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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_Copy
  2. Nice useful link. Thanks.
  3. I just changed the path manually. But it is weird, yes.
  4. I have never noticed any big improvement by using regular defrag over the file list one. And regular defrag can be quite time consuming. And as far as I know Defraggler doesn't take into account layout.ini or anything else inside the prefetch folder. I could be wrong though.
  5. It's just because Defragging is disk I/O bound not CPU bound, so going multithreaded makes little sense.
  6. Wrong. Depending on the size of your partition it can take AGES, because DF tends to tigh-pack everything and thus it shuffles a lot of data (data that is not even fragmented). As far as I know, Defraggler doesn't perform any system files optimization placement at all (so far). Your mileage may vary among defragmenters... Regards.
  7. The only difference I think it's that a common regular defrag also consolidates free space (fill gaps). That's why it's very time consuming. I don't use it. I prefer to defrag from the file list.
  8. Hello. This has been suggested before. Agreed it would be nice if DF could defrag several partitions at the same time (at least partitions located on different physical disks).
  9. Are we talking MSE 2.x or 4.x? Yes I know MSE doesn't have the best detection rate. Glad to hear you cleaned it out. I also use MBAM and Superantispyware too.
  10. Agreed. I was hesitant at first, but I must say Win7 is quite good overall.
  11. Maybe it only got improved on Vista and upwards. I guess that for Win XP, it's advisable to install a different antivir solution, specially for machines in the 1GB-512MB RAM range.
  12. Are we talking about MSE 2.x or the newest 4.x versions? I think the 4.x has improved scanning speeds.
  13. I would start by doing a chkdsk /f on that partition and cleaning all the junk you can afterwards (temporary files, internet caches and so on).
  14. This is a known bug/issue as you may find out when searching the forum.
  15. To defragment the MFT you will have to use another program like Ultradefrag. I hope Defraggler can include this feature in a near future.
  16. No. Quick Defrag doesn't perform any free space consolidation at all. It just defragments files.
  17. That's the reason because I NEVER use the regular DEFRAG button. Its free space consolidation routines tend to shuffle all data around everytime you run it, even if there is no fragmentation to begin with. Too bad there should be an option to do a quick "fill gaps" operation or to skip free space consolidation altogether.
  18. I cannot reproduce/confirm this. And it seems a very weird issue. Are you sure it's only Defraggler?
  19. Maybe you can EXCLUDE some file(s) from processing. Options -> Exclude
  20. I think it depends on how big and fragmented your pagefile is. I think the other remaining files are small enough to be processed quite fast. On my setup where pagefile isn't fragmented boot time defrag takes about 1 minute or less. Just try it. I guess it can be cancelled if desired.
  21. This should be in the Defraggler Suggestions sub-forum.
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