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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. I have never had that problem with Firefox but if I did the first thing I would suspect is a bad extension or skin. I wold run Firefox in Firefox safe mode which you can do from the start menu. This will disable all extensions and themes and make Firefox like it was when you first installed it. Use it like this and see if you still have the problem. If you don't than you know it's a extension or theme. If you still have the problem than it's something else and you go from there.
  2. Thats not a problem with CCleaner. Thats a problem with your install of Firefox. If Firefox is still running in Task Manager after you have closed the Firefox window than Firefox is not shutting down properly.
  3. There should be a message that Firefox can't be cleaned while open if you try to run CCleaner while Firefox is open.
  4. OK here is the deal with this plugin. When installing it installs the same way as a regular Firefox extension. Opens the same download window and you follow the same procedure. After that you have a dll in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npmozax.dll. The video plays just fine after that. You have the new plugin listed in the plugins directory as in this screen shot. It's the second from the top called Mozilla Active X control and plugin support. This is the first site I have come across that needed it and it must be a very recent change because it wasn't too long ago I was last at that site and Firefox worked fine without the plugin.
  5. I have looked in my Firefox plugins and of course that one is not there which is why the video won't play but the othe media Player plugin is there. I don't see that plugin on the Firefox addon site in the plugin section either https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:7 I am going to hold off on this until I find out more. Did the video play for you when you installed it in Sandboxie?
  6. Natural deselection at work. What a tool.
  7. Believe me I will find out just for that exact reason. It will bug me if I don't. I would still like to know about this Media Player Active X plugin for Firefox though. Anybody here have it installed?
  8. It would just be easier to launch IE7, Avant, Maxthon1, Maxthon 2, or Firefox because they work on that site. That is whats strange. If Opera won't play the video but the others do why do I need to install that codec.
  9. I want to watch them and I am with my IE based browsers for now. I just am not sure about the Windows Media Player Active X plugin. I don't really know what it is to be honest. That was the only site that I have come across that required it for Firefox. I have the "regular" Media Player plugin and Firefox works fine every where else. It 's funny you mentioned WMV-9VCM RTW. I just had a prompt to install that on a site that I was using Opera on. Firefox and the IE based browsers worked on it but not Opera. I have asked about that on the Opera forum. If it's a codec that needs to be installed I wonder why it's only Opera that won't work on the site?
  10. I'm all for going legit but if Microstupid wants to charge that for an XP CD go illegal and screw them. They need to realize Vista is a bloated dog and many would prefer to stay with XP. On second thought they are probably fully aware of that fact and that's why they charge a fortune for the XP disk. What a way to force people to use your bloated new OS.
  11. I am trying to watch video on this site http://www.bnn.ca/shows/past_archive.tv but I can't and I keep getting prompted to install a Media Player Active X plugin. Firefox works fine every where else and has the Media Player plugin installed. IE and IE based browsers work fine on the site. I used to be able see video on the site with Firefox but not now. Maybe/probably they changed something. What is the Media Player Active X plugin? First time I have been prompted to install it. Just click on one of the videos and see if your Firefox works or gets a prompt to install the plugin.
  12. I haven't updated that one since 3.16. Has he worked all the bugs out since he released 3.17 which was a major update? I think it's at 3.26 or something maybe even higher. Way too many updates to that thing. 3.16 works great for me though.
  13. There can be no worse way to die for me than at the hands so some piece of crap criminal that is in serious need of extermination. Regardless of how messed up the laws are here I will take the necessary steps to make sure that doesn't happen.
  14. Why kill the gator? Is this supposed to deter other gators form doing what comes naturally to gators? I always get a laugh when a large predator takes a human out. Give us some of what we have been giving to animals. In this case it did society a favor and this is how we show our appreciation? Lets all say a prayer for the poor gator. As for gator snack boy, rest in pieces.
  15. I haven't had that happen yet on 4 machines here with it installed. Hope it doesn't because that would be very disappointing. I really like AVG. If it does I will try Avast. I hear too many problems about updates with Antivir.
  16. I don't know too much about the app. I have enough anti malware programs already.
  17. I don't know if anybody is interested in this app but it's free to download until tomorrow morning. http://download.zonealarm.com/bin/free/sum/index.html
  18. I am going to use #10 and #11. That will be funny to see the reaction.
  19. #20. Give a 20 best list and only list 19.
  20. That kid was fortunate that he was able to kick the crap out the bullies. Many kids are not able. There is defintley another side of the story in these shootings.
  21. The story says he was bullied and outcast. Bullying is a big problem and needs to be corrected. Bullying was a factor in many other school shootings. Bullying doesn't just mean physically bullying. There are other ways to bully a person. From what I have read the person who shot up Virgina Teck was teased and mocked by his class mates before he did something about it. His buttons were pushed and his response was not pleasant.
  22. I read that link and just like most other high school shootings the kid was bullied and outcast. It's sad what happened but if you want to push people's buttons than be prepared for their response. In this case the response was not pleasant. The bullying that goes on has to be stopped. I find it hard to hate this kid for his actions. People made it preferable to him to die instead of go on living with the crap. I consider the shooter a victim as well. When I was in high school I never really experienced any bullying. The few times some $hit stain tried to play the heavy with me a few well placed kicks to his face in full view of his fellow $hit stains would fix the problem. Things are different now days. Kids think nothing of swarming you. This was unheard of when I was in school. If there was a fight and somebody jumped in that person was guaranteed to be pounded for his efforts. Not like that anymore. I would hate to be growing up today.
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