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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Dennis where you running it from a thumb drive? If you were the quality and age of the thumb drive makes a huge difference. I run these portable apps off a 2GB Verbatim thumb drive and I cannot tell the difference between it and if it was installed. It takes Firefox longer to launch but once it has it runs perfect. Just so you know you don't have to run these things from portable devices. You can run these right on your machine. Just put them any folder you want and run. I use the portable versions of several apps on my machines in place of the full install versions.
  2. The number one sign you bought a bad computer is when you boot up and Windows launches Should have bought a Mac
  3. Yeah those are great. My thumb drive is loaded with those apps. I use some of them on my machines in place of the full install versions to. The portable FireFox 3 is a great way to try the FireFox 3 beta on your machine without messing with your current install.
  4. I installed AVG AV 8.0 today on one of my machines. The install package is 46 MB but once installed it leaves a much smaller footprint. I found about 26 MB of files. I tracked the install with Z Soft Uninstaller. How can that be that the actual install is so much smaller than the the installer package? Any way that was a pleasant surprise. Than I checked out the RAM usage and that was a big disappointment. AVG AV 7.5 used less than 2 MB of RAM total between all the AVG processes running (on my machines anyways). AVG AV 8.0 is using 20 x that amount. The big hog is the Resident Shield.
  5. That browser has been around for a few years. Like Maxthon 1 and 2, Avant, Slim Browser, Green Browser and several more it is a shell for IE. The best of these type of browsers is Maxthon. I have tried them all
  6. The same 3 that have been mentioned here 7 million times including this thread http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15535
  7. You will get it for free now if you use AVG 8.0. If you don't use AVG AV than you will be SOL after they cut off support for AVG AS. They should keep AVG AS around for the people that don't want to use AVG AV.
  8. I received this annoying pop up from AVG when I updated the definitions today. Now we know when 7.5 will stop being supported. I wonder if AVG AS is going to be cut off then to?
  9. I looked at that. They need to take lessons from AVG or Avira on how to create a help guide.
  10. That's what they say although all three of the free ones are good. Antivir doesn't have email scanning last time I checked that might have changed though in the new version. Not that it matters to me I shut that off in AVG anyways. When it's time to switch from AVG 7.5 I will try out AVG 8.0 and if I don't like it I will probably go with Avira. I find Avasts lack of a help document to read before I install a major annoyance and there is absolutley no excuse for it so I will avoid them. AVG and Avira have full and well done help files available from their sites to read before installing.
  11. I am using 16 addons right now in Firefox amd most of them come built into Opera.
  12. That is set in Windows. It's the title bar for all your open apps. You can set the size in the the Display Properties section of Windows. Right click on your desktop and select "Properties" than select the "Appearance Tab". At the bottom right you will see an "Advanced" button. Click it and it opens a dialog. You will see a drop down box called "item". Open the drop down and select "active title bar". You can set the size for the title bar and text in there.
  13. I might have to try it out again. It's been about a year probably more since I tried it. The thing I remember was all the tweaking I had to do just to get basic functions.
  14. To be honest the default install of Firefox is not very impressive. As you know it's the extensions that make it a great browser. Those 60% probably heard all the great things about FireFox and than downloaded it and thought whats so special. Takes a little more work to find and install the extensions. Opera on the other hand is loaded right out of the box.
  15. The point is IE has the market share it has because it comes with Windows not because it's good browser. Most people just click the little blue "e" and start browsing. FireFox takes some effort. You have to install it and most people just can't be bothered.
  16. This why I never jump on an update as soon as they are available. I wait until all this garbage is worked out. I do this for almost all updates of any program. Having said that I am using the latest beta from Opera and it is working excellent.
  17. Those stats mean nothing to me. IE's market share is distorted by the simple and sad fact that IE is forced on everybody that buys a computer with Windows on it. If FireFox was standard on all Windows installs IE would be non existent in short order. Opera gets intentionally blocked by many sites and as a result you need to set Opera to identify as IE or FireFox to use it on many sites so that distorts the numbers as well.
  18. Avast Free, AVG Free, Avira AntiVir Free. These have been discussed here 7 million times
  19. The guy will notice that many ads are missing. If he's conscious he will Would have to be blind to not see the difference.
  20. Foxit has a new update and it's a pretty big one. It now has tabs, long over due IMO, and it also now supports multimedia embeds in PDFs. There are a bunch of other nice improvements to. http://www.download.com/8301-2007_4-9931769-12.html Edit: Could a mod edit my bone head typos in the title please
  21. I can say without a doubt that the fastest browser I have now is Opera 9.5 beta 2. This launches instantly and loads pages in the blink of an eye. Big improvement over 9.27 in that area. It's my most use browser right now followed by Firefox. If you use Opera get yourself the O Spell user java script. It's the best spellchecker out there and I have tried many. http://opera.gt500.org/ospell/
  22. Some of those ones you mentioned are for advanced users. You need to know what you are doing with them. Panda and Blacklight are very easy to use.
  23. That map is also a good indicator of the biggest energy wasters on the planet. Las Vegas needs to be lit up so all the druggies, hookers, drug dealers, pimps, and gambling idiots can see what their doing.
  24. Safari is useless. IE7 without IE7 Pro is almost as useless as Safari. Firefox and Opera are very close for me and I use both a lot. Maxthon 2 is very good and Maxthon 1 is also very good. Avant is not bad but is way down the list for me compared to Opera, Firefox, and the 2 Maxthons. Avant is better than a stock IE7 but not as good as IE7 with IE 7 Pro. If you couldn't add any addons to the browsers Opera would be the best no contest. Firefox without extensions is pretty useless to me. With extensions it's very good.
  25. You want to go here Set your options there. If by history you also mean cookies Opera can be set to clean cookies on exit. You can easily white list cookies you want to keep as well
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