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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Today I check into the forum and select "view new posts". Instead of the usual thread format I like, posts listed oldest to newest one after the other fully expanded, I get this How do I switch it back? I looked through the board setting and can't find the option for it.
  2. Had the same problem on a relatives machine. Every once in a while the Windows Security Center red shield would pop up and a message saying the fire wall was disabled. When I went to check the firewall it was on and working. Not once was it off. Still can't figure out why it's happening but since we know the firewall is on we disabled the notifications so the warnings don't appear anymore. Go into the Control Panel and select Security Center. On the left there will be an option called "change the way Security Center alerts me". Uncheck the firewall option. This has nothing to do with turning the firewall on or off it just turns of the notification telling you the firewall is disabled. Of course if the firewall really does get turned of or disabled you won't get the warning but it's easy enough to check for your self.
  3. Doesn't iobot defrag run in the back ground defragging all the time or when your system is idle? I installed Tweak UI so I could disable Windows Defrag from running automatically when my system is idle. I will defrag when I want to I don't want some program running in the back ground defragging the HD all the time. I'm totally happy with JK Defrag.
  4. You will be replacing the hard drive more often that way. All that shutting down and starting up will wear it out sooner. Stand by mode is practically off without all the rebooting..
  5. The fact it's 6 browsers, 4 different machines, and only this forum and only when I don't select "fast reply" and other people have the same issue tells me it's the forum. Why some people don't have the issue I can't say. I find it impossible to believe that four machines and 6 browsers all coincidentally screwed up exactly the same way and only on this forum when I reply with any other method other than "fast reply" and that other peoples machines and browsers messed up exactly like mine. I don't know if there is a forum setting in "My Controls" section of the site that could be causing this or if where I'm located and the server being used to access the site is an issue but it is an issue with this forum. My machines work too well every where else for it to be them and others are having the issue. It's more a need to know because it's bugging me. The Google Tool Bar spell check works fine and so does IE Spell if I use the tool bar button so it more of an annoyance than anything else that the other spell check methods are messing up.
  6. I don't see the appeal of an integrated email/browser. The way I use Thunderbird now is I launch it and minimize it to the tray with the Minimize To Tray Extension. It is set up to use 3 Gmail accounts and my email account with my ISP. No matter what browser I am using I get notified when I receive email. No matter what browser or program I am using when I click on a email link up pops Thunderbird because it's my default and I have access to all my email accounts. I can't have this kind of flexibility if it was combined with my browser. I use Opera often and I do not use it's built in e mail. To me email and browser are seperate and should stay that way.
  7. That would not explain Firefox working perfectly every where else and 6 browsers screwing up on this forum only and this behavior happening on 4 machines on this forum only.
  8. I hope this is not a bad thing for Thunderbird. I have been using it for the last couple months now and really like it. I have my Gmail accounts set up in it.
  9. I see a pic of his desk top buts it's not a link. It's just a pic.
  10. Yet mine does not and some others are having the issue as well. I would like to figure this out.
  11. IE7 Pro comes with an in line spell checker. There is no "pro version" of IE7. IE7 Pro is an addon for IE7 that includes a in line spell checker as well as many other features . http://www.ie7pro.com/ As far as IE Spell. No components are are lost/deleted/damaged. It works flawless every were else but here. This is on several computers. It's not just IE Spell either it's other browsers spell checkers as well the mess up here.
  12. I have been using IE Spell for several years now. It only messes up on this forum. Same for the problems with the other browsers.
  13. Yes I know this. "Check spelling" doesn't appear when it should. Thats the problem.
  14. Another thing to keep in mind is some ISP have down load limits. If you exceed it they charge you a fee. My aunt set up a wireless router and did not secure it. She received a huge bill form the ISP because the download limits were reached and exceeded big time. Some body had been on here signal downloading things and she ended up paying for it.
  15. I am posting this with IE7 and IE7 Pro and IE Spell is also installed. I am obviously quoting your post. In line spell check for IE7 Pro is not high lighting misspelled words. When I check spelling via right click context menu there is no "check spelling" option for IE Spell. The other options for IE Spell are present though. The tool bar button for IE Spell works.
  16. You lost me. It looks like the misspelled words are underlined if that pic. It seems to be working there.
  17. It's good to see it's not just me. Hopefully we can figure this out. I'm to the point I won't use Opera here. I will be creating a reply and the line breaks go bananas and I have to start over again. Doesn't happen all the time.
  18. I have 6 browsers and they co exist perfectly. Only problem is this forum and than only if I use any other option other than "fast reply".
  19. You use IE Spell and the "check spelling" option works in right click context menu? This works for you no matter how you reply to a thread?
  20. Here is anothe thread where Dennis confrims that Firefox in line spell check doesn't work right on these forums. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...;hl=spell+check
  21. Well if you are using IE7 without IE7 Pro you won't see an issue. If you had IE7 Pro you would be able to see the in line spell check not working properly. Do you use Opera,?Maxthon,?Firefox at all? Do you use IE Spell with IE7? If so try spell checking with the right click context menu. It's not there in the options.?You?have?to?use?the?tool?bar?button. Also I specifically mentioned "fast reply". There are several ways to respond on this forum. "Fast reply" is one of them. Everything works well in that option. I think most people use that option and may not notice the problem.
  22. I have posted this before and it's still a problem. There is something about these forums that messes with all my browsers on all my machines. If I start a thread, reply to a thread, quote in a thread, the browsers do not work right. If I use "fast reply" they work fine. Here is what happens by browser, Opera: Spell check is grayed out in right click context menu. Line breaks get messed up. Sometimes a line I'm typing just keeps going and does not go to the next line. Than when I post it's a mess. Right click context menus are inconsistent. Cut, copy and paste get messed up. Everything works as it should when using "fast reply" option. Fireofx: In line spell check does not work. Only works in "fast reply" option. IE7 with IE7 Pro. In line spell check does not work. Same as in Firefox. Works in "fast reply" though. IE Spell does not work via right click context menu. Again works in "fast reply" though. Maxthon 1 and 2: IE Spell does not work via right click context menu. Works in "fast reply" though. This is happening on four machines and it does not happen on any other site I go to. All the browsers mess up and only on this site and only when I reply using anything but "fast reply". The fact that it's on all my machines and all my browsers and only on this forum makes it clear to me it's a forum issue not my machines.
  23. Well Zsoft was recommended here. That's how I heard about it. It was being recommended over Total Uninstall. Now I don't know. Do a forum search on Zsoft and read the threads. As for it being an "active" program running in the system tray. Zsoft isn't. I haven't used Total Uninstall but I don't think it is either.
  24. I know it takes a snap shot of your system before the install and than after and compares the two and creates a uninstall log with the difference. If you do anything after the install of a program that creates files before you do the after snap shot it will record those new files. I immediately do the after snap shot when I install a new program so that doesn't happen. I have forgot to do that a few times and played around with the newly installed program and than remembered I didn't do the after snap shot. I do the after snap shot and look at the log and there are all kinds of files that have nothing to do with the new program.
  25. I hope you guys are right about MS supporting XP. I read an article today that says MS will start to phase out XP support next year. I hope this is a mistake. Here is the article. The part I'm talking about is the second last paragraph. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...Technology/home
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