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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Yeah it's called not being bothered to learn something new or just being lazy. Out of the box Firefox isn't really impressive. It's not loaded with features compared to IE7. So if you are a person using and liking IE7 and you decided to try Firefox chances are you won't be impressed with the basic install of it. You will probably say whats the big deal with this Firefox. If you are willing to learn about the thousands of extensions and how to install and tweak them (which I suspect most are not) than Firefox is much better than IE7 even with IE7 Pro. Out of the box Maxthon is the most full featured browser. It comes with more features than any browser out there. On top of that it also has hundreds/thousands of addons to make it even more extensible. I have no doubt that if IE did not come with Windows it would have no where near the share of the market it has. Most buy their computer and just use whats with it. I know many that think the only way to get on the internet is the little blue e on the desktop. They don't even know that it's a web browser. They just know that the little e will get them to their porn sites so they can spank their monkey all night. They have no desire to learn any more than that.
  2. One of my machines does not have any of the .NET Framework versions and there is very little that DOESN'T run on it. There are only a few programs that I have wanted to try that required the .NET Framework and I found alternatives that I'm happy with.
  3. Usually Mozilla releases the updated version first for download than the auto update will notify you about it a couple days later. I have never had Firefox fail to notify me about an update.
  4. Yes..... it's Norton as well as McAfee
  5. Two pretty good reasons. Plus removing it is as bad as removing malware.
  6. Coming from some one running Norton.
  7. I have disabled alg and the Windows Firewall works perfectly fine. It starts up automatically on start up and runs. I posted a link to Black Viper's site in an earlier post check it out. Thats where I learned alg was not needed. I have been running without it for months now. http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/Services/A...way_Service.htm You need spools if you want to print. If you are not printing with the machine it's not needed. I don't print anything off my laptops so I disabled spools. As for the touch pad. I killed the processes and it works fine. I lost the ability to scroll with the touch pad but so what I just use the up and down arrows which is easier any ways. Other than that it works great. This is one you have nothing to lose trying. Kill the processes and if the touch pad doesn't work no harm done. You still have the mouse working so enable the processes again and reboot and the touch pad will work again.
  8. You could cut some more. I killed alg.exe. Not needed for the Windows Firewall anymore since SP2. I also killed Spools.exe because I don't print with the laptops. You also have two processes there for your touch pad. I killed those and my touch pad works fine. You will loose some of the advanced features of the touch pad but I wasn't using them any way.
  9. You could probably cut 50 from the laptop no problem.
  10. The internal update feature in Firefox worked perfectly for me on 3 machines. I did notice the addon site was down about 2 minutes ago though. I did my updates last night so maybe there is something wrong with the servers right now.
  11. I hate to say it but when you started this thread I knew it would end this way. You dove far too fast into this. I cut my processes down from almost 60 to under 20. It did not happen over night. It took weeks to accomplish this problem free. I Googled each process and there are many sites with info on what each process did and if it was safe to stop or not. I looked at multiple sites because some had different opinions on what was safe and what was not. Than I made a list and separated into obviously safe, probably safe, and unsure. I killed a few at a time and used the machines as normal for about 5 days to make sure some obscure setting or function that was not obvious at first wasn't messed up. Take note and remember what the processes were and if your not sure make a restore point. Than and only than did I move on to another couple processes. This went on for weeks until I got my running processes down to an acceptable level. There were many sites with good info but this one by Black Viper was the most helpful to me. http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/service411.htm
  12. Process Explorer Autoruns Jk Defrag FS Capture MwSnap Foxit PDF Reader Sumatra PDF Reader Power Menu My Uninsatller SIW HD Tune Zoomit Hijack This Panda Anti Root-kit Rootkit Buster xplorer2
  13. It would be nice if Opera would get around to fixing the Speed Dial feature. They introduced this feature and it's seriously flawed. Bring up Speed Dial and click on one of the thumb nails to go to your page. Click some links and go a few deep into a page. Now click the back button. Many many times instead of going back a page you go right back to Speed Dial. Very annoying. Firefox, Maxthon 1, Maxthon 2 and IE7 via IE7 Pro have far superior versions of Speed Dial now.
  14. I like and use Yahoo Finance often so My Yahoo goes well with it because I can put a lot of Yahoo Finace on MY Yahoo. The new beta is so slow and clunky it's ridiculous.
  15. I don't see anything that will fix my problem. I can only assume that Yahoo is forcing people to switch to their complete piece of crap product. Their lack of response to my email is strange. They are usually very quick to respond. They have until tomorrow and than I will flush this turd. I have been looking at I Google lately and it looks pretty good. If this is Yahoo's idea of an improvement than they are as stupid as Microsoft. Maybe all the rumors that keep popping up about MS buying Yahoo will come true. They deserve each other.
  16. Dennis you are talking about the Yahoo Mail. I am talking about My Yahoo. Totally different things.
  17. Dennis you manually switched. When I did that before there was a link clearly visible to get back to the non beta My Yahoo. This time I did not switch. It switched for me and there is no link. This had better not be Yahoo's way of switching people over. I will be gone so fast. The beta loads very slow. It's useless.
  18. Where is the options link? There does not appear to be one on the beta I have here.
  19. I use My Yahoo as my home page. Today it switched me to My Yahoo beta which is a total piece of crap. There is no link any where on the page to switch back. There used to be if you tried the beta. Now it just switched automatically and there is no link to go back. Tried e mailing them and there is no response. Any body else use My Yahoo and did this happen to you? If they don't correct this BS soon they will be kicked to the curb with the rest of the internet $hit I have kicked there. I am very annoyed by this right now.
  20. Works perefectly for me on 4 machines. Did you restart Firefox after toggling the setting?
  21. Well yeah but that extension is for people that prefer the mouse.
  22. Maybe you already know this but just in case you don't I will tell you. If you go into about:config and find the entry middlemouse.scrollbarPosition and set it to true you will get the same thing as that extension gives you. Middle click on the scroll bar at the top and the page instantly goes to the top or do the same for the bottom of the page.
  23. I have 18 to 20 processes running depending on the machine. The first thing I noticed was the insane amount of CPU Maxthon is using. Maxthon uses no where near that on my Machines. Usually Maxthon is at 0 CPU for me.
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