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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. Defrag from the filelist. Free space consolidation is what is taking that much to finish. I do not use regular defrag just for that. Any new gaps created and DF will shuffle all data all around.
  2. Well. To see the defrag operation outcome. If you feel it could be configured for a different behaviour it's still a suggestion to me.
  3. Could you post a screenshot? What Operating System are you using? As far as I can tell mine appears normal when maximized. Running Win7 x64.
  4. Latest version is 2.11 - did you tried it?
  5. Do not ever defragment backups. You could mess something up and it's not even needed at all. It's probably as Nergal said.
  6. I think he is not talking about that. It sounds more like a wishlist/suggestion than a bug report.
  7. Try checking whether volume is MUTED or not. Some programs may change it without you noticing.
  8. It just crashes to desktop with an APPCRASH exception. EDIT: It works for me using a BARTPE CD. Still using OpenDNS, though. I have a concern with security rather than raw speed.
  9. Nope. I have UAC disabled. I have to check it either from "safe mode" or from WinXP.
  10. This "issue" has been already discussed somewhere else in the forum. Remaining time isn't very accurate. Aso the regular defrag isn't fast either. Try defragmenting files from the file list, although I have noticed that 2.11 is slightly slower here too.
  11. Run MSConfig and post a screen capture of the startup tab contents. Alternatively you can use AUTORUNS utility. May apps have the bad habit of putting crap in the startup section for loading when system boots up. Some of them are merely to check for updates, some other are more obnoxious.
  12. DNSBench hangs on my machine with an appcrash exception at the "verifying internet access" stage. I am already using OpenDNS. I am using Win7 x64.
  13. According to HDTune information tab, NCQ is still enabled for my HD even in IDE mode.
  14. Agreed. I've done that many times. The source file MUST CONTAIN 4 identical pages in this case. Then the printer lays them out in a 4-per-page layout.
  15. Agreed. NTFS is far superior than FAT in many areas, not only reliability and robustness.
  16. I think saying "defraggler is badly programmed" is quite an exaggeration, to say the least... Yes, while I agree it's not the fastest of the batch, it works quite properly.
  17. Indeed. As it has been stated before, it's just for testing purposes and probably aimed at someone who is programming/coding a defrag tool.
  18. Hello. Does anybody know if AHCI mode is imperative when using a SSD drive? I am asking because my optical drives don't work properly when ahci is enabled in bios.
  19. This sounds weird, huh? It's meant for testing purposes. Fragger
  20. Maybe they should just have these options disabled by default and explain what they do in the docs.
  21. As far as I know prefetch files are some sort of indexes used for altering the way applications (and boot files) load. I think they are quite good at minimizing DISK CACHE MISSES with regular HDDs. Do not empty your prefetch folder. The prefetching works quite well and it seems even better on Vista/7 when compared to XP. Doing some tests with Apptimer, a nifty free app, I have noticed loading time speedups up to 500% for certain applications. My harddisk is not the fastest out there, too. So prefetch, does work indeed and it does work well.
  22. This is a wishlist (in no particular order) for an upcoming future version of defraggler. Please feel free to add your own suggestions. - Ability to work with any partition supported for the Windows defragmenting API (e.g. partition size >= 2 TB). - Ability to defrag the MFT during a boot-time defrag. - Speed improvements. - Take prefetch and layout.ini into account for optimizing boot-time (boot files placement). - Options to sort data according to several criteria (last accessed, last used time...) This would be optional and customizable. - A fast fill option (defragment free space) that doesn't produce fragmentation. - Issue a warning about disable VSS volumes defrag and System Restore Points files (these options could probably be enabled by default).
  23. I have heard that W8 is not so cool as they intend you to believe.
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