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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. I have read SP3 forces you to update to WMP11? Is this true?
  2. Easy Cleaner has a duplicate file remover and I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ecleane.htm Too may problems with removing duplicates.
  3. Maybe this will make some people jump to Firefox in the mean time and they will like it and stay with it. The sooner we can flush Internet Craplorer the better.
  4. Any body that wants to try this without messing with your current install just download the portable version from here http://portableapps.com/news/2007-12-19_-_...rtable_3_beta_2. Everything goes into one folder and does not mess with your profile from your current version. I have been using the previous beta like this for a while and plan to keep using the all the betas like this.
  5. What do you mean version 5 eventually remembers the ignore list? It just starts working or did you do something?
  6. I have tried Reg Mechanic 6 offered here and Reg Mechanic 5 that was sent to me by a member of this forum. They are pretty similar except 6 scans faster and finds more things. I can't get either version to remember ignored items. I right click an entry and select ignore put they never show up in the ignore list.
  7. What about the other features RM has? The optimization tweaks and compacting of the Reg. Anybody notice any improvements on their machines after using these other features?
  8. So I will take it that this Reg cleaner is as dangerous as the rest?
  9. People playing God. The world has enough problems.
  10. There a many reg cleaners out there and most IMO do more harm than good. Whats the word on this one? Is it considered safe or aggressive?
  11. I realize that and it doesn't matter to me what any body prefers. I just wasn't sure if you were saying IE7 was the best or Maxthon. You wording wasn't clear to me.
  12. Are you saying IE7 with IE7 Pro is the best?
  13. I have been using the Portable Firefox for a little while now and it is an awesome browser. I have it set up so it is an exact replica of my installed version. 15 extensions and 4 skins and they all run flawlessly on my USB thumb drive. When it's time to do a reinstall of Firefox on my machines I am probably not going to bother with regular FF but I will just use the portable version. It has everything contained in one folder. Set it up once and than it's just a matter of copying and pasting the FF folder to any machine you want and it's done. Interesting thing about Portable Firefox is you can still use Firefox's internal update feature. Let it check for and install the regular Firefox updates/patches and they work no problem. I have not found a extension that does not work portably yet. I have the Google Tool Bar, All In One Side Bar, Cooliris, Tab Mix Plus, Ad Block Plus among many others and they all work perfectly. I see no need for the regular Firefox to be installed. Portable Firefox is much easier to maintain and leaves nothing behind on a system. Moving from machine to machine is a joke so is backing it up. Just extract to a folder and create a short cut to the Desktop. If anybody is interested in trying out the new Firefox 3 but doesn't want to mess with their current install just use the Portable version. Just extract it to a folder anywhere you like and it's self contained in one folder and will not interfere in any way with your current install of Firefox. You can get it here http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable/test
  14. On one machine I don't have any of the versions installed and I have not run into a problem because of it yet.
  15. Off topic but I agree 100%. Thunderbird also has built in inline spell check.
  16. Doesn't hide all the tool bars nor does it autohide the hidden ones. The Autohide extension gives you total control over all tool bars including the Status bar.
  17. I use Process Explorer, Autoruns, and Zoomit from that site.
  18. Wasn't intentional. I am an Opera fan too.
  19. It doesn't get much slimmer than this. 1) Select "icons only" and select "small icons". 2) Use Compact Menu 2 extension. This will collapse the Menu Bar into one button and let you put that button on any tool bar and than shut off the Menu Bar. In my screen shot it's the blue globe with the black down word arrow. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4550 That's it. I also use the AutoHide extension. By far the best full screen extension for any browser period. Total control over what tool bars show and autohide. No tool bars at all with this extension but they all autohide simply by moving the cursor to the top of the screen. Been using it for years. http://www.krickelkrackel.de/autohide/
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