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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Avast has an email scanner Avira AntiVir does not in the free version. If you open an infected email the Guard still protects you there just is no scanning of the email as it's downloaded from the server.
  2. I usually only scan monthly but since AntiVir was a new install I wanted to test it out.
  3. I didn't set any exclusions for Antivir. Left it at default and medium priority. After the 9 min scan I thought this can't be right. So I changed the settings to scan "all files" and it only added about 30 seconds to the scan and a couple hundred more files. If I set it to high priority it would probably only take a few min.
  4. Anybody else using Google bookmarks and noticing a problem getting to your bookmarked sites? For two days now I have not been able to get to my bookmarked sites form the Google Bookmarks page. I get a Google error about the site is not found on the Google server. If you use the Google Toolbar and the bookmarks button that drops down a list of your bookmarks it works. If you select "manage" which brings you to the Google Bookmarks home page and try to select any of the bookmarks or go to the bookmarks home page any other way and select a bookmark you get the error.
  5. I have not tried Avast yet. Tried all the other free AV apps. I will have to try out Avast on one of my machines. Sounds like there is a ton of settings and there is no help file available before I install to take a look at. I like to read up on things before I install so I have some idea what to expect. I hate going in blind I find that very annoying. It would be great if one of you Avast users could provide me with the help file to look at. I know Antivir and AVG built in help files are chm files and easily removed. I would really be happy if someone could provide the Avast built in help file hint hint
  6. OK thanks. It looks like AntiVir was the fastest by far of all the programs you used.
  7. It took Antivir 9 min to scan my entire machine. I remember AVG taking twice as long. Did you recently reinstall AVG 7.5? If you did on the first run after install you get the option of setting the scan priority. If you didn't set it to high than you will get really long scan times. Problem is you can only set this setting on the first run after a clean install. It's a limitation of the free version.
  8. Recently installed Avir AntiVir on a machine that had AVG AV 7.5. The scan times are much faster with Avira. So much so I am wondering if something is wrong. Is there any one else that has tried both that can comment on the speed of the scan compared to each other?
  9. No show here Just discussing browsers. In the end you will use what you like and that is as it should be
  10. Opera 9.5 is extremely faster than FF3 for me. No contest. Ugly Opera? I don't quite understand what you mean when you say "enable windows mode" but Opera has about 1000 skins and there are many many very nice ones. If you can't find one you like I don't know what to tell you because there is plenty to choose from. In fact I like the default Opera skin. It's certainly better than that puke thing Firefox has as a default. I use a skin for Opera that is just a slightly tweaked version of the default. No spell checking? I have two spell checks installed in Opera and they work great. In fact the Ospell spell checker is the best I have and I have many spell checkers. I have about 10 spell checkers between all my browsers and Ospell is my favorite. Firefox's built in spell check is decent but I rarely if ever use it because when I use FF I use the Google Toolbar Spell Checker it is much superior to Firefox's spell check. I lost count how many times I misspelled a word and the suggested correction for FF spell check is so off base it's laughable. Np extensions? I say GOOD!! Don't need them in Opera they are built in. Maybe the reason my FF is slow compared to Opera is because I have to load it with extensions to get it any where near Opera in functionality. If I don't add extensions FF is as useless as IE7. As for customizing Opera you are way off on this. Every button can me moved any were you want. You can't do that with FF. Try moving a button to the Tab Bar in FF. Try moving a button to the Status Bar in FF. You need special extensions to do it. Try moving your tabs to another tool bar. Try moving buttons to the side bar. Cant be done in FF. There really is no part of the Opera GUI you can't customize. And when you got the set up you want you just back up the toolbar ini and transfer all your customizations to another Opera on another machine in seconds. If you don't like Operas customization options than you must hate FF because it is far less customizable than Opera. You can't move tool bars in Opera but guess what you can't in FF either. You can toggle tool bars off or on in both browsers but you can't move them. I am really interested in seeing further explanation on your reasons for saying this about Opera's ability to be customized compared to FF because what you said simply isn't even close to being true. Firefox has become bloated. Than add your extensions and you can easily get close to 100MB for a browser. Opera is about 11MB on my machine. Than get to RAM usage. FF is a hog and FF3 is not much better sad to say. I never go over 80 MB of RAM in Opera and than when it gets close to 80MB it's a rare thing. I hit that every single time I use Firefox. In fact I consider myself lucky if FF doesn't go over 100MB of RAM. It's very rare that it doesn't go over 100MB. Don't get me wrong I use Firefox and like it. I will always have it installed. I am getting tired of hearing BS though about it. Some people are just band wagon jumpers and repeat what they hear. I also get tired of hearing criticism of Opera or some other browsers when compared to Firefox especially if the criticism is flat out lies or coming from people that clearly don't know what the other browsers can do because they don't now how to use them in the first place to give them a fair and accurate assessment. They install Opera. Spend 0 minutes reading the help. Spend 5 minutes trying to customize it the same way they do to their other browsers and then say it sucks because it doesn't do things the way their other browsers do. Well it's not their other browsers so why would it do things the same way.
