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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. Sounds like typical MS pos bloat ware. That thing is huge. I am getting a Mac sooner rather than later.
  2. I think Adobe should make the update process better. Having to uninstall Flash everytime an update is released is stupid.
  3. Well on one of my machines I tried the uninstaller from Adobe. It removes all flash from everywhere. It gives you a little report of what and where it removed it. It cleaned out C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed and Opera's plugin folder entries of Flash. Also removed the IE Active X flash. This the recommended method from Adobe but I haven't had any problems installing over the old version. I guess if you have problems and need to do a clean install of Flash the uninstaller will do it for you.
  4. What are people doing here when they update Flash? Are you just downloading over the older version or are you using the uninstaller from Adobe to remove the old version and than download the new version?
  5. The universe is loaded with life. Saturn's moon may or may not have life on it. I refuse to believe the galactic joke called the Human Race is as good as it gets and alone in the universe. To believe otherwise is embarrassingly arrogant of our species. Than again it wasn't too long ago we believed the earth was flat and we were the center of the universe I take a look around every day and I know that if there is a maker of all things he/she/it has a seriously warped sense of humor and we are the punch line.
  6. Disable them. Then start one at a time. No need to uninstall them yet.
  7. Disable them and start one at a time to see what one causes the problem.
  8. Try running Firefox in safe mode. Not Windows safe mode but Firefox safe mode. It's in the start menu entry for Firefox. This will disable all the extensions and run the default Firefox.
  9. I have swore at them. Told them to shove the computer up their a$$ more than once.
  10. There was thread about the new version of Hijackthis and in that thread it was said the there was no reason to keep the older version because the new one had many improvements. Now what? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0
  11. That was a big thing with bicycle racing to. I didn't hear much about this year though at the Tour De France although I wasn't following it either. Couldn't miss the headlines every day about somebody being suspected/accused/and disqualified for something though.
  12. Yeah I agree. I was referring to IE7 though when I used the Focus as an example.
  13. Why would even think about switching to Norton? If you have done any research on this subject at all the last thing you would be doing is considering that POS.
  14. Steroids is not the only way to enhance performance. How do you know Rodriguez is not jacked up on some kind of stimulant? Could be the opposite to. He may be a guy that's all nerves unless he takes a relaxant of some sort. This crap all falls under performance enhancers. When you think about it having a coffee could be considered performance enhancing. There are many many people in sports doing what Bonds has allegedly done yet they are not setting home run records.
  15. Steroids, doping, all kinds of illegal performance enhancing techniques is rampant in sports. Right down to the high school level it's huge. Bonds is no different than most. If people really knew how wide spread it is you would be shocked. The Tour De Farce (Tour De France) is an example. This crap has been going on for a long time. I remember in the 80's when they were testing East German woman athletes to prove they were actually woman because they were built bigger than most men. They will never stop this. The person that comes along and breaks Bonds record one day will be artificially enhanced for sure. The day will come when it will just be excepted. It will just be another form of training. Fortunately for me I stopped giving a $hit about sports at all levels. If these guys aren't doing drugs there setting up hits on their pregnant girl friends or running dog fighting rings. These guys are clowns.
  16. Yeah I think you will like driving the Ferrari (Firefox). Leave the Ford Focus (IE7) parked. Use it as a winter beater.
  17. Obviously you can only use 1 at a time but you can have as many as you want installed and switch when ever you want. I have 5 that I switch between in Firefox. In Opera I have 10.
  18. ?Skin and theme as far as Firefox goes is the same thing.
  19. The difference between using Firefox and IE7 a is like the difference between driving a Ferrari or a Ford Focus. IE7 is the Ford Focus with a flat tire and a trashed tranny There are over 2000 extensions for Firefox for everything you can imagine. Once you start using them you will see that you can customize it like no other browser. If I had to pick one and only one browser it would be Firefox. Having said that I use 6 browsers regularly and they are all decent, IE7 being the worst of them. IE7 is the least configurable of the browsers. Opera is loaded right out of the box. Maxthon 1 an 2 are also loaded and also have about a thousand extensions for them. Firefox is not nearly as feature rich as Opera and Maxthon on install but that is more than made up for with the extensions.They can all be skinned which IE can't. I see no reason to limit yourself (deprive yourself) by relying on IE7 exclusively.
  20. I always use the latest version of Firefox which is currently Firefox 3 is in development so it's not a stable final release.
  21. Middle click a folder in Firefox Bookmarks and it will open in tabs. It's also in the right click context menu in book marks.
  22. Did you use this forum or something else? http://forum.grisoft.cz/freeforum/ You sign up to this forum when you install AVG AV. It's an option in the install process. I'm not sure if there is another way?
  23. Their forum will answer questions about any AVG product for free and they are quick. No need to be a paying customer to get help with AVG.
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