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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. You might need to fight with them to get it though.
  2. I have been spending much time in the audio area latley. Never really foucused on it before so don't be surprised if I am posting audio related questions for a while. As for the portable Burrrn it seems to be exactly the same as the regular Burrrn, which I am reading good things about, except that it's portable. From the reading I have done it seems that Gambit used to release a zip version that you could use portable but people were messing up with it and bothering him with support questions so he only has the installer version on his site now. I noticed from searching the forum you really like Burrrn.
  3. Anybody using this? http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-SOFT...le-Burrrn.shtml
  4. Hmm this sounds more involved than I thought. The music end of computers is not something I have much experience at to be honest. Never really had a need. I would rip and burn the odd CD and use WMP to do it. Not much to doing that. Rip the tracks you want and than select burn and put in a blank CD-R and that is it. Now I want to rip and burn a lot of my friends CD's so I am getting more into this and doing a lot of reading. I read a few of the manuals for EAC. One said I need to install a ASPI driver and one didn't mention it. What are your thoughts on that. As for Lame I don't plan on ripping the CD's and keeping the files on the computer. I will rip them and burn them back on to CD's so there is no need to convert them to MP3 if I have this correct. I might be totally off base here. Or is there an easier way to rip a bunch of CD's and burn them all.
  5. I am looking at both these programs. What one do the audio experts here use and recommend and why?
  6. It's not just with computers that people do this. I know many people that have no use for directions or manuals and just start pushing buttons and pulling levers or just start assembling things. Than they stand there with a dumb a$$ look on their face when they have six pieces left in the box after they have assembled the device. It's just laziness IMO. Than they complain that the product is crap because they didn't bother to follow instructions. IMO CCleaner was one of the easiest programs to learn and has one of the nicest and easiest to use help guides. No excuse to just start pushing buttons. As for people new to computers, all the more reason to read manuals and help files. If you aren't smart enough to know how much you don't know you are in trouble with anything you do in life.
  7. Don't be jealous. I live 35 min away from the Falls it's no big deal anymore. Freeze your a$$ off there in the winter.
  8. Anthony A

    IE8 Fugly

    I don't think it's fake. I think MS is just testing out people's reaction. They are saying it's fake so if the reaction is bad they don't stupid. I heard Bill Gates personally designed it.
  9. If you are stupid enough to do that with any program you deserve what you get. I make sure I have read all help files and any other info I can get on any program before I even install it. I definitely know what it can do before I use it. The help file that is available on line from this forum is very helpful and explains what CCleaner does and all of it's options. There really is no excuse for being lazy.
  10. I am thinking of trying out Returnil. I would like to look over the manual before installing it. Anybody know where to get a copy other than down loading and installing Returnil?
  11. I removed the exception I had added and than manually updated The Easy List filter and the video works great. Thanks. I forgot you visited this forum
  12. Are you saying you don't see Firefox listed in CCleaner? Firefox is one of the apps CCleaner cleans. Do you have Firefox installed in the default location?
  13. Most of those network tweaks are a joke and cause more problems than do any good. The network.http.pipelining.maxrequests maxes out at 8 if I remember correctly so anything above that is a joke. This has been discussed at length many many times on the Firefox Forums. As for the cache in Portable Firefox it is disabled by default to force Portable Firefox to use the computers RAM for cache instead of the thumb drive. Cuts down on the read/writes to the thumb drive increasing it's life span. Also it speeds up browsing with Portable Firefox from a thumb drive since using the computers ram is faster than using the thumb drive for cache. If you choose to put Portable Firefox on your computer you can go into the options and re enable the cache like you would on regular Firefox.
  14. Here is a link to MS about SP3. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en It has a couple links at the bottom of the page that fully explain everything that comes with SP3. Other than giving you all the updates and patches, you already have if you keep Windows up to date, it doesn't add anything significant. From reading the article it sounds like SP3 contains all the updates and patches since XP was released. It says that a computer wit SP1 can install SP3. No need to install SP2 first. SP3 must have everything since XP was released than. Unless I'm understanding it wrong. After reading the article again it clearly says SP3 contains all updates since XP was releaesd.
  15. Anthony A

    IE8 Fugly

    I hope MS gets serious this time and makes a browser worth having. IE7 was a disappointing joke when you consider how long it took for MS to release it and all the time they had to see what Opera, Firefox and Maxthon had to offer. IE7 was outdated even before it was released.
  16. Anthony A

    IE8 Fugly

    Lets hope they are fakes. I don't like the GUI at all. It seems strange that an IE8 is comming so soon when you consider how long IE7 was in the making.
  17. Yeah I do the same. SP3 includes all the patches and updates since SP2 was released I believe. So why would some one that has a fully patched SP2 need it? It will be great for when you need to to a reinstall of Windows though.
  18. I added an exception and all is well. I like ABP and the Easy List filter. Have almost no problems with broken sites that's why I didn't think to look at ABP when the site broke for me. The filters update every 5 days to keep up with all the new adds so the odd broken site is worth it to me and easily fixed.
  19. I do have the newest Flash. Opera is working and uses the same Flash. This is happening on 4 machines. Edit: It appears to be Ad Block Plus. I disabled it on that site and the Video played. ABP Updates it's filter every 5 days so maybe/probably the update broke the site. Do you use ABP?
  20. All of sudden I can't play videos from this site with Firefox but all my other browsers work. Can any Firefox users try to see if they play for them? They are on the right side of the page. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/
  21. Anthony A

    IE8 Fugly

    I hope they are fake or the final version is drastically different. If it is real I will definitely not be updating.
  22. Anthony A

    IE8 Fugly

    There are some leaked screen shots floating around of IE8. Microstupid just keeps getting more stupid. I think they hired 4 year olds to design this fugly browser. http://news.softpedia.com/news/First-Scree...ked-59120.shtml
  23. Any body try Eusing Free Registry Cleaner? I have it installed and it doesn't seem too aggressive. I like the GUI it's very clean and intuitive. It was recommended in the The 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities. http://www.techsupportalert.com/best_46_fr...tilities.htm#26 http://www.eusing.com/free_registry_cleane...try_cleaner.htm
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