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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. How are you accessing Yahoo Mail with it? Gmail gives you free POP and I think Hotmail/Live Mail lets you get your mail if you use that new Live Desktop beta but not Yahoo.
  2. I have it installed and it definitely improves IE7. I prefer Maxthon and Maxthon 2 though if I am going to use an IE based browser.
  3. If I had a recording of some of the conversations I've had and posted them here I would be banned in less than a second.
  4. Ha Ha That is funny. Been there and done it much worse than that. Not with my ISP but other things.
  5. Well the Webmail Notifier extension does just that https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4490 I think you said you are having trouble with that one to. It worked great for me.
  6. Are you talking about this extension? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1320 Works perfectly for me. What do you mean stopped working? Couldn't log in to your accounts or you weren't getting notifications?
  7. When it comes to useless bloat from Microsoft nothing surprises me.
  8. OK, you obviously did some tweaking. I thought you were saying you were getting under a GIG just doing a regular install.
  9. I did read that and that's why I am asking? From the info it appears the problem is only for people that did a repair install but it looks like a couple people in this thread are doing the fix and there was no mention of them having did a repair install.
  10. You sure are having many problems with all the email notification programs you are trying. Those last two are not intended to be full featured email clients. You know what I did? I dumped everything except Gmail. If you need multiple accounts than make several Gmail accounts. Than I set Thunderbird up and I get free POP3 with Gmail. So I handle all emails through TB using Gmail. Also the Gmail Manager extension and Webmail extension for Firefox work/worked perfectly for me. I use the Gmail Manager extension with Firefox on machines that don't have TB installed.
  11. The link I posted lets you create an MSN account without needing to do anything but fill in the info. I don't use Hotmail I use that new MSN account for IM.
  12. What do you have to do? Just unzip that over top of the current version or remove the old one first?
  13. Is it being recommended that everybody do this repair?
  14. If you use Thunderbird or Outlook you will need POP 3 access to your web mail accounts to down load messages to TB and Outlook. Gmail gives you that for free Hotmail and Yahoo do not. If your willing to pay for POP 3 access than TB or Outlook would work for you. If you don't want to pay than you can try this app http://www.poppeeper.com/ It checks all your accounts for you.
  15. I know when ever I purchase a new machine or HD that the advertised size is BS and will be less than whats listed. I just expect it now.
  16. Unless you have done a repair of XP it won't mess up updates .
  17. Off topic. I see you installed Antivir how do you like it?
  18. I just did it so you can. I googled the question and the answer was on the Ask Leo site Ha ha. Any way here is the link to the sign up if anybody gives a crap I just wanted something different and shorter. I know I need to get a life. https://accountservices.passport.net/reg.sr...l=1&lc=1033
  19. How do you get a email address with Microsoft hotmail or messenger that ends with @msn.com instead of @hotmail.com?
  20. People just don't won't to let go of XP. Microsoft is extending the sale of XP because of customer demand. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070927/microsoft_xp.html?.v=1
  21. Yeah that's why I changed. I will have to look into this might be something else. Just wanted to see if anybody else experienced a performance drop with WPA. Thanks.
  22. Last week I changed the encryption on the wireless network to WPA from WEP. I did this after reading how much more secure WPA is. Never had a security problem with WEP but figured what could it hurt. Since doing that there has been a noticeable slowdown in the speed of browsing. Pages load slower and just feels sluggish. When coming out of standby it takes a few seconds to connect to the network. The little arrow on the wireless icon in the system tray starts moving side to side indicting it is looking for a signal to connect to. It always connects but it takes longer than it did on WEP. That little arrow never appeared when using WEP. The connection was almost instant. I switched back to WEP and things are back to normal for me. Anybody notice a performance difference between WEP and WPA?
  23. The one machine I have 1.5 installed on it loads very slow. The update yesterday did nothing to improve that.
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