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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. You need to learn the difference between trading and investing. When you trade in real life you are playing against a$$ holes that control billions in hedge fund money and manipulate the market and people like you. They have access to info that you do not. They have and use insider information. They lie and commit illegal acts constantly. Trying to trade with these people is a losing deal. One trick they like to play is take a huge short position in a company. Than use their connections to spread BS about the company in the news. Than Joe blow average guy reads this news and sells the stock allowing the hedge fund to make a nice gain on the short position. Nothing is done about it by the authorities other than some big mouth grand standing and this happens daily. Ever wonder why a stock pops by 10% or more on high volume and there is nothing in the news to explain it? Than a week or two later you find out the company is in play or won a huge contract or something along these lines. Insider info that's what. Those trading games are just that. When the time frame is that short there is a huge luck factor involved. You won't catch Warren Buffet trading like an idiot and he is the richest guy in the world. Look past the daily noise and focus on the company and take a longer term view and you will do all right. I don't work anymore and haven't in 3 years and this is how I make my money.
  2. OK thank you that's what I wanted to know. In IE7 Pro 1.2 I have no Frame Filters either in the Default Filters. In IE7 Pro 1.1 I did have Frame Filters in the Default Filters as you can see from the screen shot in my previous post. I thought maybe I had a bad install but since you have the same thing it looks like it's by design. Wonder why the Frame Filters were removed from the Default Filters? The people on the IE7 Pro Forums were not very helpful. Might as well have been talking to a wall. Still no good answer from them.
  3. All I want to know is in that default list of filters do you have any frame Filters. You will need to scroll down to see. In your screen shot you are at the top of the filter list and the URL white filters are visable. Here is my install of IE7 Pro 1.1. In it you will see a list of Frame filters in the default section. The problem is on the machine that I have IE7 Pro 1.2 on those default Frame filters are not there anymore. I am trying to determine if my update messed up or if it is intended to be that way.
  4. Agreed. So why punish the responsible gun owner and it make it almost impossible to own one in a way that lets you legally protect your self? It's like banning cars because idiots drive drunk. Why should I be punished or restricted because of the actions of others? The person that snapped in Finland would have killed no matter what. He could have just as easily drove a car into a large group of students and did even more damage than he did.
  5. I didn't explain clearly enough. I will try again. In that screen shot you have the "My Filters" tab highlighted. I was talking about the "Default Filters" which is the tab next to it. With the Default Filter tab selected you will see a list of filters. In IE Pro 1.1 there were URL White Filter, URL Block Filter, Div Filter, and Frame Filter, listed. In IE7 Pro 1.2 the same filters are listed except that the Frame Filters are not listed in my install. Could you check the default tab and see if they are there for you?
  6. That is my point. I thought my sarcasm was obvious. It would be foolish to ban those objects because some body had used them to kill some body. It's that type of logic gun control people use though. Some wack job kills a bunch of people with a gun so banning guns is the answer? I think not. I was simply applying the same stupid logic gun control people use and giving ridiculous examples to make a point. You are obviously intelligent enough to know banning those objects would be pointless since they did not kill anybody, people did the killing.
  7. In Britan a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet Did you know that in Florida it's illegal for unmarried woman to parachute on Sundays? It's illegal for woman in Vermont to wear false teeth without the written permission of their husbands. In Ohio it's illegal to get a fish drunk. In Liverpool only a clerk in a tropical-fish store is allowed to be publicly topless. Dying in the British Parliament is illegal. I kid you not. These are actual laws. I would find it humorous if it wasn't so embarrassing to be human. Our species is sad. This article list some more high lights of legal wisdom. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ernational/home
  8. Recently updated to IE7 Pro 1.2. I have noticed that in the Ad Block section there are no longer any Frame filters listed in the list of filters. In 1.1 there were. Can anyone using IE7 Pro confirm this?
  9. I read every single day about drunk drivers that kill people. We should ban all vehicles. Perhaps if drunks are never given the chance to get behind the wheel there will never be any more people killed by drunk drivers. Are you prepared to give up your car? After all it's for everybody's own good. Doesn't matter if you would never dream of drunk driving. You should be prevented from owning a car so that we can keep drunks out of them. While we are at it we can ban knives, bats, bubble gum, gardening tools, ice cream scoopers and bowling balls. All those things have been used to kill somebody at one time. I have seen the light.
  10. It increased the spaces between your icons like it was supposed to but didn't help the top area. Hmm
  11. I feel bad for the victims but this will give gun control idiots something to cry about. The interesting thing is that Finland has the third largest hand gun ownership per capita in the WORLD and yet these type of incidents are very rare there. I hope people realize that before they start jumping on the gun control band wagon with the rest of the misinformed band wagon boys. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ernational/home
  12. Right Click Desktop -> Properties -> Appearance Tab -> Advanced Tab -> Item(Drop Down Box)-> Icon Spacing. This setting controls the spacing of the Desktop icons. There is a setting for horizontal or vertical spacing. This might work.
  13. I am using the Mouse Gesture extension in Firefox and would like to add the gesture to "close all but the active tab. This would have to be entered as a custom gesture so I would need to paste the java script code into the extension. The process is simple enough and most of the gestures I use I had to do just that. The code for those gestures was posted on the extension's site for down loading but the one I want isn't there. Maybe not many people want that gesture but I do. Does anybody here know the code for that gesture?
  14. Anthony A


