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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. It doesn't always work well. The Firefox Addon Site has been very slow in it's progress since it's disaterious new release. I started thread over there that now has 23,000 views, almost 400 replies, and 26 pages long and is a sticky. It has resulted in some changes but the clowns who designed that POS site seem to be in denial. They are convinced the site is great. Maybe if I get my face pierced and some tattoos on my a$$ I will think like them. http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=642440
  2. Yes I misread Augeas's post and thought it said May 31 which is the date I had posted a few days ago when I received a pop up saying that. Dec 31, 2008 is the new date which is good news. Should give them plenty of time to "fix" AVG 8.
  3. Well it seems AVG has seen the light. This is a post about it by a mod on the AVG forum http://forum.grisoft.cz/freeforum/read.php...2,backpage=,sv=
  4. Are you complaining? First time I have seen some one concerned about not getting nag screens
  5. Yeah we know that. I posted that last week. It will be mistake if they follow through with that IMO.
  6. Their servers are notoriously slow. Try your updates at off hours. That was the one thing that kept me from Antivir but now I would rather put up with that than 70 MB of AVG 8 doing a Norton impression.
  7. You will have to boot into safe mode to fix the nag screen in XP home. Here are the instructions for all the different operating systems. http://www.elitekiller.com/files/disable_antivir_nag.htm
  8. I don't see that feature at all in AVG 8. In fact it's worse than it was in 7.5. Now you pick an hour can't pick the minute. Than it randomly picks a time between the hour you picked and and two hours from it. So some where in the two hour time frame it sets a time . You cannot pick that time it's picked for you. Also it changes that time every day on you. Check when the next scheduled update is for. Not on the schedule but on the update module main screen. It will tell you when the next scheduled update will happen. Once that up date happens it changes the time for the next update. It will not be the same time the next day. It changes every day. Very very stupid move. At least in 7.5 what ever time was randomly selected for you stayed the same every day. They had better change that. They will suffer major damage IMO to their reputation. Check their forum out. It's good for a laugh. They are getting some major negative response for 8.
  9. How many processes run with AntVir and what is the total MB of RAM? By the way the nag screen is easily disabled and so is the splash screen that appears on reboots of your system. The fix for the nag screen has already been posted here but here is the fix for the splash screen. Fix comes right from Avira http://www.avira.com/en/support/kbdetails.php?id=211
  10. Well congratulations AVG. You have done the biggest noze dive I have seen in a while. Take your place beside Ad-Aware 2007. You should take lessons from Spybot S&D. They upgraded and actually improved an already great app. What a concept. Upgrading and making the program better. I think you will see these clowns back away from their plane to cut off support for 7.5 May 31. AVG 8 simply isn't going over very well and it was arrogant of them to give one months notice ending support for 7.5. I remember when AVG AV upgraded to 7.5 there were many months notice before support for the previous version was cut off and 7.5 wasn't nearly as big an update.
  11. Very nice. Not as good as AVG 7.5 was bit 600% btter than AVG 8 is right now.
  12. How you liking Avira? Whats the resource usage for it?
  13. What did you think Of Avira Antvir? I remember you trued it recently but I dont remember what you thought about it?
  14. I don't see the need for an email scanner. Don't open e mails from people you don't know. Especially if it has an attachment. In case you have a blond with big boobs moment and do something stupid like open an attachment from some one you don't know the resident shield will protect you just like it does if you open any infected file. The email scanner is redundant IMO and I disabled it in AVG.
  15. Probably a good suggestion for anybody. Or get a Mac. Two options I see more and more people doing since the release of Vista.
  16. Mine is significantly higher than 15 and 21k.
  17. What I meant by resources is what is AVG using in RAM when you are not scanning? When you use the computer and just have AVG ruinning normally, not scanning and not updating just running normal. I expect a jump in CPU and RAM when scanning. No problem there as I don't do anything when it scans any ways. Also you set the priority of the scans so it doesn't use too much resources if you want. The automatic updates are done silently in the back ground. You don't even know they happened until you check the logs and see updated definitions in the main screen.
  18. I disabled the link scanner the same way in the browsers. Whats your resource usage like? You need to jump through too may hoops to get this AVG right. You shouldn't have to do command line stuff to not install a component. you should be able to disable any component and then choose to ignore the faulty condition warning like any other AV program can including AVG 7.5
  19. So you finally got Opera to work for you?
  20. rridgley can you post a screen shot of Task Manager to show what AVG 8 is using? A major flaw in AVG 8 is the lack of ability to disable the faulty component warning. It has not even been added in the pro version and there are several posts on the AVG forum about it. So if you disable a component you will have a security warning that cannot be ignored. This was not an issue in 7.5.
  21. I posted a screen shot of what AVG 8 was using in this thread. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15584 It got higher from there. I posted screen shots on here before of AVG 7.5 using about 2 MB. There is a definite jump in resources.
  22. That is un real. It's like the computer gods are saying, "Dennis D you will not run Opera on this computer no matter what! EVER!!"
  23. I installed AVG AV 8.0 in one machine and find it to be a resource hog. That wouldn't be so bad but now you can't disable components you don't want to use. If you do you get the warning message in the main program and in the system tray. In 7.5 you could choose to ignore the warning if you disabled a component and every thing was fine. Now you do not have the option to ignore it. Funny thing is in the built in help file (not the one from the web site) it says you can set AVG 8.0 to ignore the disabled component and tells you how. Guess what that is a mistake in the help guide because it's a feature only available in the paid version. I asked on their forum Also you have have to jump through hoops if you want to install without the Link Scanner. I really don't like AVG 8.0 at all. It got up to over 70 MB of RAM. Thats pushing Norton territory. What a disgrace. Go from one of the lowest resource users to a hog. When they started hijacking my browser with pop ups it was clear that there was a change in thinking/policy at AVG and I had my doubts about how AVG 8.0 would turn out.
  24. Have you tried the new Opera 9.5 beta 2? Give it a shot and see if it will run for you. It's a huge improvement over Opera 9.27. Very stable and loads pages faster than any browser I have ever used.
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