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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Wow still no solution. I would have thought some one here would know how. Not much goes unanswered on this site. I will have to go on a mission and find out how it's done. I never really cared about it until I needed to post a link and couldn't get the link to open where I wanted.
  2. No two people have the exact same set up.
  3. I guess this wasn't as easy as I thought. Nobody knows how to do this? I don't feel so blond and big boobed now
  4. I don't use Hot Mail so I can't comment.
  5. No it's not. It is exactly like the Gmail spell check. In fact I think it is the Gmail Spell Checker. The thing I don't like about IE7 Pro's built in spell check or Firefox's is that first they are not very accurate. Many times I have misspelled a word and none of the suggested replacements are correct and the word is only misspelled by one letter so it should have the right replacement. Google Tool Bar is very accurate. I also don't like how you have to right click and than the list of replacements is all the way at the top of the context menu. Very unnatural for me to navigate up like that. With The Google Tool Bar and this script you just click on the word and a list of words is right there. No other context menu items in the way.
  6. I was poking around the IE7 User Java Script site and found a spell check script that works really good. Better IMO than the built in one for IE7 Pro. If you have ever used Gmail you will be familiar with this. It puts the Gmail spell check in text fields. It works just like it does in Gmail. I find it much more accurate than the built in spell check of IE7 Pro. http://iescripts.org/view-scripts-12p1.htm Here is a screen shot of the dialog. It's in the top right corner just under the format tools.
  7. OK thanks guys that was easy like I figured it would be What about a page not a post? I have been seeing this a lot lately. Some one posts a link to a page and the link opens exactly at the area the person is referring to. Edit: I notice some forums don't have the numbers on the post so how do you do it to those?
  8. This is silly and probably really easy but when you paste a link to a page into a post for example how can you get that link to go to a specific area of the page? For example, if I posted a link to a thread in another forum, which is very common, how do I get that posted link to show a specific post? Or if I post a link to a page and the area I want to show is half way down the page how do you get the link to open there? I ask because I have been clicking on some links lately and the link opens to a specific area of the page or thread no scrolling necessary. When I post a link it just opens to the top of the page so if the area I am trying to link is at the bottom or middle I have to give instructions with my link that the info is at the bottom or halfway down or what ever. This is something that I should know how to do but I don't When you finish laughing please post the instructions
  9. I would add that Ashampoo Burning Studio is much easier to us than Img Burn. Ashampoo has a very intuitive GUI which Img Burn certainly does not IMO.
  10. How exactly will you do that? Have you ever tried removing a program with Revo that did not have an entry in Add/Remove Programs? I have and it doesn't work. First of all if you open Revo if there is no entry for the program there is nothing to click on and start the uninstall process. If you start the program you want to uninstall than use Revo in "Hunter Mode" and drag the "Hunter Mode" Icon over the icon for the app you want to uninstall and than try to uninstall it Revo will tell you it can't.
  11. It can't remove anything that doesn't have an uninstaller already. If you install SP3 with IE7 already installed it removes the ability to remove IE7 from the add/remove programs so Revo will not work either.
  12. If you are a regular IE user it's not unimaginable that at some point IE7 will get corrupted/damaged and you will need to reinstall it. If you update to XP3 without removing IE7 first you will be screwed when/'if you need to uninstall a damaged IE7. You will need to remove SP3 first than IE7 than reinstall SP3 and than IE7.
  13. That's what Microsoft brings to your life What else would you do if you weren't spending most of your time fixing the damage they do to your machines I don't get why people feel the need to get new apps/updates as soon as they are available if your machines are running fine already. Let everybody else put up with the conflicts and bugs. Let the fixes come out and the solutions get posted than when you update it should be relatively painless. Maybe people enjoy torture or something Here is an example of what I would like to avoid. Not a happy camper is he
  14. YoKenny and Icedrake pleeeeeaaaaase I have ignored several Windows updates in the past that Microsoft decided were "critical" and certainly were not. I have experienced no problems what so ever from it and those updates are still available from the windows Update Site. They now show up as hidden updates and one click they can be restored. This is an option so you do not continually get notified about updates you have chosen not to install. Maybe you think I disabled Automatic Updates completely? I did not. I have updates set to notify me but not to download and install. I remain in control of what goes on my machines not Microcrap.
  15. I doubt you look like a human doodle pad or human pin cusion Nothing wrong with a few tasteful tattoos or piercings. I just picture these clowns covered in tattoos and bones in there faces sitting around a table designing crap apps or web sites with the same decision making skills they use to get their "body art". The end result is a freak show. Crappy apps/web sites designed by people that are into "the human doodle pad on chemo therapy look". These same idiots are the ones you seeing driving crappy little cars with the big fart cannons on the back for an exhaust and wings on the rear that make the car look like a shopping cart. They think they are it
  16. I have 8 on one machine. I left 7.5 on the others. I was going to switch them over to Avira Antivir but no need now at least until Dec 31. Hopefully AVG 8 will have it's problems fixed by then. The main ones being the huge memory increase and the wacky scheduling set up for updates and the not being able to ignore faulty component warnings.
  17. I recieved SP3 in 4 computers by Automatic updates two days ago. Selected to ignore it and not be notified again.
  18. Why did you install it in the first place? What exactly did it offer you that you needed/wanted? I still have not received a sensible answer to the question I asked to start this thread.
  19. Their Burning Studio is excellent.
  20. I won't be missing anything because I won't install it until I need to reinstall Windows and my Windows CD is a SP2 CD anyways. I just don't get the point of having this big SP3 with all updates since XP was released than tell people you need SP2 already before you install SP3. Why include all updtes in the SP3 if you already will have many of them after you install SP2. SP3 should have just been all updates released since SP2 was released. I shouldn't be surprised it's Microstupid after all.
  21. That there is typical MS BS. Why would they release a SP that is a culmination of all updates since XP was released and than tell you you need to have SP2 installed already. Is SP2 and SP1 not already in the SP3 update? Wasn't the whole point of SP3 to gather up all the patches into one nice package? There really isn't anything in the SP3 update other than all the other updates.
  22. If you are reinstalling Windows and you add SP3 it will be much bigger than 66 MB. I need to read up on how this will all work.
  23. If SP3 is just a collection of all updates since XP was released why would some one with XP SP2 fully updated want to install SP3? You already have all the updates if you have been updating monthly. Why install them again. Am I missing something here. I admit I haven't read much about it yet because I have no intention of installing it for a long while until I see how many problems it causes. It will be good for reinstalls of windows so you don't have to go through the long process of downloading the 7 million patches from the windows update site but other than that why install it until you reformat?
  24. The automatic updates are done silently in the background so you shouldn't be seeing any pop up windows about them. They only appear on the manual updates. As for your updates times staying the same thats a first. They change every day to a random time that is in the two hour time slot. This has been discussed at the AVG forum and that is how it is designed to work in the free version. Let's say is say your next scheduled update is today at 2:05. After that update takes place you will not see the next scheduled update set for tomorrow at the same time. it will be a different time between 2:00 and 4:00 tomorrow and randomly selected. There is no longer a set time for you. Look under the history menu item and select "event history". It will list the times that updates started and finished. I seriously doubt you will have two the same.
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