    I use 7 Zip 4.42 and that is the stable non beta release and it was released in in May 2006. They haven't released a final version in a long time now. Maybe they update the beta often.
  15. Most of you know about Speed Dial that was first introduced by Opera. Since than there are several versions that have come out. Firefox has an extension for it,IE7 Pro for IE7 has it, Maxthon 1 and Maxthon 2 have addons for it. There is a web based version now that works on all browsers and IMO is better than any of the installed versions ( I use them all so I have tried them all and compared them). It's called Only2clicks. It's a web page that lets you set thumbnails of your favorite sites just like Speed Dial. It's online though so you can access it from any machine with any browser. I like it better than the other versions because it offers everything the others do plus some extras. It lets you set as many thumbnails as you want, Opera limits you to 9, but it also lets you tab the pages. So you can load the Only2clicks page and have like 15 thumbnails of tabs for forums or whatever and a tab for another page with thumbnails for something else. You could have as many tabs as you want. I am fine with 1 tab and 16 thumbnails but the point is you have the option for much more. I like it enough that I have replaced Opera's built in Speed Dial with this and Firefox's addon for Speed Dial. http://only2clicks.com/home.php?cat=20693
  16. Are you the moderator from the AVG forums?
  17. Anthony A

    IE7 PRO

    IE7 Pro is a very nice addon for IE. Makes IE almost tolerable. I still prefer Maxthon if you need a IE based browser.
  18. I have no doubt that the link you posted works but thats not the one I was referring to. On my account with My Yahoo there was a link at the top of the page you could click to switch to My yahoo beta. If you wanted to switch back to classic My Yahoo you could click it again to do so. That link is gone on my My Yahoo page and I was switched to My Yahoo beta with no link to get back. That link you posted works but I have already switched to I Google and it's more than a substitute for My Yahoo it's much better IMO.
  19. I have been using mostly Google for a while now. Gmail, Calendar, the Google tool bars for IE and Firefox, Google Bookmarks, of course search and now I Google and Google Finance. I won't be able to replace Yahoo Finance with Google Finance because Yahoo still is the king in that area but Google Finance does have some cool features that I now use in addition to Yahoo Finance.
  20. Thanks but I kicked Yahoo to the curb. I switched to I Google and I like it much more than My Yahoo. I received a response finally from Yahoo tech support and they informed me that the switch back link that was normally on the MY Yahoo page is removed and will not be coming back because they are shutting down the older My Yahoo. That explains why you had to do so much looking around. They simply don't want you using the older version. The beta really is slow and many features I was using no longer were there in the beta. How Yahoo thinks this was an upgrade is beyond me.
  21. I'm not saying that because some one doesnt like IE they are lazy. If you give Firefox a good run and decide it's not for you than that is great. I am talking about the comment you made about 40% of the people trying Firefox don't keep it. Most of those probably did not give it the good try you have. They were almost certainly using IE because it came with their machine and than hear all the talk about Firefox and give it a try. They probably could not be bothered to really learn about it and what it could do with the extensions and just went back to old familiar IE. As I said Firefox is not that impressive in it's default form and unless you take the time to really learn it you won't be able to appreciate the differences between it and IE.
  22. Yes. It has 6 browsers that all work fine. I'm constantly on line.
  23. What do you check or uncheck in there? There doesn't appear to be any thing to check in the sounds tab.
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