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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. I have looked at that one but it's very minimalist which is good if thats what you are looking for. It doesn't have a lot of featutre Foxit has. I use Foxit and I have never had a problem with it rendering any documents. It's small, fast, no install, full featured, and documents look great for me.
  2. When I first installed CCleaner I ran the program in analyze mode for each entry and looked at what it was going to clean. It lists everything marked for deletion.
  3. This one lets you position the windows on the screen so you don't have to move them. You can use key board short cut or a number pad pops up with arrows to select a position. I installed it on one of my machines and it's pretty neat. I will play with it for a while.
  4. This program looks very interesting. Anybody using it here? http://reptils.free.fr/
  5. I shut off the guest account and set my account to not use a password and it boots to the desktop every time.
  6. 47 MB of Ram is outstanding for Firefox My Firefox launches at about 41MB. None of my browsers use less than 47MB. Wheres the problem?
  7. Ospell is a user java script spell checker isn't it? It uses a on line spell check right? Thats why it works. All the spell checkers for all the browsers that use a spell check installed on the machine were messing up. The Google Tool Bar spell checkers for IE and Firefox worked perfectly because they use an on line spell check to.
  8. Anthony A

    IE Plus

    This is another addon for IE that is very similar to IE7 pro. http://www.shendoo.com/index_en.htm
  9. On the two machines I use 2 gig and 1.5 gig.
  10. I'm just glad it's fixed. It was to the point I could not use Opera here because not only was the spell check messed up but the line breaks were all out of whack to.
  11. Well we need to thank the dudes at the Opera forums for this fix. I posted over there yesterday and asked them about it and linked this forum. They figured it out pretty quick. http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=201220
  12. It appears that the problem I and some others are having with spell checkers is caused by a setting in the controls of this forum. If you go to My controls-> Board settings-> Type of text editor to use when posting, select "standard editor" and the spell check works fine. If you select "rich text editor" it messes up the spell checks. This would explain why it didn't mess up spell checkers when using the "fast reply" option because rich text is not available in that reply option. Could some one that uses Opera with Aspell confirm this please? Anybody using Firefox with no problems with the inline spell check what is that setting at? IE7 with IE7 Pro can check if the inline spell check works with the selection to. I had issues with all those spell checks when set to rich text editor. Here is a screen shot of the option I am talking about. It's at the bottom of the page.
  13. Give me five minutes alone with that $hit stain and I can assure you he will wish he was one of those dogs. All kinds of pleasant things going through my head that I could do to him and I wouldn't lose a seconds sleep over it. Anybody that messes with animals or children needs immediate extermination.
  14. I use a hard ware firewall and have no complaints.
  15. Hey you are using IE7 so you don't matter to him
  16. I don't see what the big deal is with Firefox. Almost all browsers have add blocking now days. IE7 with IE7 Pro Opera has it built in Maxthon 1 and 2 have it built in Avant has it built in most if not all of the IE shells have it built in Flock you can add ABP K Melon uses ABP also. This is going to go the same route as the pop up blocker. They complained about browsers with those not to long ago and now they all have them. If you use Firefox and run across many sites that block you because of this install the User Agent Switcher extension. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59
  17. All my browsers have ad blocking not just Firefox.
  18. You have no idea how bad I want this to happen in my life time. I want to live long enough to see the day we officially have contact and it can't be denied to the public. It will be hilarious to see the reaction of the human race when we discover how far down the food chain we really are. It would be a huge embarrassment if some one like baby Bush was the person they had official contact with. I think they would exterminate all of us if that genetic disaster area was the best we had to offer
  19. Pizard said Dell Offered a special "US tech support" so you don't end up talking to someone in India. That was never an option I knew about. The fact this is a special option is what I find amusing.
  20. I just programmed it into a mouse gesture and it works fine now.
  21. This is true and even if they speak well there are many who might as well be speaking a foreign language because they are clueless and of no help. I just found it amusing that you have to pay extra to get a special warranty that includes local tech support.
  22. Yeah but I don't want it as my home page. I think I will put a suggestion in over there for this.
  23. Thats another problem with Dell and many other computer company's. They use your computer as advertising space for crap like Norton. They don't care that it bothers you as long as they pimp some money from Norton or who ever. I demanded and got my last Dell without that garbage on it.
  24. I updated to the newest IE7 Pro today and it is a nice add on. Makes IE7 much better. The new speed dial feature would be great if I didn't have to use the status bar icon to access it. I would like it to appear when I select the "new tab" option like it does in Opera. The way it's set up now I won't use it. I shut off the status bar. They should make all the IE7 Pro options available form the toolbar button. I hate status bar icons. Oh another good thing they did with this upgrade was add a right click context menu item called "check spelling forcibly". This works well in the CCleaner forum because as I have reported before this forum messes up spell checkers. Now when I finish a post I right click and select the "check spelling forcibly" option and it does. They have added a session restore but this feature is already built into IE7 any ways. Over all this is a really nice addon and highly recommended for those who haven't seen the light and dumped IE7. It 's like training wheels for Firefox.
  25. Are you serious! Ha Ha Well finally the retards at Dell acknowledge there is a customer support problem and a major part of it is the over seas call centers. So why not just admit they f'd up when they made this move to over seas call centers and bring them back home? Oh no they can't do that. They make you pay for the "privilege" of talking to someone in your own language over a good connection and make it look like they are doing you some sort of favor. Customers share a lot of the fault in this. These company's look for any way to cut costs and increase margins all in the name of increasing share holder value. I have lost count how many times I read a news report about a major company slashing jobs and moving production to low cost countries and instead of outrage the response is an immediate jump in stock price. Of course that means more money for the pimp that runs the company and receives stock options and other performance based compensation. Hopefully this cycle has run it's course. There is way too much crap in the news about bad over seas products getting over here do to incompetent and corrupt overseas quality control. The magnets in the toys just being the most recent. One good thing though about moving production and call centers or what ever overseas is watching the retards in suits try to do damage control on the news every night. It's more entertaining than any comedy that's on the tube these days.
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