  11. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    Little article to give you some food for thought. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...PStory/Business
  12. Yeah FF3 RC 2 is faster than than FF2 but it's not as fast as Opera 9.5 Beta 2. All my favorite themes are still not ready for FF3 and several of my must have extensions aren't either. I even tried to modify the install rdf on some of them and they just won't work properly with FF3.
  13. Yeah the if you download and install from Filehippo or some site that has the full install of course it's the full program. I meant if you use the updater in the program it installs the files you don't have. You use FireFox and that is exactly how it updates if you use the update feature. You get the incremental update not the full installer. If you go to their site and down load the installer it has to be the full installer and not just an update.
  14. I don't think the SAS program updates like the recent one are full installs of a new version over an old version. They are incremental updates I believe. They just add the updates files not the whole program. They update in seconds for me.
  15. Read the developers last reply in my thread. He says "this update requires the GUI to be closed". There must be something specific about this update for that. I will just have to wait and see what happens next time there is a program update.
  16. I started a thread yesterday on the SAS forums about this. If you do the update from the system tray icon it will work. I don't know what changed but something has because I never use the system tray icon for SAS and never had an issue before. The developer of SAS says it's necessary to have the tray icon if you want to update but doesn't say why that is now necessary when it clearly wasn't before. http://forums.superantispyware.com/viewtopic.php?t=1625
  17. You said in your first post that they don't appear in the recycle bin.
  18. Take a look at my latest screen shot in the June Desktop thread http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105256
  19. Don't forget their forum is not what it used to be either. My last two posts were deleted without explanation and this isn't the first time that has happened to me. They don't like the truth. So they create there own and delete your posts. In their reality AVG 8 is a lean mean non resource hungry machine and thier position on support for AVG AV 7.5 is crystal clear. The pop ups aren't adware either they are public safety announcements What a bunch of clowns. I swear Microcrap has purchased them and converted them all to Micro idiots.
  20. AVG AV 7.5 provided me with one of it's adware pop ups today thats says support ends June 25, 2008. The sticky thread on the AVG forums says Dec 31, 2008. An email response posted on the forum from tech support at AVG say May 31,2008. I think it's safe to say these clowns don't their heads from their arses. I posted on their forum and both times my post disappeared so I'm done with that. I think anybody using AVG 7.5 should be prepared to have support cut off at any time.
  21. I use Scrap Book to. Why would you expect deleted data to appear in the recycle bin? When you delete cookies or bookmarks or empty the browsers cache non of that appears in the recycle bin either. I group the Scrap Book data in with those.
  22. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    That's the other end of the supply demand thing. Problem is that supply is simply running out. At least cheap easy to get at oil is. Look up the "peak oil theory" and read up on it. Many of these large oil fields are in decline. They need to find new supplies of oil. The problem is the new finds are hard to get at like deep in the ocean floor or in the Tar Sands here in Canada or in the frozen Arctic. A huge factor is the big increase in demand from China and India and other developing countries. Something for you Americans to think about the next time you complain about cheap imports from China and their low Yuan. If they ever decide to let the yuan rise in value relative to the US dollar watch out! Suddenly oil and gas (which is priced in US dollars by the way) will become a lot cheaper to billions of Chinese and if you think they use a lot now watch their demand shoot straight up and take oil and gas along for a nasty ride. Their are so may factors at play right now it's scary.
  23. Anthony A

    Mazda RX8

    You are witnessing first hand whats called "Demand Destruction". This is exactly what higher prices are intended to do to demand. There is a saying in the investment world that the best thing for high prices is higher prices. It kills demand and ultimately brings prices down.
  24. My c:\windows\temp folder is empty and I run CCleaner several times a day so no they don't accumulate if they even get put there in the first place.
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