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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. I hope they redo the whole thing. It's a resource hog as it is and I don't like it as much as 7.5.
  2. This will explain it for you http://my.opera.com/Tamil/blog/toggle-remove-menu-bar
  3. Yeah Returnil is a must have program for testing things out. I would also recommend that even after you test an app out on Returnil and decide you like the program you are testing and decide to install it I would track the install with Zsoft so if you decide to uninstall it later you can totally remove it.
  4. Well no because I don't see that part. Lets face it though the built in installers don't remove much if any of the registry stuff. What I did was look at the Zsoft install log. Than look at the stuff Revo found during the scanner part of it's uninstall process set at the most advanced setting. There were many many reg entries in the Zsoft install log not identified in the Revo scan. I seriously doubt that is because the programs built in installer removed them all. Also after I uninstalled using Revo and let in clean everything it found I cleaned up with Zsoft and it still removed stuff so obviously Revo didn't get it all. You can easily duplicate this and see for your self. I wouldn't expect Revo to get it all anyways. It doesn't track the install and create a log like Zsoft does.
  5. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    There is another one where they are on a safari in Africa and the tour guide tells them to get out of the truck and "engage the cats and make plenty of sudden movements" because the cats like it. Of course the idiots get out of the truck and are getting in the cats faces and the truck drives away
  6. Absolutely false. Every feature that is available in the free version of AVG 8 on install is fully functional for the life of the program including the e mail scanner. There is not trial time limit. http://free.grisoft.com/ww.news.ndi-93837
  7. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    I will play Devils advocate here and say that you are complaining about the wrong thing and the wrong people. Oil prices are set on the market. Oil companies don't set the prices. Its supply and demand and some speculation from huge hedge funds and a weak US dollar that is causing this. When Oil jumps $3 a barrel in a day do you think the oil companies set that price? WRONG. It is set on the futures exchange by buyers and sellers. I watch this everyday. You want oil to come down? Simply don't use as much of it. It's that simple. This creates demand destruction and supply goes up and prices come down. Same with house prices which got out of control. Nobody sat around and set the prices. They are set by the market. Thats you and your neighbor and his mother or who ever. The sad truth is we are running out of cheap oil. As China and India and the developing countries of the world start to live an American life style they use more oil and increase demand at a time when supply is limited. Your seeing this in food prices as well. Instead of complaining profit from it. If you think oil will further increase buy it. It's easily done for the average person now. USO is the ticker symbol for the US Oil Fund. You want to own oil and profit from the rise in prices buy it. It is an exchange traded fund that trades on the AMEX ( American Stock Exchange). It buys the futures contracts that determine the price of oil. You will track the price of oil up or down because you own the instruments that set the price of oil. Understand that when the price of oil drops this fund will get hammered. http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=USO
  8. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    I can't imagine the insurance costs for a 95 VW Golf were too bad even in Ontario, Canada the land where insurance people should have their faces amputated.
  9. Well I recently switched to Opera as my main browser and love it. Blows the pants off Firefox speed wise and does everything my install of Firefox does without the need for 17 extensions. Firefox is excellent though and I still and always will have it installed and use it.
  10. Dennis said he had this problem with Opera even after reinstalling Windows. Those registry entires would have been wiped than. As for Revo it doesn't find anywhere near the info that Zsoft records during an install. I have checked this on several programs that I have uninstalled with Revo. I check what Revo finds against what Zsoft recorded and there is a big difference. Even when I set Revo to the most aggressive settings it doesn't find nearly all the entries that Zsoft records. Maybe try installing for a single user that way no folders/files are installed in that folder. You are given that option during install if you use the "Classic Installer". I don't know if that option is available with the Windows Installer version which I have never used. Dennis which installer did you use? Try the other maybe it will make a difference.
  11. Yeah 6 months isn't worth it for me to change from AVG 7.5 which is going to be supported until Dec 31, 2008.
  12. You should take a look here. These guys know more about it than I do. http://www.castlecops.com/f288-Returnil_Vi...em_Release.html
  13. Yeah after you add about 50 extensions. Out of the box there is absolutely no comparison. Firefox is one stripped down and useless browser without extensions. With extensions it's very good and was my main browser until Opera 9.5 beta 2.
  14. When you use Returnil it virtualizes your system into RAM. Anything you do while this is activated does not touch your hard drive or the Registry. Anything you install, uninstall, any setting you change, anything you do period is done on the virtual system running in RAM. Once you reboot the RAM is released and your system is back to where it was. To say it reverts back isn't correct because it was never changed in the first place.
  15. Another machine of mine.
  16. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    Those cars are alright but I would rather have (will be my next car purchase) a Honda S2000. They are comparable in price over here.
  17. I don't use the virtual partiton so I can't say. Also the new version of Returnil has the choice of using RAM or HD to virtualize your system. If you chose HD than you can save some things but if you use RAM. The version I use vitalizes the system into RAM and anything you do is gone after reboot.
  18. I got that error message earlier today for a few minutes than everything was fine again.
  19. Wonder what would happen if you reinstalled the operating system and started from scratch. Maybe you have already done that and still Opera doesn't work? That would be weird. Maybe it's not your computer at all maybe it's the ISP. That's stretching it but you have to start looking at the slightest possibilities now since you tried everything else.
  20. I think Microcrap is secretly buying these companies and destroying the apps so they are crap like MS stuff is. This takes people's minds off Vista
  21. Yeah thats why I don't do it. Still I could have
  22. My antivirus has nothing to do with my clean system. I can't remember the last time an antivirus program's resident shield or scanner has found something on any of my systems. Looking back I could have run without one and not have gotten infected.
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