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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. As for the page file I have not touched it. It's at default or whatever it sets itself at when Windows is installed. This machine has 1.5 gig of ram.
  2. This is what I just did. After the mention about system restore maybe being the problem I went in to C drive properties and selected "disk cleanup". There is an option in there to delete all but your most recent restore point. Since the machine is running great I felt comfortable doing that. When I did my free space went up to 69.9 gig. I gained over a gig of space back. I actually have more space than before I noticed this problem. I probably will go into system restore and really cut down the setting for how much space it can use. It's still strange though because I don't use this machine nearly as much as my other and this didn't happen to the other one. In fact I never really had this happen on any machine.
  3. I remember some post here about that. I looked in those files and they are fine.
  4. Yes I have system restore turned on all my machines but just the one machine is having this issue. I haven't changed the settings on how much disk space is used for system restore since I installed windows in it in October so I don't think it would all of a sudden be the problem. Could be though. Machine runs perfect and this started a month ago or about.
  5. Yes I am running AVG and also have the whole winapp2. How can I find out what those files are on the defrag analyze. They must be the problem. Something is adding files taking up space.
  6. No change when I ran the check disk. I checked the first option, "Automatically fix file system errors".
  7. I ran the check. Had to restart and did that. It ran on start up and than finished the scan and machine started up normally. No problems that I could see. One thing I did notice today. I went to defrag with JK Defrag. I like to take a look at the what the disk looks like before I do this with the Windows built in defrag. I just select analyze and it gives a report and picture of the disk. I than run JK Defrag. Than I use the Windows defrag and analyze again. I get a before and after picture of the disk. Any ways today when I did the analyze with the Windows defrag the picture of the disk looked much different than usual. Check this out That bunch of files on the far right is never there. I last defraged just over a month ago and they were not there when I did. So they have appeared since my problem started.
  8. Over the last month or so I have noticed that the free space on one of my machines hard drives is slowly disappearing. Just over a month ago it was at 69.1 gigs free space. It is now at 68.5 and I have not added anything to this machine. There is no music, video, pics or anything stored on it. So in a month or so I have lost .6 gig of space which is over 500MB. What could cause this? I run CCleaner daily so it isn't temp file junk. I just installed the latest Windows updates and rebooted. Checked the free space and down another .2 gig.
  9. IMO the fact that Microsoft has a near monopoly on PCs is the reason for their crap software. Everybody has to use it and they know it so you take what they give whether it's crap or not. Look at IE for example. POS and always has been. Once Microsoft buried Net scape in the 90's development for IE practically stopped. Than Firefox comes along and starts kicking IE's ass all over the place and Microsoft comes out with IE7. If not for Firefox Microsoft would have been perfectly content to leave IE the way it was.
  10. Released prematurely? It took those idiots at Microsoft around six years to get that piece of bloat ware out. I knew Vista would be a joke when I installed IE7.
  11. Get the laptop with nothing installed and ask for a XP Service Pack 2 disk and install it youreslf. Than you avoid the Vista night mare and you get the machine without all the crap they come preinstalled with.
  12. I actually have two drivers by that name and this machine has never had the Rootkit program installed
  13. Hey Cee Cee are you sure the AVG7 Clean Driver is for the Anti-Rootkit and not the Anti Virus or Anti Spyware? I have that driver in two machines that never had AVG Anti rootkit installed.
  14. All I could really test is how smooth they ran and how easy to use and install they were. I had to rely on reviews about how well they cleaned since I don't have anything to clean
  15. Not helpful but I am not touching Vista for at least a year if not longer.
  16. Well spent several hours researching and trying out several of these Anti-Rootkit programs. I like the Panda one the best so far and I have tried Blacklight, Sophos, AVG, and Panda. Panda is getting good reviews. It's tiny and no install required. I had no issues with it like CeeCee did but I ran 1.07 not 1.08. It has a scan on start up option to check for things that might not get detected in a normal scan. Very simple clean GUI and easy to use. From the reviews I have read Panda is much more thorough compared to some of the others. It scans the registry AVG and Blacklight do not. AVG didn't get good reviews. Blacklight is only free until October. Here is a review of Panda http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2119254,00.asp
  17. Never lost Firefox bookmarks ever on many different machines over two years now. Nice thing about laptops is if/when the power goes out you are running on batteries instantly so no improper shut downs happen. Probably messed up your profile.
  18. Just tried the "in depth scan" that requires a restart and it scanned with no problems.
  19. Wher did you get 1.08? The download from the Panda site is 1.07. This is the download I used. http://www.pandasoftware.com/products/antirootkit/
  20. The Panda Anti-Rootkit seems decent. It's really simple to use has a clean GUI and no install. Even has a option to run the scan on start up. You check the option and reboot. The scan starts at start up. It's a more thorough scan the regular one. Here is the help file with some screen shots in it. Only takes 5 min to go through. http://www.pandasoftware.com/download/docu...c_en.htm#20.htm
  21. Those screen shots were CCleaner's Start Up feature. I use MS config, MS services, and Autoruns to control what starts and doesn't.
  22. I installed and tried the AVG Anti-Rootkit. Didn't find anything which is a good thing. Not much to it. I will keep this one just to be sure. Also tried the Panda Anti-Rootkit. This was recommended on the 46 Best Ever Free Ware List as the guys first choice for Anti-Rootkit programs. This one requires no install. Unzip and run. Also found nothing.
  23. How important are these programs? I currently don't have any installed but looking at two right now. AVG Anti-Rootkit and Panda Anti-Rootkit. Anybody use these two and are these types of programs something we should all have like an AV or AS program? I don't see any mention of them on here.
  24. I used those settings to notify me about updates and I have never been notified of an update on any machine.
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