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Anthony A

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Everything posted by Anthony A

  1. That man can drive. He takes those corners like a mad man. You can't cut them any closer than that. I don't know how you guys in Europe can drive on the right side of the car. It would be very unnatural for me to work through 6 gears with my left hand. I do it in my sleep with my right.
  2. No need for nitrous with a Supra. There are many of them out there with over a 1000 HP running turbos or superchargers. The guy in the Lambo owns both cars and was showing what a Supra can do.
  3. Check out this Toyota Supra with 1200 HP making a Lambo look like a tricycle. There are two Videos. One filmed from inside the Supra and the other from inside the Lambo. Listen to the Supercharger in the Supra. From the Supra http://videos.streetfire.net/video/c7df037...a1b0109f965.htm From the Lambo http://4wheelsblog.com/released/humiliatio...hini-murcielago
  4. If you have never used a chat client before you might want to check out Meebo. Meebo is an online chat client. You can use it for Aim, Yahoo, MSN, and Google Talk. It has most of the basic feature of a regular chat client including sending files and even video chat and voice chat now. No install because it's online. Just log on and use from any computer. http://wwwm.meebo.com/
  5. Miranda here. I found Pidgin to be a resource hog. It would use about 40 mb of RAM just sitting there. Miranda rarely hits double digits. Miranda is like the Firefox of chat clients. You can configure it with hundreds of addons.
  6. I tired this PDF reader before and although it was really light I found it lacked too many features that I use. This version has added 3 of them. Search, full screen, and bookmarks. It has just the right balance between light weight and features now. It runs great off my USB drive and Portable Firefox is set to open PDF's in Samatra
  7. I installed IMG Burn and started trying to figure it out and went to the forums to look at the guides and that was one of the first ones listed. Of course I cant' find any of the features in that tutorial so I post on the forum and they inform me that the tutorial is for the next version of IMG Burn. It was set to be released that's why the tutorial was posted but then the developer of IMG Burn pulled it to do some fixes. Doesn't get any easier than Burrrn.
  8. Thanks but I am good to go now.
  9. I simply move on to another app if/when this happens. In this case Ashampoo 6.5 was what I moved on to. Ridiculously easy to use. Really didn't need a help menu because it's so straight forward bit it still came with one that was really well done.
  10. Or go here and get the portable version of Faststone Capture. It's the second program listed. http://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?so=p
  11. Can anyone recommend a free good program for creating CD covers?. I don't like the one in Deepburner Free. I have been looking at some nice ones but they are not free.
  12. Tried out the newest version of CD Burner XP. First thing I do (First thing I always do with a newly installed app) is go to the help menu. NO help again. You get taken to the CDburner web site and it is not much help. I can't even begin to understand the thought process that is involved with the developers of these programs that do not have help files. You would think showing people how to use your product would matter to these clowns I refuse to pick and poke and just fumble around trying to figure out were everything is and what all the features are and where they are. Two months later you are still discovering things the program can do. I nor anybody else should have to. Kicked to the curb with IMG Burn. Both are probably very good I have no doubt there are others that are good as well and I can know everything about what they can do in an hour or so because they provide the info that is needed. I went with Ashampoo 6.5. Now this is how a program should be set up. Look up intuitive in the dictionary and there should be a pic of this app. If any program didn't need a help guide it's this one but it still comes with one and extremely well done too.
  13. I am trying Ashampoo Burning studio 6.5 that was recommended in this thread and it is very nice IMO. Does everything I could want and very easy to use with a very thorough and well layed out help guide. It has file verification and supposed to burn gapless audio CDs if you select "disk at Once" as a burn method although I haven't tried it yet. I use Burrrn for audio any ways as you know and it works perfect for audio. IMG burn I am sure is a good app but to be honest I was very annoyed with that program. The program has at least a hundred if not more different settings you can adjust and NOT ONE single help file comes with the program. I refuse to guess how to use something. I went to the forum and asked if there was a help guide available and was told no there isn't and to just leave the settings at default and don't touch them. Some help that was There are some tutorials on the form but they don't come close to explaining everything . By the way the next version of IMG burn will burn audio. They have the tutorial on the forum of how to do it. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=5555
  14. I don't use that tool bar so I am not familiar with the problem. The Maxthon forum is the best place for that info. If you can't find the answer in a search on the forum post a new topic and the guys there will help you out. http://forum.maxthon.com/
  15. You can add IE7 Pro to IE7 and it will give you crash recovery as well as many other features such as add blocking, drag and drop, mouse gestures and some others. http://www.ie7pro.com/ I don't use the Roboform ToolBar but as far as I know it still works with Maxthon 1. It sounds like you installed Maxthon 2. You can still use Maxthon 1 there is no reason you have to use Maxthon 2 instead of Maxthon 1. I use both.
  16. Superantispyware and AVG Antispyware are very good.
  17. Thanks I will check that out. Currently using Deepburner Free and it's pretty good.
  18. Where is that free from?. I went to the site and it says you have to pay. It has something there about a free school license. Is that what you are referring to? Edit: I found it.
  19. Anthony A

    CDBurner XP

    Anybody know the last version that did not require the .NET Framework to be installed?
  20. It trashed Windows on me once and I had to reinstall. Best thing is to never have Norton on your machine in the first place.
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