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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. Some speed optimizations would be great. I have tested a lot of defragmenters lately and DF is beyond all of them in the speed department.
  2. Indeed. No antivirus is 100% safe unless your browser is shielded (no java, adblock plus, noscript, you get the picture...)
  3. Nice work Keatah. I love benchmarks.
  4. Hello. If you download the executable version (both x86 and x64 versions included), read carefully what it's displayed in the installation windows. Check carefully every tickmark out there. It attempts to install ask toolbar alongside another similar crapware.
  5. Defragging that 1,8TB partition COULD take some time. Try defragging from the file list IGNORING bit files (maybe those bigger than a certain size).
  6. Apart for the number of files, have you noticed any werid behaviour?
  7. Options -> Advanced -> Stop VSS on NTFS volumes. Options -> Advanced -> Use custom defragmentation settings -> Exclude Restore Points & Exclude hibernation file.
  8. Thanks for the heads up Hazel. Fortunately for me I have never had the need to run combofix. And like Keetah I always do backups of my system partition.
  9. Nice reading and a word of warning for many people. Thank you Nergal.
  10. Amazing. Great work. Thanks.
  11. I like MSE specially under Win7 systems. For XP I think Avast is less demanding specially on those not-so-powerful PCs.
  12. Yes, it seems so. Thanks Hazel.
  13. Mine it's working properly today. It says definitions were created Jan, 22th 2013. Granted, I run into this problem yesterday on a different PC. EDIT. I was wrong. Although the definitions were created on 22th, they weren't latest ones... DOH!
  14. I think someone reported that making smaller partitons didn't help but I am not 100% sure.
  15. I am still running Java for several years without problems. If you are using Firefox it could be a good idea to shield it using Noscript, Adblock plus, ghostery and so on. And ditto for Chrome (Scriptno, adblock plus, ghostery). I haven't run into any issues for years. I keep Java updated too of course. On the other hand, if you are pretty sure you don't need Java, just uninstall it (JavaRa might be needed to do a proper clean uninstallation).
  16. This is a known issue for bigger drives (1,5TB+). You will have to wait for a future release.
  17. The default is full defrag = SLOW.
  18. The more amount of physical RAM you PC has the less amount of pagefile it needs.
  19. I think that's beyond the scope of CCleaner, but I might be wrong.
  20. Another long shot in the dark: I cannot replicate this "bug" either. If you are using WinXP, try updating videocard drivers too. Also check if disabling Write Combining does anything for you. It's under Advanced options > Troubleshooting in video configuration. Right-click on desktop.
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