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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Is it any better than the 2007 POS?
  2. They are two different type of apps so keep both. Revo does not take a snap shot ouf your system like Total Unintsall does. Revo uses the built in uninstall of the program you try to uninstall and than looks for leftover entries and gives you the option of removing them. It is great for apps that you have installed but haven't taken a snap shot with Total Uninstall yet. Revo also has some nice other tools with it. I use it as a replacement for The Add/Remove Applications of windows. It loads much faster and lists more info. Revo also has "Hunter Mode" that you can use to kill processes that you don't know where their from. Just drag it over the icon or window and it will give you the option of killing it or removing it.
  3. Well learn something new every day. There is a Norton Secirity Suite for Macs and several others make antivirus for Macs. I knew that there were antivirus programs for Macs but I didn't know Norton made one. http://antivirus.about.com/od/antivirussof...tp/aamacvir.htm
  4. Are you sure about this? I don't think Norton makes antivirus software for Macs.
  5. I have been trying to access that site and see the permalink you are referring to but I can't seem to get in there for the last hour or so.
  6. Thats the one I would go with if I was paying.
  7. In that long list I noticed your Revo Uninstaller is out of date
  8. Well here is an example of what I was asking to do. Hazlenut posted a link to an article about antivirus software and the link opens the page right where the article starts. How did she do that? Here is the thread she started and the link is in her post. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15825&hl=
  9. Set IE7 Pro to clean tab history on exit. It's in the IE7 Pro preferences under the "privacy tab"
  10. How does he not notice the missing ads? First thing I would notice if you installed IE7 Pro and didn't tell me would be the missing ads.
  11. What are you trying to say? AVG 7.5 runs at less than 2 MB on my systems. Never had an infection while using it. Never had a conflict with another program with it. Best antivirus I have used.
  12. No they are supporting 7.5 until Dec 31, 2008. Here is the official thread from the AVG forums. http://freeforum.avg.com/read.php?1,123812,backpage=,sv=
  13. Just go and get yourself a copy of AVG 7.5 and use until the end of the year. Hopefully by then AVG 8 will be transformed from a Norton wanna be (bloated POS) to a good light program again. Get it here http://www.filehippo.com/download_avg_antivirus/4029/
  14. The reason I started this thread. Still no answer. You know why? Because SP3 doesn't do $hit. The few minor things it adds you probably will use rarely if ever. Oh wait I forgot it gives you all the updates since XP was released which you already had if you keep up to date. So Micro$hit gives you what you already had and has people convinced they are getting something special. I have been following this thread with amazement. It seems people are installing SP3 simply because it's there to install. Nobody really seems concerned about what they are actually getting or in this case not getting
  15. You may not have had a problem but Windows ME was a major flop and that is not debatable.
  16. Or it could be like the Windows ME situation. We will see.
  17. Like I am going to be doing. Always wanted a Mac and now Microsoft has given me that extra nudge to make the move.
  18. 200,000 is a drop in the bucket. That is a fraction of the people using Windows. They will need to get in the tens of millions to get anywhere.
  19. I'm going to start a petition to convert all copies of Vista to Leopard at Microsoft's Expense
  20. Seems to be hit and miss. I wonder if those links I have clicked on that go right to the proper place in the page just worked out like yours did?
  21. It's nicer than the Google Tool Bar spell checker. The dialog is right above the text field where as you have to go to the tool bar for the Google Tool Bar spell check. Also when/if I use IE7 I put into full screen and when that happens you lose the Google Tool Bar because it doesn't auto hide with the rest of the tool bars.
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