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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. I was going to say that is a ridiculous sentence for what he did until I read the part about killing witness's children. They won't like that in the joint. He better bring a lot of lube.
  2. None of the reviews I have read about it were very good. I went with Panda and Black Light. Both of these do not even require an install. Just run the exe. They had good reviews and are very simple to use.
  3. Maxthon 2 has the best skins of all the browsers IMO. Also has many extensions.
  4. You wouldn't by any chance using a Dell with Quick Set would you?
  5. In the Maxthon Options you can select weather Maxthon uses it's own zoom or IE7's zoom. IE7's shouldn't mess with images.
  6. Maxthon 2 has a zoom control on the status bar and in the customize dialog box you can drag one on to the tool bar.
  7. Did you get that from the site you linked in last months thread? I think I remember it from there. That's where I got my avatar from. There is some cool shots on there.
  8. Only this forum? Why do you think it's the browser than? This forum is funky with all my browsers in one way or another. If it's just this forum use Firfoxe every where but here and use IE here. I am actually not minding IE7 with IE7 Pro and the Google Tool Bar. It's tolerable with those addons.
  9. Well I have the latest update for Firefox and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. There is definitely something different with these forums though. All my browsers on all machines have something that messes up on these forums.
  10. Good thing that warning is there. First thing that comes to mind when I want to stop a chain saw is to drop my pants and stick my........ Now I know that it's not recommended. Who knew
  11. I have no real time AS running. I have AVG AV running resident and am behind a hardware firewall in my router plus I turn on the Windows Firewall in XP just because. I have several AS scanners I run on demand, AVG AS, SAS, Spybot, Ad-Aware, Windows Defender, and A-squared. I have two anti root-kit programs, Panda and Blacklight. No infections for me in years. I don't use Spyware Blaster or the similar immunize feature in Spybot. I see no need to load up my machine with all the restricted sites and things they add. Set your browser settings properly, especially IE, and use common sense and those are not necessary IMO.
  12. Well I can see it today no problem
  13. Those are pretty funny but I wish I had transcripts from some of my conversations with some of the idiots at Dell. The customers don't have a monopoly on stupidity I can assure you.
  14. Thanks, I see it when I click that link.
  15. Actually whats happening is sometimes I see the x in a box and sometimes I see nothing but his post. I have not seen his pic yet and I tried 6 browsers and 3 machines here.
  16. I don't know why that posted three times Would a mod please delete two of them?
  17. Here is a shot of what I see.
  18. I don't see anything.
  19. JK Defrag runs much faster than the Built in XP defrag. The before and after analysis done with the Windows Defrag analyze option is drastically different when I use JK Defrag. As for taking up space, JK Defrag is using 528 KB of disk space on my machine and requires no install. If thats a problem for somebody you must be using a 2GB hard drive
  20. Her problem seems to be different. She has the Guard set to automatic and running but she still gets the error. I leave the Guard set to manual and start it myself to update and scan than when finished I shut it off a again. This is no big inconvenience to do once a week to use a great scanner. Those people in the thread you linked from Wilders are a bunch of cry babies. They get a free app and cry about a service that is easily started and stopped.
  21. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools ->Services. Look in the list of services for AVG Anti Spyware Guard. Double click it and a dialog box opens. You will see two buttons, stop and start, select start to start the service. You will see a drop down box as well called "start up type". Select "Automatic". Now the service is running and will start with the computer. Personally I don't like it running all the time so I go through that procedure I just explained when I want to use AVG AS to do a scan which is about once a week. If this doesn't fix the problem than I don't know. I know when I disable the service and try to run AVG AS I get the message you are getting because it needs the service to run.
  22. ? You?have?disabled?the?AVG?Guard?in?Windows Services. I get the same message when I disable the service and try to start AVG AS. Go into services and start the AVG AS Guard Service when you want to run AVG AS.
  23. I came across this site recently that lets you set up a home page that is similar to Opera Speed Dial. All your favorite sites available in thumb nails like Speed Dial except this page also gives you tabs. http://only2clicks.com/
  24. I use My Yahoo. It lets me bring much of Yahoo Finance on to the home page. This snap shot is only the top half. There is all kinds of market info and portfolios in the bottom half.
  25. Thank You, I must have accidentally changed that but I don't know how I could have did that. All this time and I didn't notice that Options button in the first post of a thread. I was looking through the "My Controls" section for the display options.
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