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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Seems to be a big difference between test sites for me.. This is the most recent on the speedtest.net Here is the results from my cable service provider test. Here is the test site I'm curious to see what results others get with it. http://www.mountaincable.net/index.php?id=3,114,0,0,1,0
  2. This test was done using one of my laptops and wireless. When ever I do these types of tests the desktop computer (not wireless) is twice as fast as the wireless so these results are pretty good.
  3. I got it from this site http://www.fantom-xp.com/wp_12.html That pic is in the 3D-Art section http://www.fantom-xp.com/wp_12__Tropic_Night.html
  4. I have never had to restart AVG after an update.
  5. Not too long ago I went through all my services and running processes one at a time. Researched each one before I decided to shut it off. I only shut off a few at a time off than used the computer for a few days to see if it had any unexpected negative results. When I felt everything was OK I shut a few more off and so on. When I was done I went from almost 60 processes to under 20 and the machines work fine with no loss of functionality. In Task Manager those processes are not just services. Some of them will need to be stopped in from MSCONFIG/start tab. I killed many that way.
  6. I would kick both their asses at the same time with one hand behind my back .
  7. Maybe it should be added to CCleaner or in winapp2.ini. I am adding it in the custom folder section for now. The IE7 Update folder was 80+ MB and climbing.
  8. I get bored and start fiddling around. I have taken Firefox, Maxthon 1 and 2, and Opera as far as I can go with them so I start messing around with IE7. By the way after doing some asking around on some forums I have found out that those bloated updates in the IE7 update folder can be safely deleted. For some reason IE7 backs up the whole installation of IE7 after those updates and that's whats in the update folder. Open an update and look at it. Open the IE7 folder and look at the contents and compare it to one of the updates. I have deleted the contents of the update folder and IE7 works fine on all my machines. This temp folder problem I'm having is only on one machine and was happening long before I dumped the IE7 Update folder so it's not that. Opera does a similar thing with updates. After each Opera update it backs up your current Opera in C:\Program Files\Opera9\uninst\backups. The back ups can be safely deleted which I did.
  9. On one of my machines I have noticed IE7 not deleting temp files on exit even though I have it set to do so. I can delete them manually in the Internet options and of course using CCleaner but they should be emptying on closing IE7. It works as it should on my other machines. Any suggestions on what could cause this?
  10. Wild Tangent removed very easily. It was listed in Add/Remove Programs and I just uninstalled it with that. Than ran S&D 1.5 again and this time it was clean. So it looks like it uninstalled cleanly. Probably will run Hijack This and see whats there.
  11. None of the other malware programs I used detected it on the machine. Surprised AVG AS missed it because it's usually very good.
  12. So Wild tangent is a game? It's not my machine so I don't know exactly whats in there. I don't want to delete it if it's a game they are using? Starware I should just delete than? Looks like S&D has got better detection ability than AVG AS. AVG AS missed that stuff completely.
  13. Yeah the tracking cookies are no big deal I deleted them.
  14. Well I installed this on a relatives machine. Scanned with AVG AS, AVG AV, Ad-Aware. Other than some tracking cookies it was clean. Than ran S&D 1.5 and it detected some issues. I think they are false positives. There were several folders in C:/Windows/wt. There were also quite a few registry entires in there for it. These were all listed under a detected problem called Wild tangent. I'm not sure about these. Here is the report. The few tracking cookies found are no big deal but the rest I'm concerned about. WildTangent: [sBI $2740DBFD] Settings (Registry value, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Java VM\ClassPath=...;C:\Program Files\WildTangent\Apps\DRM0302Java.jar... WildTangent: [sBI $3A3BDC07] Program directory (Directory, nothing done) C:\WINDOWS\wt\ WildTangent: [sBI $5CF677A0] Class ID (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{65E7DB1D-0101-4100-BD66-C5C78C917F93} WildTangent: [sBI $98F61EF7] Interface (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{1FAD572E-1A3D-44D9-9C23-A87F922DA8C0} WildTangent: [sBI $708F3A74] Interface (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{D8E9CCF6-8E64-4E39-95CE-C5333FCFBD1F} WildTangent: [sBI $96E0810F] Type library (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{11066F62-0388-458C-B7E7-47E824894F20} WildTangent: [sBI $6D7AAFCA] Type library (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{7946205B-FEF7-494F-A64B-3E992A780866} WildTangent: [sBI $34D9CFFA] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wtdmmpv.WTDMMPVersion WildTangent: [sBI $34D9CFFA] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wtdmmpv.WTDMMPVersion.1 WildTangent: [sBI $34D9CFFA] Class ID (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{65E7DB1D-0101-4100-BD66-C5C78C917F93} WildTangent: [sBI $598B1C7C] Class ID (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{3A7FE611-1994-4ef1-A09F-99456752289D} WildTangent: [sBI $C18D3C81] Interface (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{1DE680D4-84B7-4239-A887-9482A29DBE14} WildTangent: [sBI $3C05ACD0] Interface (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{25F53F41-0C37-40FA-AE9F-A260DB2D64CF} WildTangent: [sBI $1896A912] Type library (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{4A165BD0-165F-474F-AF66-40CD5AC4613E} WildTangent: [sBI $AA4B3C71] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WildTangent.ActiveLauncher WildTangent: [sBI $AA4B3C71] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WildTangent.ActiveLauncher.2 WildTangent: [sBI $AA4B3C71] Class ID (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{3A7FE611-1994-4ef1-A09F-99456752289D} WildTangent: [sBI $42B533B6] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WildTangent.ActiveLauncher.1 WildTangent: [sBI $9922D208] Uninstall settings (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\WildTangent CDA WildTangent: [sBI $C1EB7028] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Logger.LogSession WildTangent: [sBI $C1EB7028] Root class (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Logger.LogSession.1 WildTangent: [sBI $C1EB7028] Class ID (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{A62FA99E-922E-4ECA-A1D9-B54EF294A3CC} WildTangent: [sBI $DFEDBBEE] Library (File, nothing done) C:\WINDOWS\wt\webdriver.dll WildTangent: [sBI $76830867] Program directory (Directory, nothing done) C:\WINDOWS\wt\wtupdates\ WildTangent: [sBI $E30EC8B1] Program directory (Directory, nothing done) C:\WINDOWS\wt\updater\ WildTangent: [sBI $7E3A8D37] Program directory (Directory, nothing done) C:\WINDOWS\wt\webdriver\ StarWare: [sBI $5FC391BB] Settings (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1807770034-1093948361-3653218535-1008\Software\Starware337 StarWare: [sBI $843330B5] Uninstall settings (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Starware337 SystemDoctor2006: [sBI $4CDCC3D5] Tracking cookie (Internet Explorer: HP_Administrator) (Cookie, nothing done) SystemDoctor2006: [sBI $4CDCC3D5] Tracking cookie (Internet Explorer: HP_Administrator) (Cookie, nothing done) MalwareAlarm: [sBI $4CDCC3D5] Tracking cookie (Internet Explorer: HP_Administrator) (Cookie, nothing done) SystemDoctor2006: [sBI $4CDCC3D5] Tracking cookie (Internet Explorer: HP_Administrator) (Cookie, nothing done) SystemDoctor2006: [sBI $4CDCC3D5] Tracking cookie (Internet Explorer: HP_Administrator) (Cookie, nothing done) --- Spybot - Search & Destroy version: 1.5 (build: 20070830) --- 2007-08-31 blindman.exe ( 2007-08-31 SDMain.exe ( 2007-08-31 SDUpdate.exe ( 2007-08-31 SDWinSec.exe ( 2007-08-31 SpybotSD.exe ( 2007-08-31 TeaTimer.exe ( 2007-09-06 unins000.exe ( 2007-08-31 Update.exe ( 2007-08-31 advcheck.dll ( 2007-04-02 aports.dll ( 2007-04-02 DelZip179.dll ( 2007-08-31 SDHelper.dll ( 2007-08-31 Tools.dll ( 2007-09-05 Includes\Cookies.sbi (*) 2007-07-25 Includes\Dialer.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\DialerC.sbi (*) 2007-08-29 Includes\Hijackers.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\HijackersC.sbi (*) 2007-07-25 Includes\Keyloggers.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\KeyloggersC.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\Malware.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\MalwareC.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\PUPS.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\PUPSC.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\Revision.sbi (*) 2007-05-30 Includes\Security.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\SecurityC.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\Spybots.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\SpybotsC.sbi (*) 2007-08-21 Includes\Tracks.uti 2007-09-05 Includes\Trojans.sbi (*) 2007-09-05 Includes\TrojansC.sbi (*) 2008-12-24 Plugins\TCPIPAddress.dll
  15. So I take it you consider it worth while to upgrade? What about CCleaner cleaning S&D? I read this thread http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=12075&hl= but I don't follow what they are getting at. Is there a change I have to make to the winapp.ini in CCleaner to get it to clean S&D 1.5?
  16. Well it sounds like 1.5 is not much better than 1.4. I rarely use 1.4 anymore so I will not bother updating to 1.5. I will wait for a major new release. My go to programs are AVG AS and SAS.
  17. I don't think that's an Opera problem. The sites block Opera. My bank and brokerage have different web sites but are the same company. When logged into the banking site you can hit a link and go to the brokerage site without logging in again. Same with the brokerage site. Now when I try to log in directly to my brokerage site with Opera it won't let me. If I log into my bank site I have no problem. Once logged into the bank site if I click the link to the brokerage site I can us Opera no problem. I phoned the brokerage and informed them that Opera would not log on to the site. The retard in the IT department tells me Opera doesn't work with the site. I then inform him that I can get into the brokerage site through the banking site and when I do opera works just fine. They are blocking Opera and they are not the only ones. Sometimes changing Opera to mask or identify as IE or Firefox is all it takes to get a site to work for you.
  18. It's a Alpha release so calling it crap is a bit premature. If it was bug free it wouldn't be a Alpha release would it.
  19. Might help if uninstalling it wasn't like trying to remove a tumor. That program disgusts me.
  20. OK, thanks. 13 MB is not bad but still much more then AVG. Take a look at the working set column. Less than 3 MB for AVG.
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